Scissor Happy Hair Stylist Catastrophe


New Member
This is my first time posting. I usually lurk. I thank everyone for the advice they've given on LHCF, because it was immensely useful the first couple of years I went natural, and my hair grew past my collarbone, and it looked beautiful.

Now, it's just gone. I've been my own stylist for two years since going natural. The last time I sat in a stylist chair, following my big cut, she pressed my hair with high heat, so it left my curl pattern permanently damaged in one spot.

I grew it out, though. With the tips I've gotten from other naturals, my 4a-b hair grew past my collarbone, and was bra strap in the back (the longest it's ever been in my life). I even inspired other girls to go natural.

Now, I can't even look in the mirror. I'm so embarrassed. I went in to place called Cuts R Us to get my split ends trimmed off. By the time I left a good four inches was gone on the sides and five or more in the back. All of the progress I made the latter half of my first year and second year -- all gone thanks to this woman.

Now I'm literally left with a "boy cut" that I can't even style. I can't even wear twists outs -- that's how f'ed up it is. And I could wear one my first year after my big cut. So, that tells you how badly she messed it up. If I had a pet, I wouldn't even trust this woman to give a cut to my dog.

I feel like this stylist did this on purpose. She was a 4a natural too for six years. But she had a TWA she constantly cut because she didn't know how to care for her own hair. And she mainly took care of the hair of white boys/girls. She said didn't even know how to style her own hair, and just kept cutting it off because she didn't know what to do with it.

I'm usually a peaceful person, but if I saw her in the streets, I'd probably give her a beat down. My hair is up in twists now, but I'm devastated. I will never, NEVER let anyone else touch my hair, except for me, in the future.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has gone through a tremendous set back like this? And what did you do to overcome it?
I read your story and am sorry for your loss.

Only thing I know to do is keep doing what you were doing before the cut. 'Cause seems like you were doing everything right 'til the SHS came along.

For my understanding, how does one sit in a chair and let someone cut 3 - 4 inches off? There have been several threads about this. I just don't understand how it happens.

I'm a DIY'er and don't go to stylists.
I'm so sorry to hear about your set-back. :sad: This exact same thing happened to me and time, patience and prayer helped me recover. I say prayer, because I was fiery mad for a bit. In my case I went to a Great Clips and it was a white girl who cut my hair. I too should have seen the signs when she was amazed at my length and asked how long I'd been growing it out, then saying how she couldn't get her shoulder length hair to grow.

It was supposed to be a 1-2 inch trim, but she ended up cutting 6-7 inches. I went from below waist length back to bra strap length. All said and done it took me 16 months to get back to waist length (the cut happened in March of 2010). See pics below.

You too can recover. It will just take a little time. :hug2:

Before the cut:



After the cut:



Recovering the length:


(straight hair pic from about 5 months ago)

During the time I was recovering the length I just tried not to focus on the lost length each time I shampooed or manipulated my hair. I also wore a lot of buns or styles where the lost length wasn't as obvious to me. I also did find that I visited LHCF less and didn't do as much fotki updating. I just wasn't in the mental space to want to talk hair during that time.

My setback definitely convinced me that I will be a self-trimmer/cutter for life. I'd rather mess my own hair up than let someone else sabotage over a year's worth of progress again.
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Wow, all I can say is wow, I'm so sorry! I'm literally stunned that she would take off so much, Why, there's no purpose!

All I can say is, stay positive and work toward a new goal, as if your starting a new, more interesting journey. As they say, "A set-back is a means for a Come-back, Wish you the best! :rolleyes:
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I read your story and am sorry for your loss.

Only thing I know to do is keep doing what you were doing before the cut. 'Cause seems like you were doing everything right 'til the SHS came along.

For my understanding, how does one sit in a chair and let someone cut 3 - 4 inches off? There have been several threads about this. I just don't understand how it happens.

I'm a DIY'er and don't go to stylists.
I'm my experience, stylists get away with over-trimming/cutting by facing a person away from the mirror during the cut and only cutting off a half inch or inch at a time (or you are facing the mirror and they have your hair positioned where you can't see their hands cutting in the mirror).

