Scarring Alopecia


New Member
There was a very interesting news story on news here in Dallas yesterday. I thought I would share it with you. After listening to this story, I felt thankful for this board because many on this board focus on healthy hair and not stressing the hair out. Here is the article.


Your TV HealthSource
Scarring Alopecia
Monday February 6 - It’s little talked about—but an estimated five-million women in America suffer from what’s called ‘Scarring Alopecia’—irreversible hair loss often caused by hairdressing techniques such as perms, relaxers and braids. The condition most commonly affects African-American women in their 30s and 40s. Dr. David Winter tells us more in tonight’s HealthSource report.

Perms… relaxers… hot irons… what millions of women do to their hair can often leave the scalp so damaged it causes permanent hair loss. Karen Dyer says she constantly processed her hair… even after she noticed she was beginning to go bald.

Alopecia Patient
“I would put the chemicals on… experience pain… chemical burns…and kind of ignored it and kept putting the products on my head.”

Karen is just one of millions-- many of them African-American women—with Scarring Alopecia.

Medical Director
Baylor Hair Research and Treatment Center
“They say I’m losing my hair… it’s right on the top of my scalp… it’s usually started somewhere in the back and it’s gradually spreading forward.”

In the past the condition has been referred to as ‘Hot Comb Alopecia’ because it was believed hot combing the hair was the cause—but now researchers have discovered all kinds of hairdressing techniques and treatments—even using heavy moisturizers-- can result in hair loss.

“This is the commonest cause of scarring alopecia in African-Americans now days… and may be the commonest cause of scarring alopecia in general because of that.”

There is no sure treatment for this particular type of balding… in fact some will never grow back the hair lost… but in all cases further damage can be prevented.

“The first thing I do with all these patients even though it may not always be the obvious cause… I say ‘listen, gentle hair care is the order of the day.’”

Now we are not talking about getting a perm every couple of months… that will not cause this kind of damage… Scarring Alopecia usually shows up in people who are processing their hair constantly or those who wear their hair in braids or ponytails so frequently it damages the scalp. There is a national study going on right now to find out more about this condition because as we mentioned earlier there is a real lack of knowledge in the community and even among professionals.

What about certain hair products… you mentioned heavy moisturizers can cause problems?

Anything used frequently on the hair should be non-comedogenic—otherwise it may block pores and damage hair follicles. And there is no problem with frequent shampooing—in fact that’s recommended.
Medical Director
Baylor Hair Research and Treatment Center
“They say I’m losing my hair… it’s right on the top of my scalp… it’s usually started somewhere in the back and it’s gradually spreading forward.”

Oh my Godness this is happening to me and i have stoped perming 2 years in june :(