Scarf Method is the *TRUTH* to stretching


New Member
Ok. SO Sylver deserves high praise for this.

I love using the scarf method to stretch my relaxers. I am now going on 9 weeks and my hair lays so flat. It is as if I used gel or something to lay my edges down (which I didn't). I can't believe I can strecth this long.

I used to relax my hair like every 5 weeks. Mainly because my edges would bush up and I hated it. Now, I plan to stretch for another 4 weeks. It is love. I airdry too so my hair is soft and not dry (I also think using lye relaxer vs. no-lye helps with dryness but that is another thread).

Others use the scarf method and I second it. If you haven't tried it, I recommend.

Check out Sylver's fotki for info on her scarf method. The only thing I do differently is that I do it on freshly washed hair to airdry whereas she does it after her hair is already dry.

ETA: I didn't list any fotki sites directly because LHCF members can get those from the search feature or from checking out people's profiles. I wanted to respect people's privacy.
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I agree. I've seen sylver's method before (I'm one of her stalkers :look: ), but just started using it as yourself-during airdrying. I use Kini's (I stalk her too :look: )method of making one braid while my hair is still soaking wet, squeeze out the excess, apply leave-ins/oils, pin up my braid, and tie that sucka down with my scarf. In the morning my hair is soft and smoothed down, no puffiness at all.

I was upset last week when I rollerset and my hair was soft but the roots were puffy. I ended up smoothing it back into a ponytail and tying it down to flatten my roots and it worked.

I think I prefer my airdrying method at home and leave the rollersetting for when I go to the Dominicans or when I'm freshly relaxed.
The scarf method really does work. I use it on wet hair to air dry as well, and my hair comes out nice and flat and straight, so it's easy to smooth into a nice bun. I use it everytime I air dry. It is the only way that works for me. :)
I remembered Sylver's method just a few days ago and went looking around her Fotki (again) :sekret: to revisit the details. I'm implementing her drying method too.

She has such beautiful hair!
I totally agree. Without the scarf method, I couldn't stretch for as long as I do. I just tired it last week for the first time after co-washing my hair and it laid down my NG like nobody's business. I now can have my hair looking decent without rollersetting when airdrying since I still can't master the rollerset on my own.
I do something similar except I bun my hair in the morning. This is the only way I can get away with not combing.When my hair gets BSL, I'll consider letting it down. or maybe I'll try that during the summer. right now my hair gets caught on my close neckline...
LovetheLord said:
Does anyone know where I can find Sylver's and Kini's methods? I am interested in learning this method.

have you tried the search function? My computer is going so slow today but I will try and come back.

ETA: I bumped it up for you.
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nvybeauty said:
Ok. SO Sylver deserves high praise for this.

I love using the scarf method to stretch my relaxers. I am now going on 9 weeks and my hair lays so flat. It is as if I used gel or something to lay my edges down (which I didn't). I can't believe I can strecth this long.

I used to relax my hair like every 5 weeks. Mainly because my edges would bush up and I hated it. Now, I plan to stretch for another 4 weeks. It is love. I airdry too so my hair is soft and not dry (I also think using lye relaxer vs. no-lye helps with dryness but that is another thread).

Others use the scarf method and I second it. If you haven't tried it, I recommend.

Check out Sylver's fotki for info on her scarf method. The only thing I do differently is that I do it on freshly washed hair to airdry whereas she does it after her hair is already dry.

so Glad its working for u..maaan.. I don't know what i would do without the satin scarf. Thats my entire
The scarf method is the truth. I haven't had a good relaxer since July '06 and the scarf keeps everything in check.
I've been doing a modified version of this and it's SO wonderful. My hair is really fluffy and doing this helps keep me from stressing my hair. And Sylver wow you're hair is amazing. :)
Sylver, although I feel bald after looking at your fotki, your hair is amazing! I moisturized my ends after seeing your pics...:p
I too learned from Sylver2 how to stretch longer using my satin or silk scarf. I'm still learning about airdrying with my scarf. I can get the front, top and sides nice and smooth but the length isn't with the scarf alone. I'll get it soon...;)
I also use a scarf to airdry...I use MizaniMami's airdrying tutorial in her fotki. I use the roller and baggy with it. I use to hate airdrying until i discovered this. Off to go stalk Sylver's fotki n check out her method:grin:
alexstin said:
The scarf method is the truth. I haven't had a good relaxer since July '06 and the scarf keeps everything in check.

You've been scarfing it since July :eek:

I didn't realize that the scarf could lay down that much new growth. I could see myself doing a six month stretch with a scarf in the winter when I don't have as many functions to go to and wear hats outside.

