Secret Things Men Love...


Well-Known Member
While searching for articles on femininity (my new endeavor :look::lol:) I came across this article and thought I would share. I'd like to hear your opinions on it too.

It didn't sound as juvenile and annoying as the stuff in Cosmo... and I thought some of it was cute...


The Secret Things Men Love about Women

#1. Men LOVE women who are always positive and confident. Women who don't criticize other women or complain about their own personal flaws a lot are completely irresistible to guys.

#2. Guys love pony tails! They're fun, flirty, and frankly remind them of sex. So wear 'em!:ohwell:

#3. A woman wearing a skirt or dress is both rare and amazing. Play up your unique femininity with a cute summer dress or swishy skirt!:yep:

#4. The ultimate key to attraction? CONFIDENCE! A woman who stands firm in her beliefs, doesn't seek his approval, and believes in herself no matter what will attract men like bees to honey.
#5. Be upfront about what you want. Guys don't take hints and can't win at guessing games, so just tell them what you're looking for!:grin:

#6. Men love feminine women. This doesn't mean Barbie, it means a woman who is soft, kind, nurturing, emotionally grounded, and womanly.:)

#7. Men are attracted to women who aren't clingy. The attractive women have their own lives, dreams, ambitions, and things that are important to them that keep them busy....

#8. The woman who isn't anxious or nervous is incredibly attractive. She isn't scared off by particular people, places, or situations.
I falter. Terribly. I am an anxious girl sometimes:ohwell:

#9. Guys love a girl who drinks beer and will watch the game with them.

#10. Be adventurous! The exciting girl who initiates exciting and sometimes dangerous activities is nothing less than stellar in his eyes.

#11. Men love a girl who is playful. It is a natural part of being feminine and fun that they simply can't resist!

#12. Unbeatable technique: Flirt, give him attention, and then don't feel the need to talk the next day. This one drives guys wild!

#13. Hold your hair up with a pencil. It will fascinate guys because they don't understand how it works.:rolleyes:

#14. Maintain your spirit of independence, but don't make him feel unneeded.
Perpetual Singles Thread participants... we talked about that.

#15. Jeans + heels = sexy woman.:rolleyes:

#16. Speaking of heels, men LOVE them. There are very few occasions where heels aren't appropriate, so wear them! The way women walk in heels is killer for guys.

#17. Soft pink or peach colors are very attractive to men. Red is also, but it also gives the air of a more dominant woman.

#18. Cinnamon and vanilla scents are completely irresistible to men.

#19. The most attractive women always do one thing: they SMILE! No matter what, the woman who smiles is always more attractive than the one who doesn't.

#20. Men love a woman who speaks in a voice that is soft and smooth. This is also a good way to get an attractive prospect closer to you!

#21. Men will always appreciate a woman who is low drama, in control of her emotions, kind to others, and confident in herself no matter what. This is the ultimate standard of intense attraction.

#22. Guys love the back of a woman's neck, so pull your hair up and wear a nice warm vanilla or cinnamon perfume.

#23. Keep in shape, because guys are visual creatures and always will be!

#24. Men love women's hands and wrists. As part of your daily routine, take care of your hands with a good moisturizer, your nails with proper trimming and painting, and top it all off with an elegant bracelet.

#25. Men love a woman who cooks for him. It's true, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

#26. She gives him the look. Guys will always give attractive women the once-over, but when she returns it with a sultry glance, nothing is hotter than that.

#27. Men love the way women walk. They have a certain grace and smooth rocking motion that men can always appreciate.

#28. Soft skin and hair. There's nothing like it.

#29. Women's maternal instinct. It's something pretty much all women have, yet it drives men wild.

#30. Women smell good. Right after the gym or a night out without the perfume, women just smell good.
:look: I do not smell good after the gym. Power to those who do:lol:

I prefer to just "do me" until someone catches my eye, or I catch his.

I feel more comfortable and relaxed when I feel that a man is fundamentally attracted to me on the basis of what I do on the daily, so in case I forget to keep up with the points on a list like this (I think I do already comply with a few though), it does not matter.

