Scissor Happy Challenge: 2011


Well-Known Member
SCISSOR HAPPY CHALLENGE: From right now - End of 2011

My hair background:
I am someone who has chopped my hair from collar bone length to TWA several times now. I even shaved it once, just because I felt like it. It's something I do spontaneously because I love change, especially when it comes to my hair. I've also cut my hair off twice due to heat damage, and once due to color damage.

However, because of this, my hair has never really gotten past APL I get bored with it and feel like reaching the next length goal will take too much time so I just chop it or shave the sides and back (my most recent adventure cut)

So now, my shaved sides and back have grown in since last year's cut, my top mop is obviously significantly longer.

I was wondering if there are others out there who have the same issue and just can't seem to put the scissors down! I was just about to join another challenge for this year when I realized that I have never really struggled with hair growth/length retention. I am my own worst enemy. I get bored and I CUT, CUT, CUT,

So, here is the Scissor Happy Challenge: Feel free to adjust it according to your hair needs/goals/desires!!!!

Trim quarterly:
4 times a year MAXIMUM (Jan. May, Sept, and Dec.- only as needed, so if my ends are looking good, I won't trim at all)
No flat ironing: My hair is extremely delicate and it is my passive aggressive way of "ruining" my hair so I can cut it!
No color: aside from henna, regular hair dye jacks up my hair
Protective Styles: To protect my ends, especially because I won't be cutting them at my every whim!
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed or other (specify): natural
Current length: NL (on undersides and back), CL (front and some of top sides)
Hair goal by the end of 2011: To retain AT LEAST 6 inches of hair all around:spinning:

Thanks Ladies! Hope someone else joins!!!!!!!!!
Awesome challenge hareluvah!! I'll join!

Trim quarterly: I'm gonna try for NO trims this year!
I will probably only flat iron 2 more times this year, in Jun & Dec for length checks, and I may skip the one in June
Protective Styles: Buns, wigs (baggied underneath), sealing ends with vaseline :)
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed or other (specify): relaxed
Current length: SL (see siggy pic)
Hair goal by the end of 2011: I want ALL of my 6 inches on my head this year, not in the garbage!
This is a real problem for me. I'm eternally switching up styles, and as a result I usually end up needing or wanting a cut to start fresh. I also trim frequently when wearing straight hair for the look, and health. I was already on a personal challenge to not trim so frequently, but my hair is very uneven, making it hard to resist, so I need an accountability partner(s). :lol:

No cutting whatsoever.
(only exception for clients/gigs)

S&D's instead of trimming.

No more dyes and rinses regularly, trying indigo.

Since most breakage seems to occur after trying something new, I'm going to keep the experimenting to a minimum.

Length: Front ≈ 5-10
Sides ≈ 8
Back ≈ 5
Goals: Retain some length. Learn how fast she grows.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using Long Hair Care Forum App
Ok I'm in!
I said I wasn't going to join anymore challenges but I feels as thought this is an important one! :grin:

~I am doing NO trims or cuts this year!!!! This is why I've been at APL for over a year now. I will only do light dustings if needed.
~I will only flat iron once this year (which is in a couple of weeks). I'm in the No Heat Challenge
~I will color as need using Herbatint to cover gray strands
~I will be doing protective/ low maintenance styles...buns, twist outs & braid out with occasional wash n gos
~My hair type is natural (4a/3c-ish)
~My current length is a tad past APL stretched
~My goal is retain 6+ in. to achieve WL by the end of 2011
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I'm glad you started this challenge here OP(original poster)

SCISSOR HAPPY CHALLENGE: From right now - End of 2011

My hair background:
For the most part i'm a straight hair natural. I use heat about 1x a week.

