Scissor Happy Challenge: 2011

Nope, the didn't post. I had never heard of twisting like this before. Nonie said she never has to detangle since doing her hair like this. I'm not doing mini-twists anymore but if it works for chunky twists too, I figure it can't hurt to try.

Mmmmmm Mid back length!!!!!! I can't wait!

Okay @DesignerCurls , here are the youtube links with how to's:

Hey @hareluvah
Here's a picture. Not quite MBL but I am like an inch/ inch and half away!!!


  • Apr1'11-July1'11.jpg
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You go lady! Your hair is growing beautifully and most importantly it looks soooooo healthy! Great job! You will be WL in no time if you keep retaining like that.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut my hair. I know I know, as the OP I should be ashamed of myself, right? But I just have way to many splits and knots to justify going through my hair strand by strand. It took two hours to cut all of the ssk's out of about an inch section of my hair. I definitely think the tangle teezer had something to do with it because I have never in my LIFE had mid-shafts splits or this many ssk's and that's including when I was blond.

I'm trying not to get discouraged by the fact that I have been natural for going on 15 years and have never made it past APL with healthy ends. But, I really truly believe that after I do this cut,and even my hair out, I will be on the grow for real for the first time. I am hoping for 99% retention. (gotta factor in those shed hairs:)

Also somewhat of a blessing, my daughter has been yanking on my hair so I literally keep it covered for the majority of the day. I really do have to baby my ends. I can't even straighten my hair, my hair just can't handle it. My whole life my mom told me I had rough hair so I always thought it meant it could handle a lot. But I know with absolute certainty the opposite is true. I can't dye it, straighten it, mess with it too much... nothing.

Sorry for the long post.

Thanks for letting me vent. I wil try and upload some pictures later in the week.

Great job again, and keep up the good work!
Things are cool, so far so good. Thnx. And I've been wearing a wet bun for week or so lately. A few weeks ago I started back to straightening with just my green tea (aphogee)
and pm (super skinny). And my hair has much more body, less ssk's, but it also felt as if it was missing something. And i'm also pretty sure it was more protein (that was missing). And i'm just glad I've re-upped my nu expressions products. I've dusted once or twice too. (Don't stone me) Goodluck ladies!
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Awwww hareluvah I am so sorry that you might have to cut your hair. And don't worry about the long post...venting is good for ya! :yep: Is it possible to just dust your ends every month to eliminate the split ends and ssk?

Look at it this way, being natural for 15 years is a good thing and an encouragement but I don't think there was alot of information available for a caring for natural hair. At least not that I could find and I was natural 2 other times before this. All I ever did was wear head wraps because I just didn't know what to do with my hair. So alot seem like it's still new.

This time after finding fotki and LHCF it still took me 2.5 years to find products and techniques that work for my hair! :perplexed So don't be discouraged because you still have time to get your hair in order before the end of the year!!!

Yes our hair is extremely delicate! Less is best for my hair too! Using alot of products for my wash n go's cause ssk but incorporating hard protein treatments back into my regimen along with ceramide oils helps.

Ok I'm starting to ramble :spinning: but I just wanted to share because setbacks are no fun!

Keep me posted!
Thanks for your words of encouragement DesignerCurls

I haven't done anything drastic yet. I want to take a look at the rest of my hair and see how bad the damage really is.

Yeah, I had absolutely NO IDEA how to take care of my hair properly until recently.
But knowledge is power, and I'm so glad I know what I know now. It's all about looking forward. I'm excited to see what my hair can do with the right care.
Thanks for checking in. What ps are you wearing? Way to go with your light dusting! Were you tempted to cut more?

I had to do a pretty major cut. My hair was way more damaged than I realized. I'm reading the thread about how to post pics now so I can show you guys the before and after.

I'm honestly wondering if growing my hair is feasible right now. Between taking care of the little one and the household and trying to hustle with side projects, I'm getting to bed at 2am and am lucky if I get 5 hours a night. Not saying this to complain but taking care of hair does take time and I straight up don't have any extra right now.

I have simplified my regimen greatly and finally figured out what my hair likes (braids not twists, who knew?) But my hair tangles really fast, I have to redo it about every two weeks to prevent this and loose hair is not an option for me, even loose hair that in a protective style...

I feel that my concerns are legit, but alas, maybe I am just scissor happy to the death! lol! I think I have a problem.
I seriously need to join this challenge but the thought of not cutting my hair has me shaking for real. I know I am the minority on this board but I hate having hair past my ears! I promised my grandmother that I would grow it for her but it's been hard.
Hi ya'll! @hareluvah, have you ever tried amla oil? I didn't notice as much before; but since i recentlyrevisited (dubur amla oil) ...the tangles are No More! Who knew? And nicole625 maybe if you think about it some more you may decide to join us (we'll welcome you with open arms). My update: I've gained the amount I just trimmed back already. I think i'm on a roll.
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I couldn't figure out how to post directly here because I don't do picasa or photobucket so here is the link the the album I created on here for those who want to see the before and after cut.

Great job!!!!! You are on the grow for reals. Thanks for the suggestion. New products aren't exactly in the budget right now but regardless I just don't have the time to do it (even if it's completely tangle free). I'm using a mixture of aloe vera juice, grapeseed oil and TJ's nourish spa as a leave in and my hair loves it. It feels great. I'm just going to do one braid at a time as I have time and by the time I finish, it will probably be time to wash again :) LOL!