After that, if I really want to be nice (read: I really like him), as I observe small things he individually likes, I might incorporate them from time to time into what I do, especially if I think it is something I might like to do (or something different I would like to wear, etc.) on a regular basis.

I prefer to tailor it to the man instead of doing a whole bunch of generic mess because every man likes something different, and I would get tired keeping up eith everything.
Yup, I agree with you.
I think they have some good points in this article, and some others that are reminiscent of "Seventeen" magazine and even Cosmo (the one about sex).

I like the tips that remind women to be independent, confident, not clingy, fun, and all of that. That is frankly what most books on dating seek to remind women, all the WMLB, WMMB, Rules, Steve Harvey's, etc.
Great tips!! It's easy to forget femininity in todays world, I'm trying to do better in that area myself.
The "Thanks" button is back, thank goodness!

I agree with just about all of it. I'm not a beer drinker though.

To me, the gist of the list is that in general, men like a confident, attractive, pleasant, good smelling woman whose life does not completely revolve around him. Common sense really.:yep:
Every man is different. I have had men who loved the sound of the voice, some love the sound of my voice when I am sleepy, some love when I wear dresses, some love when I wear braids.

I don't need men in general to be happy and attracted to me - just the one who is the apple of my eye at the time. Like Miamori said, it's fun to spend time getting to know an individual and finding out what makes him tick so you can turn it up a few notches for him every once and awhile. A woman would make herself very tired trying to be attractive to as many men as possible the majority of her time. Do what you like than you will find a man who likes that too instead of changing yourself to be an ideal woman and then losing your guys interest when he realizes that isn't really who you are.
There will always be men who have individual preferences but I don't think a woman can go wrong with the tips listed in that article. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I agree ^^^ :yep: Not every guy is into every thing on this list. I've been complimented for several of these qualities individually by different guys. I've never accepted the maternal/nuturing quality as a compliment though. :ohwell:

#13 is funny. I might do that just to see what happens.
My SO is BIG on this one:

#21. Men will always appreciate a woman who is low drama, in control of her emotions, kind to others, and confident in herself no matter what. This is the ultimate standard of intense attraction.

We're on the same page about NO drama, it's just a :nono: with the both of us. But I just found out recently that he also notices how I interact with other people, even when I'm on the phone with someone.
My SO HATES the smell of cinnamon. So much for that one.
Overall a good article though.
Great Tips - Some of which I have bitten off and enjoy chewing, (and the others -- Really and Truly?).
hmm.. I dunno, I've known a lot of men who don't mind a woman with so-so confidence because they can play the superhero role... Not saying they were all bad guys either, just maybe a little insecure.
All men are different. They like different things. Just try to convince me that black men WANT thier women to wear ponytails? IME, that is NOT the case.

And many men do not want the girlfriend around when they are drinking beers and watching football... that is what the homies are for.
And many men do not want the girlfriend around when they are drinking beers and watching football... that is what the homies are for.

my SO does :lol:

i'm not a huge fan of beer, but I really enjoy one when I'm with him. He gets all excited about the fact that i'm drinking one with him that the beer actually tastes good to me :lol:

now i even have a favorite beer (Heineken Light). I'm not going to go out and buy beer on my own b/c i'm not really into alcohol, but when in company and beer is the drink of choice, I'd pick a Heineken.
Very good post... I know my husband loves when I wear my hair in a high pony tail with bangs.
I agree with most,

1. DH loves vanilla: after every shower/bath, I spritz some on and he goes crazy. He's like WHAT is that! I'm like the same stuff I always wear.

2. After I get done flat ironing and curling my hair, he's like, "where's the ponytail, it is so classy" So much for my hard work, LOL

3. I go to the store weekly to pick up a case of beer and munchies for the game. I use to hate beer, but now I love a cold one, lol

4. I love cooking large meals for him. When we seperated for a few weeks, his friends were like " Man, how did you let her get away, all that good food". LOL

5. He loves when I am happy and goofy, but yet have the confidence and intelligence to get whatever I want.

Great article!