Scalp with no feeling? Hairline numb?


New Member
since i have been caring for my burnt scalp, i notice that, the back of my head tingles with application of any mint shampoo or so. My hairline on the other hand couldnt feel anything for a few months. i put dr miracles that has menthol and i couldnt feel anything on that area. thats the bald area. I added capsaicin and i felt nothing. i bought cayenne pepper and added it to the dr miracles spray, it stung the back of my head so bad, i was sure it would cause me to feel something in my hairline. I didnt. I guess I want to find out if anyone experienced this and what is your opionion on that.

I have this emu mixture that i have been massaging in my head for about 3 weeks. today is hte first day my hairline is reacting slightly. i felt the menthol in the dr miracles that i mix with the emu. my scalp is no longer dry and dark. before it looked burnt and singed like the hair wasnt attached to any root. today it looked like my normal texture and alive.

anyone experienced a numb hairline? coudl it be as a result of the steroid my derm prescribed?
I've never experienced any numbness on my scalp or hairline, but I love emu oil. I use it on acne, cuts, after microdermabrasion, in my shampoo...

It definitely has healing properties.
I recently burned my hairline and nape with the use of surge products, but it peeled off and healing just fine with aloe and shea butter. I didn't lose any hair or feelings in those areas. I only used it 2 1/2 weeks, good thing I stopped before I did any real damage. I don't plan to use any growth more aids, besides vitamins and oils:) .
You said you have been caring for you burnt scalp was this a chemical burn? Are your follicles still functional? I haven't had any chemical burns but I do experience numbness in the thinning areas of my scalp i.e. my crown and temple area. I believe it's due to not enough blood circulation to these parts of my scalp. I have been massaging Nioxin Folicle Booster in my temple area daily and this has helped. I am starting to feel some sensations in my temple area and there starting to fill in too. So I believe the combination is definitely working.
HTH :)
lil'paw said:
You said you have been caring for you burnt scalp was this a chemical burn? Are your follicles still functional? I haven't had any chemical burns but I do experience numbness in the thinning areas of my scalp i.e. my crown and temple area. I believe it's due to not enough blood circulation to these parts of my scalp. I have been massaging Nioxin Folicle Booster in my temple area daily and this has helped. I am starting to feel some sensations in my temple area and there starting to fill in too. So I believe the combination is definitely working.
HTH :)

no, it wasnt a chemical burn, i didnt realize mtg was too harsh for my scalp. i got burnt on my nect and my scalp, a silvery scale, dark looking skin on my scalp. i got a bald spot but i am still fighting with it to grow back. circulation is my number one strategy.
OMG!!!:eek: I am so sorry this happened to you. I used to be on the MTG bandwagon too but I had to stop using it because it also irritated the skin on the back of neck. I guess we were both allergic to it. Mine wasn't that bad so I just used raw shea butter on it and it cleared up. Since you are under the care of a physician for burns I would definitely continue with the prescribed regimen and your scalp massages.
I hope you get better soon. :)