So I don't have permission from you'll to shave my head? :)

Yes! Please do join us. You can grow your hair long, then chop it off if you like :)
hareluvah I am still in mini twist. I will probably switch up and do medium twist next month.

I most understand about not having time. My 2 youngest are 17 months apart. But with all I was doing I realized that I need "ME" real fast!!! You hair look so healthy in your pics! You better not cut/shave/trim a strand!!! :spank:
J/K...but I do think you are scissors happy to the max if you cut all that gorgeous hair off! :drunk:

BlaqBella isn't it great to revisit a product and get wonderful results! I just started using olive oil again. Not extra seems to be too strong for my skin. Keep growing girl and keep us posted.

nicole625 we would be glad to have you. I don't know about those shakes and hareluvah need to hide y'all scissors! :yep: ok let me stop frontin' I have a problem with trimming so I might be looking for y'all for an intervention!

I will have another update around the end of Sept/Oct. Hopefully I will be past MBL.

HHG...grow&retain ladies!
Just checking in.
Still haven't cut but I might have to do a light dusting at the end of this month!
I haven't been in twist for about 3 weeks. I will be putting them back in today after a henna treatment.

How is everybody doing?... hareluvah, BlaqBella, nicole625, and everyone else!
Tuesday, I cut a few strands that had some seripus ssk's on them. I know I wasn't supposed to but I really feel like that should be an exception :)
Tuesday, I cut a few strands that had some seripus ssk's on them. I know I wasn't supposed to but I really feel like that should be an exception :)

You are most definitely allowed to cut ssk"s! If not they just tangle around each other and you would have to cut even more later on!
I finally had my detangling routine down and it involved washing my hair in twists then detangling twist by twist and IMMEDIATELY re-twisting with shea and grapeseed oil. Everything was going wonderfully until I decided to rock a puff for a few days and my hair was once again a knotted mess at the ends. So I finally buckled down and had the hubs pick up some kinky Curly Knot Today. I hope it works and thanks for the suggestion.

Sorry I've been MIA ladies. I've been lurking from time to time but no posting. Me and the little one have been out for the count with a nasty cold. Still recovering but feeling muck better!

I'm really happy to see there have no major cuts!!!! Keep growing ladies. I will try and post some update pics later...
hareluvah awwww I'm sorry to heat that you and the lil one were under the weather. Glad y'all are doing better!
Girl doesn't it feel good to get a routine that works for your hair...thats like one of the best parts of the journey to me! I have been slacking on the PSing lately and the retention is not so good...i'm getting back on track this week! Let me know how the KCKT works for you.

HHG ladies...grow&retain


KCKT was otay. It was fine but I don't think it magically removed any knots or anything. I still had to detangle pretty much the same and search and destroy but in hindsight it did speed things up a bit. I will be keeping my hair detangled so I will she how it goes next wash day.

Thinking about getting dreads. You can pick them out, right? Maybe that would be the best way for me to grow my hair out? It wouldn't have to worry about it tooooo much (I know it's still a lot of work) and I could just pick them out when I got to the length I wanted? Crazy? The hubs and I hope to have (tentatively) three more children so I'm thinking low maintenance for the next 5 years, then I can go crazy!

You see why I shaved, cut, colored, and whatever else to my hair? I'm not well.

Well, I did it. I did a ton of research on and I put my hair in comb coils with bantu knots. I have around 50 locs. I am loving my starter locks and really excited for a low maintenance hairstyle that will allow me to leave my hair alone and just grow.

How is everyone else doing?

Well, I did it. I did a ton of research on and I put my hair in comb coils with bantu knots. I have around 50 locs. I am loving my starter locks and really excited for a low maintenance hairstyle that will allow me to leave my hair alone and just grow.

How is everyone else doing?

Im doing better than I expected. Im not obsessed with seeking out those pesky ssk's and plus I finally found a good regime for keeping my hair moisterized. Good luck with your hair journey!
hareluvah I am so glad you found what works for your hair and lifestlyle! You know you have to share pics!!!! :grin:

nicole625 Glad to hear you are staying away from the scissors.

I did an extremely light dusting about a week ago. And now I'm back in about 15 twist. I'm looking forward to doing my next official length check at the end of the month.

HHG Ladies...grow&retain!
Hi all! hareluvah I hope you enjoy your new regimen. Sounds nice to me , somebody that dc every Anyhow, years ago when my hair fell out, down to a twa, I wore those..I think its the same style. I was still relaxing at the time, well periodically. But, my hair made a lot of progress from the comb coils, which I re-did however so-often.

Oh my goodness I have fallen of the LHCF wagon. This chile don run me ragged :)

I actually took the first set out and restarted them with two strand twists. I was really over thinking things with the first set and just decided to do a normal twist set with some consideration for the parts and keep it moving. I am almost two months in and loving it. I know I need to post pics but I just haven't had the time.

How is everyone else doing?
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hareluvah, I am doing ok so far! I learned how to pamper my ends more so I have decreased the number of ssk's by quite a bit. I am also getting a sew in soon because I don't want to deal with my hair in this treacherous wisconsin winter weather.
Hey hareluvah! I will be waiting on pics! :yep:
My hair is coming along now! I wasn't consistent with ps'ing (less retention), bleaching my ends plus the "light dusting" set me back slightly. I didn't realize the damage at first...Buuuut I am back in twist and my hair is doing well! Sooo I will be doing a length check soon. I hope I make nice progress!

Will anyone else be posting pictures?