Sealing Moisture w/Oil on Wet Hair?


New Member
I have been having some dryness issues lately and have been trying some new things to combat. Today I deep conditioned on dry hair with my conditioner cocktail and cowashed. I have read on here that many ladies seal in their leave-ins with oil on wet hair, so I tried it. My dryness is virtually gone now. My hair is back to normal. Anyway my question: Is it necessary to re-moisturize throughout the week?
Yes you need to add more moisture during the week, I can't go without it, I moisturize twice a day some folks just do it on wash days only but my hair just soaks up everything so I just give it what it needs, again see how your hair thrives and work to suit, in other words listen to your hair:)
Oil is the only way to seal in moisture. I am glad it worked for you. I do have to keep my hair moisturize but not as much.
guesswho said:
Yes you need to add more moisture during the week, I can't go without it, I moisturize twice a day some folks just do it on wash days only but my hair just soaks up everything so I just give it what it needs, again see how your hair thrives and work to suit, in other words listen to your hair:)

this is not true for everyone, there are some people that don't have to moisturize everyday, applying product everyday can lead to dryness and breakage for some people

CoCoEsperesso, i would just listen to my hair like guesswho said, if your hair is dry remoisturize, if not leave it alone until it needs the moisture

i'm just trying to put another option for you out there, no product or technique is an absolute must for everyone
The reason I asked was because until I touched-up a couple of weeks ago, my hair was fine. I'm guessing that the dryness was somehow relaxer-related. Anywho, I always, always, always DC, use leave-ins, apply moisturizers daily and seal with oil. The only thing that I really changed was sealing while wet and my dryness is gone. It's kind of strange. Oh, I forgot to mention that I did DC on dry hair with a new mixture and cowashed after that. I'm not sure if it was the DC or sealing or both. I don't really care though because if it aint broke don't fix it. I'll continue to do this until my hair needs change again.
I totally agree with destiny616. You have to experiment and pay attention to how your hair reacts. Not every head of hair needs moisture added everyday.
When I first started takin care of my hair I would seal on wet hair w/ EVOO. Stopped for awhile because I ran out and was too lazy to get some more. Then just started back up and I can tell a difference. I still moisturize when dry and putting it up but only once thru out the day.