Search and Destroy for your middle and back of your head...

I don't know, I just pull the back part of my hair around to the front and snip, snip. I'm not that precise with it.
I'm not talking about the very ends, but the split ends throughout your entire head of hair.
I have the same problem, my hair is about apl and it's difficult to get them split ends in the very middle not so much at the nape area. I just blindly snip and pray that I get them, or I ask my mom to get them for me. So i'm just as curious.....BUMP BUMP
If I can't see it, I ain't cutting it. I made that mistake on my first nappiversary and ended up cutting off inches of hair :cry3: So I just waited to S&D on that part of my head until it was long enough to easily access.
I wonder if you can use a double mirror. I use to use a double mirror to do parts in the back of my head. Once you get your coordination down working with a mirror image, it would probably work
I'd like to know as well. My S&Ds now have been for SSK which aren't too hard to find but I know I will need to worry about splits too. When my hair was longer (APL-BSL) I would cut in front of the mirror. I watched how my stylist cut to keep things even and used that method.