Another Scissor Happy Stylist..Im Pssed!

janeemat said:
Thanks ladies for your support. I called the salon this morning but got the voicemail. I don't think I'm going to even bother about asking her why she did not do as I requested. At this point it does not matter. My plan is to go back with another 6 months worth of no trim ends and that's when I will set her straight. I'm pretty good at doing my own hair and the only time I go to the salon is to my stylist for my touch up every 8-9 wks. I just wanted something a little different for tonight. I guess I got it too. I'm going to start fresh after Christmas slightly revamp my regimen. I will share that with you all later once I think it through some. I Must GAIN and RETAIN 6 inches in 2007! WARNING: DO NOT LET A STYLIST NEAR YOUR HAIR WITH SCISSORS! This is serious business.

I am so sorry that this has happened to you, But WHY Oh WHY would you even consider letting her touch your head again, Girl once would be enough for me. I do my own hair because of this same exact BS from a stylist. Please find a stylist that will respect your wishes. I used to be a sytlist (1995-2000) and I always use to respect my clients wishes. WARNING: Don't go back to that helfer anymore :lachen: Im serious :)
UmSumayyah said:
So she disrespected you (OP) and you are going to REWARD her with more of your $$? Yeah, that'll send the message.:(

:( I agree, She wouldn't get another dime of my money :(
I'm sorry this happened to you. I've been there. I went from APL to above my shoulders. Setbacks happen. Just do your best to take care of your hair and don't go back to her again.
I'm sorry this happened to you- my hair didn't start growing until I stopped all the little "trims." This setback is just going to have to be a hard lesson to learn and on the bright side, your ends will be so much thicker as you continue your hair growth journney:) . I have a theory that we lose so much hair with a trim because a lot of AA hairdressers are just itching to cut someone's hair. Admit it, doesn't it seem like it would be a fun thing to do? When was the last time you heard a black woman say, "I've gotta go get a haircut." So, they get a little too carried away when given the opportunity to trim your hair. Don't sweat it though, you'll get it back in no time.
On November 22 I got my ends trimmed unwillingly when I got a relaxer. Even though it was just a centimeter I was sooo mad because she just started trimming my hair without asking and I had a good 1/2 inch in that month. SO I was pissed and put a vent on this board and the ladies told me to STAND UP and say that you do not want your hair trimmed. Well today I went and this heifer said I needed my ends trimmed again! Because I told her that I might stretch my relaxer and get braids or a weave and she said "well you need your ends trimmed so when you take out the braids your hair won't split even more." And I said thats ok. And she said you really need them trimmed. And I said my hair split that much in a month (I've been doing protective styling and using Profectiv Healthy Ends faithfully). And she said no..but..and I said NO!:mad: And that was that. I don't play that mess anymore! And I'm not too assertive with hairstylists but this board has helped me step up. So when you say no, those stylists should take no for an answer. You are paying them to do what you want. The customer is always right. And that's your hard earned you should get what you ask for!
evagray said:
On November 22 I got my ends trimmed unwillingly when I got a relaxer. Even though it was just a centimeter I was sooo mad because she just started trimming my hair without asking and I had a good 1/2 inch in that month. SO I was pissed and put a vent on this board and the ladies told me to STAND UP and say that you do not want your hair trimmed. Well today I went and this heifer said I needed my ends trimmed again! Because I told her that I might stretch my relaxer and get braids or a weave and she said "well you need your ends trimmed so when you take out the braids your hair won't split even more." And I said thats ok. And she said you really need them trimmed. And I said my hair split that much in a month (I've been doing protective styling and using Profectiv Healthy Ends faithfully). And she said no..but..and I said NO!:mad: And that was that. I don't play that mess anymore! And I'm not too assertive with hairstylists but this board has helped me step up. So when you say no, those stylists should take no for an answer. You are paying them to do what you want. The customer is always right. And that's your hard earned you should get what you ask for!

Im glad you put her in check :mad: No one should be pressured to do something they don't want to do. :mad: The state needs to do something about some of these beauticians.
I agree. Where I live currently, there are only 2 stylists who do black hair. Anyway, my last straw with one of them was she cut 3 inches off my hair when I told her to take off a 0.5 inch. Mind you, I was a moron for going to her. Two months before she cut my hair, my friend who had BSL hair asked her to trim an inch. She took her up to shoulder length!:eek: Then, she had the nerve to tell her that all of hair was damaged, so she had to do it. Her recommendation was that my friend come to her every 2 weeks and she would condition it and doctor it back to health (for $40 each time). My friend did this for 2 months and never saw any growth/progress. Her hair looked dry and damaged. She got wise and stopped going. Reason for the lack of progress: This woman was beyond sneaky. She would covertly grab scissors when your head was turned to the mirror (if you were reading) and start trimming (and worse yet, she trimmed uneven). When you figured it out, she would say, "I had to. It was all damaged." Then, she whipped out the Marcel and fried the rest.