While they're cutting there are never any super long pieces of hair falling to the floor. And at a place like the one I went to (Great Clips), they specialize in cutting hair fast and you'd be amazed at how much a person can cut in just a few seconds, before you realize what's happening.

In only a few minutes months or years of progress can be taken.
I'm my experience, stylists get away with over-trimming/cutting by facing a person away from the mirror during the cut and only cutting off a half inch or inch at a time (or you are facing the mirror and they have your hair positioned where you can't see their hands cutting in the mirror).

While they're cutting there are never any super long pieces of hair falling to the floor. And at a place like the one I went to (Great Clips), they specialize in cutting hair fast and you'd be amazed at how much a person can cut in just a few seconds, before you realize what's happening.

In only a few minutes months or years of progress can be taken.
Thank you for the explanation. I was traumatized and had heart palpitations while reading this. I've already resolved never to go to a stylist to get my hair straightened (too scurred of heat damage). Look like I'll always be a DIY'er and keep trimming my own hair.

I read your story and am sorry for your loss.

Only thing I know to do is keep doing what you were doing before the cut. 'Cause seems like you were doing everything right 'til the SHS came along.

For my understanding, how does one sit in a chair and let someone cut 3 - 4 inches off? There have been several threads about this. I just don't understand how it happens.

I'm a DIY'er and don't go to stylists.
No shade but I really hate this question. What are you supposed to do after the first snip? Leave with a big plug in your hair? :ohwell: When I had my setback 2 years ago, I actually had the "trim convo" with my stylist and she hacked 4-5 inches anyway. Now I WILL refuse to pay.

Anyway, I'm sorry for your setback, OP. I know this offers very little comfort right now but it grows back :yep:
Semo, that's exactly what happened to me! At first, I was turned toward the mirror when she first started. She showed me a layer, and said she wasn't cutting too much off (about 1/4"). Then she turned me away from the mirror, and after she finished several inches and more were gone!
I am not trying to be rude but are you exaggerating the amount she cut off or your length beforehand. I just cannot seem to get around how 5 inches can take you from bsl to a boy cut. You should look at your hair again. There might be more you can do with it than you think.
Seems if tho y'all need to go Madea up in the salon :lachen::lachen:

I've been in your shoes OP :yep: Before I found the boards a SHS turned a trim into a cut. ((((((hugs)))))))
With natural hair, it shrinks up , so it's possible. My hair was almost shoulder length (unshrunken) before. It barely reaches my ears now.
No shade but I really hate this question. What are you supposed to do after the first snip? Leave with a big plug in your hair? :ohwell: When I had my setback 2 years ago, I actually had the "trim convo" with my stylist and she hacked 4-5 inches anyway. Now I WILL refuse to pay.

Anyway, I'm sorry for your setback, OP. I know this offers very little comfort right now but it grows back :yep:

I always thought they were cutting a little at a time, not 5 inches in one chop. This makes me so nervous about going to a salon. I feel like I have to be a bi*** to keep them from hacking all my hair off. Normally when I go to a new stylist I tell them up front to keep the scissors out of my hair or I'm not paying. For someone I've been going to for a while I have them cut me in front of a mirror, with a hand mirror in case they turn me. As a rule, I never let a stylist cut my hair on the first visit.
That's why I started the poll asking if your on this journey alone. Your BFF could watch your back while your in the chair.

You could also start off by telling them you got a shank in your purse :look:
I'm sorry, I know how that feels. You actually go through the grief stages. I guess the bright spot is that acceptance comes eventually. But I know for the time being, you are really upset. Again, I'm sorry. :(
With natural hair, it shrinks up , so it's possible. My hair was almost shoulder length (unshrunken) before. It barely reaches my ears now.


One of the things I missed most when my hair got cut was not just the inches of hair she cut, but the weight those inches provided. I had so much more shrinkage afterward because previously the weight of my hair (as it got longer) had been stretching out my curls.