Trim quarterly: 4 times a year MAXIMUM (Jan. May, Sept, and Dec.- only as needed, so if my ends are looking good, I won't trim at all)(I plan to trim 1 maybe 2 times in 2011)I will S&D
No color: aside from henna, regular hair dye jacks up my hair(yep, I use henna about once a month nowadays)
Protective Styles: To protect my ends, especially because I won't be cutting them at my every whim!
I'm bunning my hair until March 2011 or maybe even August i'll know for sure by March.
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed or other (specify): natural
Current length: just past sl- almost full collar bone
Hair goal by the end of 2011: if i retain 4-5 inches i'll be more than happy ....hoping for 6
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Scissors Anonymous is a 7-step program! I'm only half-way through the steps and it took me FOREVER to admit that I had a problem (step 1). I can't join this challenge right now but realize it's all about progression. I used scissors on my hair 13 times in 2009 and only 6 in 2010. :look: This year, my goal is to do even better!
Scissors Anonymous is a 7-step program! I'm only half-way through the steps and it took me FOREVER to admit that I had a problem (step 1). I can't join this challenge right now but realize it's all about progression. I used scissors on my hair 13 times in 2009 and only 6 in 2010. :look: This year, my goal is to do even better!

It's all good! You can be a part of this challenge in spirit :)
Forgive me fellow scissor happy challengers for I have sinned............. So, I may have had a minor search and destroy session last night. But, in my defense, If I don't cut off splits and knots, they are not going to go away, right?

Also, my multi-length hair is driving me nuts. I am finding it difficult to do styles beyond braiding and twisting because it is so short in the back.

Any suggestions?

I am so happy to have this group for support because I am about three minutes away from starting another shaving adventure..
:lachen: ^^ But, NO the knots and splits don't go i'm guilty too :look: But we are allowed to S & D right? Cause if not it was over before it started for me.:lol:: I loathe knots:hammer:

Please stay away from the sciss/clippers. We're gonna need your support too!!How long is the back of your hair?^^
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:lachen: ^^ But, NO the knots and splits don't go i'm guilty too :look: But we are allowed to S & D right? Cause if not it was over before it started for me.:lol:: I loathe knots:hammer:

Please stay away from the sciss/clippers. We're gonna need your support too!!How long is the back of your hair?^^

The back of my hair goes to the bottom of my neck which is totally long enough to do certain styles if ALL of my hair was that length but because the mop top is so much longer, I have to divide my hair and literally style the top separately from the bottom.

Search and Destroys are totally allowed in this challenge!!!!! For me though, I have to be really careful because it starts with search and destroys and ends with cutting an inch, or two, or three, then a shave :)

Maybe I will just keep a hat on my head:lachen:. That way I won't have to look at it!

Thanks for the support!!!!! How u doin'?
Hey Ladies!
Checking in...I did a extremely light dusting (I think :look:)

But hopefully I won't have to do another one until June or July. How are you ladies doing???
Hello ladies! I'm making some okay progress. S & D when I find knots at night (when moisturizing). And OP YES you should put on a hat. Btw where are you???? (I hope you haven't made any rush decisions without consulting here first.
Congrats to you DesignerCurls kutgw.
We're all gonna need each other to keep the big (sometimes unnecessary(sp?)) trims at bay. So don't pick up the scissors ladies without deciding that This Will Only Be a S & D/or small dusting. Let's grow 2011!!

ETA: Uhh I think you need to be paged....@hareluvah. How have you been styling lately?..Same? Braids/twists.. Have you searched youtube for some style ideas?
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Yup I'm in. Over on NP, they started this challenge last year at some point and I joined it then. It's really made a difference for me, in addition to setting hair goals and having a hair journal with pics, for me to see where I was at before the cuts, immediately after the cuts, and where I am at now.
Sorry I've been MIA ladies! I had a baby girl on January 21st and sometimes I go days without even remembering I have a computer let along getting on it:)

I am having crazy strong shaving urges. This happens to me especially whenever there is a life change like a break up or a move or a birth, apparently.

Maybe I'm just not supposed to have long hair? Uh-oh, you see how much of a mess I am? I was even scouring baby girl's one month old mane for split ends!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I've been MIA ladies! I had a baby girl on January 21st and sometimes I go days without even remembering I have a computer let along getting on it:)

Congratulation hareluvah!!! Enjoy your new bundle of joy!

I am having crazy strong shaving urges. This happens to me especially whenever there is a life change like a break up or a move or a birth, apparently.

My urge was to relax my hair after being natural for years...I'm done with that those finally. But stay encouraged!

Maybe I'm just not supposed to have long hair? Uh-oh, you see how much of a mess I am? I was even scouring baby girl's one month old mane for split ends!!!!!!!!!!!

...nooooooooooo:blush: move away from the scissors girl! lol

I been being staying away from the scissors...I'm on a mission ladies! I need to get to growing and retaining!!! A sister has been at APL too long! I have decided to do more creative protective styles with twist and pinups.

We can do this ladies...grow&retain!!!
So, I haven't touched my hair (washing aside) since about a week before DD was born. The bottom half is in box braids and the top mop is in large twists in a pony tail holder. I feel like my hair grew the fastest when I just left it alone. Not sure if I want to put box braids in the top part, or let it go free or what?

how long can I get away with leaving the bottom part in tiny box braids before I regret it? It has been almost 7 weeks!

Keep growing ladies! I am not feeling too motivated to do much of anything with my hair at the moment.

How are the rest of you doing?
Yup I'm in. Over on NP, they started this challenge last year at some point and I joined it then. It's really made a difference for me, in addition to setting hair goals and having a hair journal with pics, for me to see where I was at before the cuts, immediately after the cuts, and where I am at now.

Pictures are great for motivation. Sometimes it feels like not much is happening with growth but photos don't lie. Even if everyone doesn't post them, I highly recommend taking them for your weak moments. And those who like posting pics, I'm sure we'd all love to see them to stay encouraged!
Hello ladies! I'm making some okay progress. S & D when I find knots at night (when moisturizing). And OP YES you should put on a hat. Btw where are you???? (I hope you haven't made any rush decisions without consulting here first.
Congrats to you DesignerCurls kutgw.
We're all gonna need each other to keep the big (sometimes unnecessary(sp?)) trims at bay. So don't pick up the scissors ladies without deciding that This Will Only Be a S & D/or small dusting. Let's grow 2011!!

ETA: Uhh I think you need to be paged....hareluvah. How have you been styling lately?..Same? Braids/twists.. Have you searched youtube for some style ideas?

I don't think anyone on youtube has my busted hair length situation with the short on the sides and back and long on top. Also, I am having a hard time finding the time to do anything to my hair let alone find a new style.

Thanks for asking!
I am in! I just trimmed about 2 weeks ago and now I am in a sew in. Will probably trim again in May and then again in aug and Nov.

My goal is full MBL by Dec. I am currently between APL and BSB. I am really BSB but wont claim it until I am full BSB.:look:
I am in! I just trimmed about 2 weeks ago and now I am in a sew in. Will probably trim again in May and then again in aug and Nov.

My goal is full MBL by Dec. I am currently between APL and BSB. I am really BSB but wont claim it until I am full BSB.:look:

we are happy to have you!
Hey Ladies! How's it going?
I am twist to help with manipulation. I will retwist and keep these for the rest of the month. I am trying to do low manipulation styles until June and hopefully I will be closer to MBL by then...just have to resist the snip!

↑ Still doing pretty well.
Haven't fully trimmed, only made an angled bang out of hair boredom.
I think I will protective style to fight off the urge once my usual W starts growing in. :sad:
I just need some PS inspiration.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
I'm in the same boat with the boredom issue.. but i've been noticing a lot less ssk's and such. So that means less search and destroys for me.
@CrownCola, yes I am determined to go hard with the PS. March is the time I do one of my trims. I became a habit for me even if my ends were in good shape, I was snipping! Stay strong you can do it! :yep:

Just wanted to share some picture of my twist. I used the caruso steam rollers to give them a curl. This was done on week old twist. So I will redo the twist over in a couple of more days.

I will either do smaller ones next month or try braids...if I have the time!



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