Question Search feature missing?


Well-Known Member
The option to search the forums has disappeared from the top of the screen. Is anyone else experiencing this?
We are experiencing some issues with one of our servers. During this time, the search is disabled. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Copied from banner above.

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When will these missing features be returned. That's the best option on the site so I can go back to read all the comments in threads I like.
I found a work around on Google.
If you type in what u need then the word "site" with a ":" and the website address you can search within the site. If I'm looking for henna it would look like this on Google.


Hope this helps someone lol

Sent from my fantabulous Note 4 using LHCF
Yeah, your Google workaround is good for searching but I'm miss not having the "New Posts" button to see the current topics or being able to click on my name and see the threads I've participated in and if there are new posts after mine. The search function also affects all of these abilities.

It's a shame that we pay only to have an old, outdated server/forum experience. Black women always getting the shaft.
I found a work around on Google.
If you type in what u need then the word "site" with a ":" and the website address you can search within the site. If I'm looking for henna it would look like this on Google.


Hope this helps someone lol

Sent from my fantabulous Note 4 using LHCF
Thing is, this only works with the public forums. You can't search the forums that are for paying members only, like the OT and Entertainment forum, like this.

I'm really missing the search feature. This is ridiculous
I use the mobile app and I cannot access the participated threads tab because the search function is disabled. This was a a great feature of the app.
I paid for a subscription to another forum. I don't even use the search function that much but I like to "search" for new posts. That's my default mode of using the site. Right now I'm really only using the forum on the app or reading the emails on the threads I've subscribed to.

Is there an ETA for the fix?
I have barely been on because of this bug. The site really is not as easy to navigate through without the search and recent thread options. :-(