If I had known about the scarfing method in hair would be toe length by now....instead of breaking from my too frequent touch ups that I really didn't need.
nvybeauty said:
You've been scarfing it since July :eek:

I didn't realize that the scarf could lay down that much new growth. I could see myself doing a six month stretch with a scarf in the winter when I don't have as many functions to go to and wear hats outside.

If I had known about the scarfing method in hair would be toe length by now....instead of breaking from my too frequent touch ups that I really didn't need.

Yeah, girl. If someone had told me I'd be doing anything like this 2 1/2 years ago I would looked at them like they had 3 heads.:D

Oh, I love your curls!
CaramelPrincezz said:
I also use a scarf to airdry...I use MizaniMami's airdrying tutorial in her fotki. I use the roller and baggy with it. I use to hate airdrying until i discovered this. Off to go stalk Sylver's fotki n check out her method:grin:

Thanks for this...I'm off to stalk MizaniMami's fotki! I've turned into a bonfide stalker!
I agree ladies! Sylvers scarf method has been the reason that I am able to both stretch and airdry. Thanks!
Could someone anyone post the scarf method on this site, I am work and we have a firewall blocking Fotki's. You don't have to add the pictures if you don't want.
My office does the same fotki blocking. =(

ETA: I printed it out in PDF format sometime ago, I'll look on my hard drives and see if I can find it.
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nvybeauty said:
Ok. SO Sylver deserves high praise for this.

I love using the scarf method to stretch my relaxers. I am now going on 9 weeks and my hair lays so flat. It is as if I used gel or something to lay my edges down (which I didn't). I can't believe I can strecth this long.

I used to relax my hair like every 5 weeks. Mainly because my edges would bush up and I hated it. Now, I plan to stretch for another 4 weeks. It is love. I airdry too so my hair is soft and not dry (I also think using lye relaxer vs. no-lye helps with dryness but that is another thread).

Others use the scarf method and I second it. If you haven't tried it, I recommend.

Check out Sylver's fotki for info on her scarf method. The only thing I do differently is that I do it on freshly washed hair to airdry whereas she does it after her hair is already dry.

MizaniMami also has a great photo by photo scarf method.
alexstin said:
Yeah, girl. If someone had told me I'd be doing anything like this 2 1/2 years ago I would looked at them like they had 3 heads.:D

Oh, I love your curls!

Thanks to all who mentioned MizaniMami's fotki. I checked it out and .....

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Her method is almost exactly what I do (what I am doing as I type). The only difference for me is that I use coconut oil to seal the leave-in (as opposed to a serum). I also don't us the roller or baggie but I will try those.

Thanks MizaniMami for a great step by step fotki.
I was am at 8 weeks post, today. And the NG has be wanting to relax, BUT. I bought a fall, pulled my edges out all around, and the rest, i moisturized, oiled and bunned. The edges I put cream on, soomthed over the pinned bun and tied up. Just took my scarf off, super str8 soft edges, all around. Going to heat protect, and lightly flat iron (only the ends need it), and put on my fall. I want to stretch for another 8 weeks. I dont plan on taking down the bun, the fall is over, and washing, etc, for at least 2 weeks, this should help me greatly with stretching. Minus braids, or any other hairstyle, that might add tension or require too much manipulation. Longest successful stretch was 10 weeks. Wish me luck.
Oh yes! I'm at a 12 week stretch right now. I incorporated the scarf method as well with the products too. I went out and purchased the Rusk Conditioner(2 liters for $25 at TradeSecrets) and John Frieda Xtra Strenth Serum(50% of at RiteAid $4.99) yesterday. Marvelous!!! Kudos to Sylver!!!!:D Now I really need to join the ladies on the PJ Challenge. Maybe, not :grin: I need to go back to RiteAid first.
I always wear the scarf to keep my newgrowth down in between washes but I haven't been airdrying that way.

So I did Sylver2's scarf method again to airdry, overnight, tying my scarf very tight. When I took off my scarf, it looked like I had a skull cap on! That's how smooth and close to my scalp my hair was, including the new growth! I don't think I had my scarf on tight enough in the past.

I put a few (6) rollers at the ends of my length in the back as she did. Since it was overnight, the length did dry kind of pouffy, but not frizzy, with shiny, smooth, curled ends. I decided to wear it in a ponytail for now. I really like it although I may airdry the length differently next time. :up:

ETA: I'm really loving my hair right now this way. :) I don't think my hair has been this close to my scalp before (it's usually bigger) and it's different for me. I look kind of...exotic. I'm wondering if I should fluff it out some or leave it this way and keep wearing the scarf to maintain the smoothness. :scratchch
The length is swingy too. :)

I would love to know MizaniMami's method but her album isn't available for now.
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Isis said:
I would love to know MizaniMami's method but her album isn't available for now.[/quote]

I checked out her album last night. Go to it and see....unless she changed it between now and then.