Scissor Happy Hair Growth


New Member
So ladies I need some suggestions. My goal is to obtain shoulder length healthy relaxed hair. Not knocking my naturals because I absolutely LOVE seeing natural heads but I've learned that I love what relaxers do for me. I don't have an issue with chemical damage I have an issue with scissors. At least 3-4 times a year my hair gets cut by either myself or a stylist that I try. Recently I got so frustrated with my neck length hair that I decided to go get the Halle Berry cut that I now hate even more. Prior to that, my hair was almost fully shoulder length and the stylist decided to give me a haircut instead of the trim I asked for leaving me with neck length hair. So what would you guys recommend as to how I can stay away from the scissors and hopefully reach my hair goals??

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I agree with diadall. Do your hair and trims yourself. You can also twitch a little and threaten bodily harm the next time a stylist cuts your hair.
I'm a stylist gal and I only get trimmed a couple times a year. I let my stylist KNOW and I watch her every move and if my mother is with me she watches them for me. The last trim the lady tried to cut more than I desired and I gave her the stare of death and she moved her hands down and trimmed =)
Stay away from stylists that pressure you to cut your hair. I've found that to be most of them. I usually self-trim. If you continue to go to a stylist and she suggests a trim, firmly say no. As you spend more time working with your hair, you will be much more familiar with it than the stylist, so you will know if you need a trim or not. You won't have to rely on her "advice."

When my hair was neck-length, I rollerset and left my hair curly (no blowdryer or flat iron), braided one braid and pinned the tail under, or baggie under a phony pony until I reached shoulder length.

At the time, I was relaxing every 8 weeks. I slowly started stretching the time out longer.

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I recently went from bsl to sl thanks to the last stylist I went to. I asked for a TRIM! I refuse to go to another stylist, no disrespect to good stylists. That's actually why I joined lhcf a few days ago. My feelings we're so hurt when I got out of that chair!

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I don't see a problem with going to a stylist if you aren't comfortable cutting your own hair. But do what I plan to do. Tell her/him that you want a trim and show them EXACTLY how much you want off. Tell them you will not be paying for a full fledged cut and if they screw up your trim, then it is their fault and therefore not my financial responsibility. I don't pay for anything I don't want. And then do what the PP's said:twitch, give her the stare of death, mutter some incantations while staring in her eyes. Whatever you gotta do to be sure you get what ask for

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