Question Search feature missing?

This is getting ridiculous now. No update or responses. This is poor service smh
That's the thing that's pissing me off. The fact that we are being ignored, even as paying members. We have this white man running a site frequented by Black women. I doubt this is one of his concerns. He's showing us what he really thinks of us by ignoring us and making our issues last on his list of concerns, even as he has promised for the past couple of months that an update is "a-coming." beverly please see Nikos for who he is and fire him. We need a better technician.
Anyway, the search feature missing isn't the only thing wrong with this site. He's ignored his many other duties that he's getting paid for. In a regular world, people get fired for not doing their job. But in a white man's world, they get paid vacation.
Anyway, the search feature missing isn't the only thing wrong with this site. He's ignored his many other duties that he's getting paid for. In a regular world, people get fired for not doing their job. But in a white man's world, they get paid vacation.

Do you for sure he's on the payroll? I kinda thought he was volunteering his time...because he operates sooooo slowly. If he is indeed getting paid he definitely needs to be fired.
At this point I take more issue with this thread being ignored by the moderators and Nikos. Someone should have said something by now even if it a "we are working on the issue it should be fixed in 2 weeks". The non communication is disrespectful and poor customer service. And yes we are customers as we've paid to be members of this site.
Yeah, I thought that beverly or dimopoulos would've responded by now.

Allandra, Supergirl: do you know when the search feature will return?

At this point I take more issue with this thread being ignored by the moderators and Nikos. Someone should have said something by now even if it a "we are working on the issue it should be fixed in 2 weeks". The non communication is disrespectful and poor customer service. And yes we are customers as we've paid to be members of this site.
At this point I take more issue with this thread being ignored by the moderators and Nikos. Someone should have said something by now even if it a "we are working on the issue it should be fixed in 2 weeks". The non communication is disrespectful and poor customer service. And yes we are customers as we've paid to be members of this site.


Now I was joking in the other thread, but not so much now. I bet if we demanded a months worth of money back, it would be addressed.

It's as if we don't matter and we don't deserve an update or an explanation. Like basically, forget them, they can wait.

ETA: I mentioned Nikos over a week ago, no response.
Not having the search function is very inconvenient. While it needed improvement, the search function was a large part of what made this forum user-friendly. I hope it returns very soon. It has been gone for way too long.

I wonder if it was removed to intentionally slow down the forum, if it's broken and is waiting to be fixed, or if it down while being revamped. I hope it is at least being improved.
Exactly! Many a duplicate thread have been made (1 by yours truly...:rolleyes:) because the search function isn't working.

What gives, guys?! :nono:

Not having the search function is very inconvenient. While it needed improvement, the search function was a large part of what made this forum user-friendly. I hope it returns very soon. It has been gone for way too long.

I wonder if it was removed to intentionally slow down the forum, if it's broken and is waiting to be fixed, or if it down while being revamped. I hope it is at least being improved.
this search function has been down for like 2 weeks already. I'm a member of other messageboards that are free that don't have as much issues as this one does. between the board and the's ridiculous
Still no response I see. They take people's money then don't even have the decency to type out a quick message to respond to people's questions. It would only take a few seconds. Whatever, I won't be renewing in a couple of weeks anyway.
I usually don't speak up, preferring to roll with the herd, but I am chiming in too. Echoing an earlier sentiment, the search function is an essential part of LHCF. The last several days, I've popped in just to see if it was back. and promptly left when I've seen it hasn't returned.

I must say I am a bit disappointed in the lack of feedback.
Here I was thinking the search feature was not working because my subscription expired. I paid for 2 years. HUMPH.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if many people don't renew :ohwell:

I personally won't after mine is up this year. A friend here had a problem with her subscription and the matter in which it was dealt with was very unprofessional. The customer service has declined over the years.Iv'e been here way too long and only stuck around for the makeup forum but event that is dying.
How is it possible that there has been no update? No estimated time of correction? Truly disappointed in this site and customer care.
lmao SmileyNY you siggy is funny.
I feel lost without the search button and i don't see why it hasn't been updated its been awhile since its been down.
This is getting really frustrating. I can understand a day or two, but this has been going on for too long. :nono: