Search and Destroy Questions?????


New Member
Hey lhc ladies!! :bouncegre

I am new to s & d and just tried it for the FIRST time 3 weeks ago :blush: and I must admit that I love it!! :dinner: So far I have been doing it every Friday and my question is, is that too often? Is that a good thing or am I doing more harm? Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks and Happy Friday!! :dance7:
Sorry to debo the thread, OP, but I need to know how to tackle the front and the back of the head during a S&D, thanks!!! :lachen:
I don't really have a set schedule for my sd. Still I probably do one at least 2-3 times a month. I wear my hair in a bun for many days and never see my ends so that pretty much cancels out my urge to snip more frequently.
Once a week is too often IMO. Think about it, if you have healthy hair care practices and are good at S&D, your hair can't possibly suffer enough damage in a week to warrant another cut.
Sorry to debo the thread, OP, but I need to know how to tackle the front and the back of the head during a S&D, thanks!!! :lachen:

see that is exactly why i think i have to do it so much because i can never seem to get all of the front and back in one sitting!! :spinning:
I don't really have a set schedule for my sd. Still I probably do one at least 2-3 times a month. I wear my hair in a bun for many days and never see my ends so that pretty much cancels out my urge to snip more frequently.

i wish i could do that but i have to take my bun down every day or my hair will get matted and tangled :wallbash:
Once a week is too often IMO. Think about it, if you have healthy hair care practices and are good at S&D, your hair can't possibly suffer enough damage in a week to warrant another cut.

hmmm that is a good point but i dont think im getting all of them so i did a really good dusting this am to see if that helps.:grin:
I usually do mine maybe once a month, but I've done it every 2 weeks before. Are you finding a lot to snip when you do yours?

not really a lot but each time i search i always see something rather it be a few splits or a few knots. i read in an archive that knots are normal for curly hair so maybe this is a problem that i cant escape.:spinning:
It takes a long time to S & D the whole head. I do it whenever I am just sitting by a bright light and I have my sharp scissors nearby.

I use the twist method so I don't lose any length.
i wish i could do that but i have to take my bun down every day or my hair will get matted and tangled :wallbash:

I have had that prob in the past too. Here are some things that have helped me:

I always detangle in sections before bunning with a seamless not too wide comb, tip to root.

I soak my hair in coconut oil and braid my hair into two or one braids and create a cin. bun style bun and secure it with bobby pins with a rounded tip.

I find when I do this I have pretty much no tangles or matting. Then there is the added bonus of not having your hair available for impromptu s/d's.
I also wanted to add that when detangling, I almost never comb dry. I always use some type of detangler and coconut oil for easy slip.
I have had that prob in the past too. Here are some things that have helped me:

I always detangle in sections before bunning with a seamless not too wide comb, tip to root.

I soak my hair in coconut oil and braid my hair into two or one braids and create a cin. bun style bun and secure it with bobby pins with a rounded tip.

I find when I do this I have pretty much no tangles or matting. Then there is the added bonus of not having your hair available for impromptu s/d's.

i have been wearing a donut bun since oct and my hair has been growing like crazy but my hair gets tangled and the very very tip of my ends get crunchy. at night i put my hair in a pony tail and i take all of my hair and just wrap it around and around and secure it with a ouchless scrunchy and i sleep with a satin bonnet oh i also moisturize every night. do you think my bun and my sleep style could be hurting my ends? and do you have a pic of your cinn. bun?:grin:
I also wanted to add that when detangling, I almost never comb dry. I always use some type of detangler and coconut oil for easy slip.

i use detangler and moisturizer too. i have some coconut oil but i havent been using it faithfully. i know everyone hear loves it but it seems to make my hair too greasy:blush:
keep s&d to a minimum, better off waiting til trim time imo. i started doing s&d after hearing about it on here that now my right side is thinner than the left and uneven now :(. s&d should be kept to a real minimum or not done at all imo.

twisting and snipping is also not a good way to do it, because you end up cutting good healthy strands and just because the strands are sticking out does not mean they are splits, some people snip the strands sticking out and that's wrong snip the splits only.

i'm done with s&d I can't be following everything I read on hairboards sometimes it can do more harm than help.
keep s&d to a minimum, better off waiting til trim time imo. i started doing s&d after hearing about it on here that now my right side is thinner than the left and uneven now :(. s&d should be kept to a real minimum or not done at all imo.

twisting and snipping is also not a good way to do it, because you end up cutting good healthy strands and just because the strands are sticking out does not mean they are splits, some people snip the strands sticking out and that's wrong snip the splits only.

i'm done with s&d I can't be following everything I read on hairboards sometimes it can do more harm than help.

wow that was a good way of looking at it thankz! ok so i will do the s & d ever so often just to get those splits but i will concentrate more on dusting because i dont like when my ends are uneven.
see that is exactly why i think i have to do it so much because i can never seem to get all of the front and back in one sitting!! :spinning:

See lol. I agree with longhairlover though, it seems as though you just basically have to be careful it seems and keep it minimum when you think the hair is seriously scraggly. I have tried to do this S&D thing and it just does not work for me. When I do my hair , it appears to be healthy so I think I am just going to stick to occasional dustings and maybe attack any split ends where I see fit, but I am kind of tired of looking for them.
i have been wearing a donut bun since oct and my hair has been growing like crazy but my hair gets tangled and the very very tip of my ends get crunchy. at night i put my hair in a pony tail and i take all of my hair and just wrap it around and around and secure it with a ouchless scrunchy and i sleep with a satin bonnet oh i also moisturize every night. do you think my bun and my sleep style could be hurting my ends? and do you have a pic of your cinn. bun?:grin:

I wish I could give you some insight on that, but i have never worn a doughnut bun and as a result I really don't know of any negatives about wearing them.

Are you securing an ouchless scrunchy at the ends of oyur hair at night? Unless my hair is in a bun, I try to give my hair a break at night to rid my hair of tension. So I only use duckbill clips if I am wrapping and/or nothing else.

I don't think I have any pics of my cin bun. I will check and post some if I do. At this moment, I have given my hair a few days off from bunning and I have been wearing a wash and go curly ponytail. I will more than likely start bunning again in the middle of next week. If I do, I will post some pics for you then. My buns aren't as deelish looking as some of the buns I have seen on lhcf. I spend a lot of my time during the day around working around women who I have zero desire to impress so it may not be the prettiest bun you have seen.
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See lol. I agree with longhairlover though, it seems as though you just basically have to be careful it seems and keep it minimum when you think the hair is seriously scraggly. I have tried to do this S&D thing and it just does not work for me. When I do my hair , it appears to be healthy so I think I am just going to stick to occasional dustings and maybe attack any split ends where I see fit, but I am kind of tired of looking for them.
yeah that is true because now i find myself CONSTANTLY looking for them. i guess this method can become addictive if you are not careful :drunk:
I wish I could give you some insight on that, but i have never worn a doughnut bun and as a result I really don't know of any negatives about wearing them.

Are you securing an ouchless scrunchy at the ends of oyur hair at night? Unless my hair is in a bun, I try to give my hair a break at night to rid my hair of tension. So I only use duckbill clips if I am wrapping and/or nothing else.

I don't think I have any pics of my cin bun. I will check and post some if I do. At this moment, I have given my hair a few days off from bunning and I have been wearing a wash and go curly ponytail. I will more than likely start bunning again in the middle of next week. If I do, I will post some pics for you then. My buns aren't as deelish looking as some of the buns I have seen on lhcf. I spend a lot of my time during the day around working around women who I have zero desire to impress so it may not be the prettiest bun you have seen.

yeah i put the ouchless bun around my hair to keep in place but after talking to you i guess that is the wrong idea :spinning: so i just had my daughter moisturize my hair and put it in two braids for me and i have a satin cap on. and cool please post pics whenever you can and thanks for your tips!! :grin:
yeah that is true because now i find myself CONSTANTLY looking for them. i guess this method can become addictive if you are not careful :drunk:

YES! And I am a clipping/cutting ADDICT! I think I have cut a couple of inches of progress unnecessarily this year because I thought I had some split ends here and there.

I am texlaxed, but like you, I get the tangles and stuff and think its split ends; now... I think it is just my hair texture, because I AM retaining length!
So, I am trying to get myself in the mode of unless I see some major breakage going on constantly, then I shouldn't alarm myself. It is hard, but I am getting there. :grin:

As some other ladies have even said, split ends are inevitable, just as long as your head isn't chock full of them, I think you will live...
S&D's are when you're looking at individual strands as opposed to snipping of the ends right? Doing it the 1st way gives me eye strain which gives me headache so I can never quite get into it. I suppose if you surround yourself with mirrors you'll have better luck getting more. Or just do a section of hair every so often. Maybe when my hair gets longer. I have crazy layers randomly, I can get into it.
YES! And I am a clipping/cutting ADDICT! I think I have cut a couple of inches of progress unnecessarily this year because I thought I had some split ends here and there.

I am texlaxed, but like you, I get the tangles and stuff and think its split ends; now... I think it is just my hair texture, because I AM retaining length!
So, I am trying to get myself in the mode of unless I see some major breakage going on constantly, then I shouldn't alarm myself. It is hard, but I am getting there. :grin:

As some other ladies have even said, split ends are inevitable, just as long as your head isn't chock full of them, I think you will live...

lmao good advice!! thanks :lachen: