Scarf Wearing ,Married or CoHabitating Women!!!



For those of you who are married or cohabitating, were you initially nervous, too vain or ... to wear a scarf to bed? Has the man in your life protested the "scarf"? I keep telling myself that I am going to make a satin pillowcase, but I have yet to get around to it. I can't bring myself to wear something on my head when I'm sleeping. I have tried once, but I end up snatching it off and throwing it on the floor.

Have any of you noticed an marked improvement by wearing a scarf or using a satin pillow case? Do tell... please!!!

Ballet Bun ...
Men are soooo gullable and formable and they'll basically accept anything.

I guess if it's just a lover or one night stand, he'll be leaving shortly anyway ....

My husband has never questioned it and the other relationships I just tell 'em that ALL black women wear them.

The first time Deav, my youngest son, had a female friend spend the night ( hey, they were 4!)he asked her if she forgot her sleeping cap at home ...
Re: Scarf Wearing ,Married or CoHabitating Women

awww...Nina that's so sweet! So cute!

ballet_bun, my husband doesn't mind me wearing my satin bonnet to bed at all. And if I forget he'll get it for me because he's in great support of my hair goals. I also have a satin pillow case. These have helped tremendously because my hair used to be so thin and weak in the back middle part of my head. It's doing much better now.
A scarf has really helped my hair. My husband doesn't particularly like them (I wear it all the time!!) but since he wears a baseball cap, which I don't like, we're even.
Scarfs? Bonnets? I think my BF would wonder why I was getting dressed up for bed.
I wear Saran wrap or plastic caps - woo hoo! - sometimes I do wear a scarf. (Sizzling!
) And you know, I never once stopped to wonder what he'd think about it; and he doesn't seem to mind at all. Actually, come to think of it... that's one thing that's never occupied my mind at any time in my life.
Never had a one-night stand so maybe then I'd care...
Wouldn't want Mr leaving with a scary impression of me, especially when I don't know who he'll be talking to and if he cared. But a keeper...I guess I just assume they think like me, and so I am totally comfortable just being...
The first time Deav, my youngest son, had a female friend spend the night ( hey, they were 4!)he asked her if she forgot her sleeping cap at home ...

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That's too funny Nina ... lol

Ballet Bun ...
Girl, you better put that scarf on your head! My husband has seen me go to bed with any manner of contraptions on my head so he's never surprised anymore. I've been wearing something on my head to bed since I was a kid.

It's all about the hair so wear that scarf and don't give it a second thought.
My husband always always asks "are you going to put anything on your head?" I do wear a satin bonnet 98% of the time but sometimes I forget. If you know what I mean.

I know for me wearing a bonnet, in addition to sleeping on a satin pillow case, prevents unneccessary breakage and keeps my style fresh. Also my hair is less dry in the morning by using this combination.
Scarfs? Bonnets? I think my BF would wonder why I was getting dressed up for bed. I wear Saran wrap or plastic caps

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@ "dressed up"!
I am living with my boyfriend, so I try to always have a satin pillowcase on my pillow. Somehow it ends up getting snatched through the course of the night....

I thought he would trip off of a scarf (mine is a neutral black silk scarf) but he doesn't care. He actually prefers it because if I try to snuggle up to him, with my hair in a messy bun it gets in his face and then he sneezes. On the other hand, my hair has been a lot softer lately and he likes to run his hands over it, so now he'll scoot the scarf up so he can touch my hairline.

my baby...I guess I could have just easily said, no he doesn't mind.

What he DOES mind is strong essential oil scents. He says they burn his much for overnight treatments..

edited to add: oh yeah, I have noticed a major improvement. When I wear a silk scarf, my hair stays much more moisturized.
I guess I could have just easily said, no he doesn't mind.

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I'm glad you didn't coz your post was entertaining.

The part about hair in his face is something I can identify with. Used to happen in my world too before I started taking care of my hair seriously. There would be times I'd be too tired to think of tying my hair with something for the night. In the morning, I would wake up to find my braids had been "nicely" styled in a clumsily-done pony braid, secured with a scrunchy in an awkward position on my head.
My man is a stylist by night.
The explanation would be that my hair kept tickling his face.
Gotta give him marks for gentleness coz I'd sleep right through the styling.
My husband teased me the first time because my scarf is green, but he knows I'm trying to grow my hair out so it's no big deal. My hair has stopped shedding as much and has more body.
OH my gosh Nonie, I'm cracking up over here...

Mine isn't as careful as that. A long time ago I remember waking up and him smashing my hair down over and over again..imagine a little kid petting an animal way too hard. It was awful, it woke me up and I start laughing and he started laughing and carefully asked me how come I don't do anything with my hair at night. Thats when I realized that he really didn't care about scarves like I thought he would...

Another thing to think about...guys remember their moms wearing some sort of night cap, so they might be used to it already.
A long time ago I remember waking up and him smashing my hair down over and over again..

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Now you're the one killing me
I can just imagine him thinking..."Die, Monster! Die!" with every smashing gesture. LOL And so nice of him to kill your hair "behind your back" so he wouldn't hurt your feelings. BWAAAHAAHAHAH

Guys can sometimes be so childlike, it's priceless!
I don't care.

Sometimes I'll pull out a scarf for my man, too

I got him some "manly" scarves so we can protect our hair together! Now he even asks for them. So much for doorags.
I doubt my husbands mother ever wore a scarf to bed ... a caucasian woman ... lol! I guess it's quite pathectic that I'm not comfortable wearing/doing such things around him. That was the reason I started using the curling iron and blowdryer again , when I got here. I didn't want home to see me running around with poofy hair or all of my other little things that i used. Can you believe that I threw a bottle of WGO out when I got here, because I didn't want him to smell it. Well, I have another bottle and I don't care what he thinks.

