Seasonal Shedding

Interesting - my hair is almsot the exact opposite... I start shedding in late Sept, it starts easing up in Dec, my hair 'rests' til about March, then it takes off like gangbusters over the spring and summer.

But yes, I think it's natural to have seasonal shedding....
I normally have winter shedding. I think everyone's different. It's normally to have some type of seasonal shedding.
I know now that my hair sheds more during the summer and my growth spurt is fall and winter. My hair is growing like crazy!
I'm still in the stages where I am figuring out my hair and its growth and shedding patterns. I would have to say that generally, mine tends to have the same pattern as yours though.
My hair sheds during the fall. I'm just more careful with it and try to give it lots of TLC. :look: There's a difference between breaking and shedding though. When I notice breakage I do more deep conditioning. When it sheds I massage my scalp with oils and try to wear low manipulation styles.