Lucia said:
Don't even bother going back to her, she'll just cut you hair off and say see you should come to me, more often so you won't have so much splits/damaged hair, if you can learn how do do your hair yourself, you won't take that chance that she or someone else will disrepect your wishes and do what they want in your hair. Maybe you can find someone just for touch ups, no trimms/cuts ever-do that yourself. Just lie like the ladies stated i just got a trimm.
I was thinking about getting a real trimm soon, but your story has just reminded me how evil some people can be.
A while ago I half straightened my hair then got it trimmed at supercuts type place they did what I asked then I went to a stylist to flat iron my hair, this old lady w/ her grandkids were like oh you hairs so pretty, then she came behind me with the scissors while I was checking the mirror, If I hadn't gotten up, she would have hacked it off I'm sure, I was like I didn't ask you for a cut, she's like um you didn't? (real slick right) then I'm like I just got a trimm. I've never gone back even though they do a swinging flat iron. Alot fo the longer haired ladies here don't go to stylists and they have got thick, long ,healthy hair. Watch your back.
Just foloow Supergirls tip: STay away from scissor happy stylists.
Sorry that happened to you too. That's why I went to Walgreens and bought the Split Ender when I feel I need a trim. It only cuts 1/4 inch of hair. One of my best investments.
I am angry :mad: that this happened to you.
Evagray said it right!! Be ASSERTIVE, maintain your personal space!!!!!!!!! YOUR hair, YOUR time, YOUR money. The stylists are not doing a favor for anyone when doing hair, they are being paid to do a requested service. I am very assertive since having my scalp cooked at my last touch-up. I say WHO does my hair, WHO shampoos me, WHICH products to use and better not pick up those scissors. The first time I went to the salon I frequent now, the beautician trimmed my ends. The left side is shorter than the right, she wanted to shorten the longer side to equal the shorter. I told her NO, it will catch up {LHCF!}. I was listened to, she didn't do it. Every time I go, a different stylist wants to do something or other to my hair; I politely decline even the simple removal of the rollers by
un-chosen hands. I trust my chosen beautician. I'm sorry about any offense I may cause them but I'm working too hard for one of them to destroy my efforts. SAY NO AND MEAN IT!!!!
evagray said:
On November 22 I got my ends trimmed unwillingly when I got a relaxer. Even though it was just a centimeter I was sooo mad because she just started trimming my hair without asking and I had a good 1/2 inch in that month. SO I was pissed and put a vent on this board and the ladies told me to STAND UP and say that you do not want your hair trimmed. Well today I went and this heifer said I needed my ends trimmed again! Because I told her that I might stretch my relaxer and get braids or a weave and she said "well you need your ends trimmed so when you take out the braids your hair won't split even more." And I said thats ok. And she said you really need them trimmed. And I said my hair split that much in a month (I've been doing protective styling and using Profectiv Healthy Ends faithfully). And she said no..but..and I said NO!:mad: And that was that. I don't play that mess anymore! And I'm not too assertive with hairstylists but this board has helped me step up. So when you say no, those stylists should take no for an answer. You are paying them to do what you want. The customer is always right. And that's your hard earned you should get what you ask for!

SIGH* Another salon horror story- it pains me to read your story because I also can relate. I got bitten-TWICE. Once by a stylist and another by a "loved one" my aunt, who is also a stylist. So I trust NO ONE anymore, please do the same. We must learn to trim our own hair.
Yea I went from APL to ear when I was little once...the day before Easter...and I will never forget it!!!!!:mad: I'm really going to look into learning how to trim my own hair now that I think about it!
Ladies, thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement. I really started not to sign back on the board for awhile since all of my hard work went down the drain. I've been really depressed about this and has literally lost sleep. I got up this morning for church and decided to just pull my hair back in a bun because I did not want all of the questions about the cut. Before the day was over, the side were falling down. That's how much that witch cut me. I know that I mentioned going back again, but in listening to good advice from you ladies, I will definitely NOT being returning again. Someone suggested walking by the shop, but I believe that I will make an appt and then cancel at the last minute and tell her that I decided not to keep the appt because of her disrespecting my wish and cutting my hair against my will. I miss feeling my hair on my shoulders. Starting Wed I will be co wash and deep cond twice a week. I will continue to bun 5 days and stay strong on my vitamin regimen. I'm going for the most growth that I can possibly retain in six months. Again thanks so much. Just reading your posts has made me feel better.
Jane, sorry this happened to you! Your hair will be back to its length soon...

I recently got a trim and the woman showed me how much she wanted to trim by holding my ends between her fingers and asked if I wanted more or less (I said less--and she complied). The other time I went to that salon the woman cut a little off and stopped (unlike my former place that kept going and going...) I think demanding "let me see how much you're going to cut" is a good idea. It's so weird how we're not assertive when we're sitting in the stylist's chair--as if they're the experts or something! Please! Some of them are too crazy!