I never felt this way around any man at home ...white or black. Even my ex would go to Sally's with me and point out products that might work. It was sooo cute. When I told my husbad i thought that my hair was falling out he just said, " there's wigs." Later he claimed that he was kidding. I think some men don't realize how much work we have to put into caring for our hair.

Since I have stopped using the blow dryer and curling iron, I'm actually having fun taking care of my hair again!!! I just need to make myself a bloody satin pillow case and let that be it. Move my way up to the scarf. Maybe tie it loose, so that it doesn't annoy me.

Opps ... i can be long winded ... lol

Ballet Bun ...
Re: Scarf Wearing ,Married or CoHabitating Women!!!

Forgive me if I'm hijacking this thread...

I'm thinking of ditching my scarf and bonnet and just sleep on my satin pillowcase. Does anyone know if my rollersets/blowouts will look fresh in the morning?

There's a girl at my job who gets her hair blowdried and curled every two weeks and her style lasts a full 7 days and she never wears anything on her head.
Re: Scarf Wearing ,Married or CoHabitating Women!!!

I think it depends on how much you shift against your pillow in the night. Any flyaway could be smoothed into place with a serum or oil.

I do know of a girl who always had the just-walked-out-of-the-salon look. She didn't sleep with anything on her head. She didn't get a good night sleep either because her secret was to prop her head up off the pillow with her arm all night...waking up somewhere in the middle of the night to sit up and switch to the other arm. Sounds a lot like hard work to me.
Re: Scarf Wearing ,Married or CoHabitating Women!!!

My husband use to hate me coming to bed with them on, but now since I've got all kinds of different silk or satin scarves or bonnets he doesn't stay anything
I also have several silk and satin pillowcases that I sleep on sometimes w/o my scarf or bonnet
He knows and understand my long hair goals so he's ok with it. But I go w/o my scarf or bonnet sometimes because even though he doesn't say anything anymore I know he still hates it so I always have my satin or silk pillowcases
If your man wants you to have long hair he'll understand and even if he doesn't it's your hair and your the one who takes care of it. Good luck!!
Ballett_bun: Don't feel bad about not wanting to wear anything on your head.
Because my husband (of 3 months) is so accomodating, I just can't let him see me every night with a plastic cap (my favorite) on my head. Not to mention that I can't stand wearing anything on my head either since it always slides off. Yup, the scarves also!

He actually likes the creative ways that I tie my scarves and laughs when I'm fussing in the middle of the night when they come off!

So I opted for a satin pillowcase at night, a scarf while on my way to work (45 minute drive), plastic cap on weekends(if I'm home
) and the baggie trick as soon as I get my phony pony!

Check out the beauty supply store/the off brand ones to see if they have satin pillowcases. Believe it or not that's where I got mine!
Re: Scarf Wearing ,Married or CoHabitating Women!!!

I figured that my husband would be used to it because I was sure that the women in his family wore scarfs, also.

I put mines on when its time to actually go to sleep so it is usually not a big deal.
As your man notices our nice your hair looks he definitely won't mind when you tell him that the scarf helps out.
Re: Scarf Wearing ,Married or CoHabitating Women!!!

My husband don't mind at all (and he is caucasian). Actually since I toss and turn a lot when I sleep, wearing a scarf is a must for both of us. My hair always gets loose ( the bun gets undone because of the way I sleep
) without a scarf, then it is pulled, or my husband gets tangled in it!

Re: Scarf Wearing ,Married or CoHabitating Women!!!

The only time I wear my satin cap or scarf to bed is when I have my hair in sponge rollers or wrapped. I'm not very fond of that Aunt Jemima & Little House on the Prairie look!!

My fiance & I dont live together, so I don't usually wear that stuff around him, unless I absolutely HAVE TO. I suppose when we eventually are living together, he will have to get used to seeing them once in a while!!

Most of the time I just put my hair up in a scrunchie in a high ponytail & sleep on my satin pillowcase. I definitely think you should invest in one, Ballet Bun!!
Re: Scarf Wearing ,Married or CoHabitating Women!!!

I do. My DF didn't like it, but when he realized it cut down on my doing hair in the morning, he's all for it. When I don't wear a scarf it takes extra long to do my hair, but when I wear it, all I have to do is put it in a protective style.
Re: Scarf Wearing ,Married or CoHabitating Women!!!

My hubby doesn't mind. Or at least he hasn't said anything. Hell he wears a doorag to bed and I don't say nuffin 'bout it!
Do you guys think other race women wearing head coverings to bed?
Girl, you better put that scarf on your head! My husband has seen me go to bed with any manner of contraptions on my head so he's never surprised anymore. I've been wearing something on my head to bed since I was a kid.

It's all about the hair so wear that scarf and don't give it a second thought.

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Heck! You're only going to bed! LOL!

What do people do when they go to bed? SLEEP!

If you're going to do something before going to sleep like the oochie-coochie, put the scarf on afterwards!

My husband always always asks "are you going to put anything on your head?" I do wear a satin bonnet 98% of the time but sometimes I forget. If you know what I mean.

I know for me wearing a bonnet, in addition to sleeping on a satin pillow case, prevents unneccessary breakage and keeps my style fresh. Also my hair is less dry in the morning by using this combination.

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Yea, we know what you mean. Ha!

In fact, not wearing the bonnet to bed oughta make his face light up! LOL!

Imagine, he enters the bedroom and finds you in bed minus the bonnet!
