Scalp Exfoliation: Before And After

I just bought the SE Scalp Exfoliator but I washed today beforehand. Going to have to wait. HOpefully, I get good results while I'm in braids.
I just bought the SE Scalp Exfoliator but I washed today beforehand. Going to have to wait. HOpefully, I get good results while I'm in braids.
It looks like a good product I might pick it up.

I'm not on an exfoliating regimen right now. It's hard to guess the condition of my scalp, but I've been putting Trader Joes tingle tea tree poo directly on my scalp when I wash and my scalp has been feeling great and looking extremely clean.
Okay, so I used SE Pre-Cleanse Scalp Treatment and massaged, left in for about 10 min. (it states 3-5 but I have a patch of crusties) and it lifted it. I know that sounds gross. But this is promising. Going to have to treat for awhile but with JBCO application and pre-cleanse treatments, I'm sure I'll get it under control and possibly eradicate it. My scalp is extra tight and dry this change? I like it. My scalp felt very soothed and clean.
Have any of you ladies used the Neutragena T/Sal Shampoo? If so how do you like it?

I tried it my last wash and liked it a lot. I diluted it in an applicator bottle (.5 oz + 4 oz water) and applied it to my roots and length. As directed, I let it sit for a few minutes and when I rinsed it out my hair felt clean, but not squeaky clean or dried out. Since I've been using SM Deep Cleansing poo for awhile now, I didn't have any flakes to clear up, but my scalp felt good and itch free after washing with T/Sal. I also like that I can find it on the ground, unlike SM Deep Cleansing which isn't in most stores anymore.

CodeRed on T/Sal:

It didn't dry my hair out like I thought it would... It seems like it got everything clean. I used it as directed (lather, leave it on for a few minutes, rinse and repeat) while scrubbing my scalp with my fingers... my scalp looks and feels fine anyway so I'm going to use it once a week until it's gone to see if I feel any different or if my scalp improves beyond what it is now. I was itching for the last day and a half and that's why I decided to try it now... I'm not itching anymore but the shampoo may or may not be the cause of that. It says to use it twice a week but I think I'll us it once a week for a while, leaving it on long than the recommended time, to see how it does.
Okay, so I used SE Pre-Cleanse Scalp Treatment and massaged, left in for about 10 min. (it states 3-5 but I have a patch of crusties) and it lifted it. I know that sounds gross. But this is promising. Going to have to treat for awhile but with JBCO application and pre-cleanse treatments, I'm sure I'll get it under control and possibly eradicate it. My scalp is extra tight and dry this change? I like it. My scalp felt very soothed and clean.

Is the brand Silk Elements? I'm interested because I'm thinking about getting set of twists done for fall.
Update: So I exfoliated my scalp on 10/3 With a 12-13% solution of Lactic acid and Aloe vera juice. Sprayed it on and let it sit with a cap for 15-20 minutes. and then rinsed and applied plain aloe vera. Then styled. I didnt condition.
I havent washed my hair since (its cold)
My scalp has not flaked at all; it sometimes has a weird scent thats gone; my scalp doesnt particularly itch but it also hasnt itched; My hair hasnt been dry from the acid or whatever. Im going to go ahead and wash my hair this weekend.
I know someone with really bad flaky scalp (you can see scales if you look closely).
Maybe TSal shampoo from Neutrogena could help?
My scalp used to look like that where I could literally pull flakes off my scalp and they were kinda scaly. It got much better after I stopped using harsh ingredients and then even better when I stopped using store bought products then the flakes were barely noticeable when I did WOW(thats actually why I started WOW) and now I havent seen any since I used that lactic acid mask.
Im going ot try to see how long I can go until the flakes come back so I can start a schedule.

What's WOW? The Tsal 'poo seems to be working a little bit since I don't see as much on his scalp. This only after 2 maybe three uses. I'm thinking that with the addition of a scalp scrub, this embarrassing issue could subside. You can see flakes sitting on top of his low fro because when he combs his hair, they come up. Poor guy...
I've been using the Lisa Hair Elixir Fortifying Scalp Spray by Carols Daughter the last several weeks. Really like it! I don't get that mid week scalp itch anymore. Its really easy to quickly spray on for prepooing and rinses just as easy. It has an earthy menthol/eucalyptus type of scent, so I never leave it in longer than 30 mins (directions say you only need 5 mins). I wish the bottle was bigger, but I've noticed that CD has some really good sales so I'm not that worried about price.
Is the brand Silk Elements? I'm interested because I'm thinking about getting set of twists done for fall.
Yes, it's the Silk Elements. It might be a little difficult to find, though. Our Sally's only had 2 of them in the store and I think that's all they ordered.
@g.lo - great and very informative thread. Thank you. I can't use any acids on my scalp now, but perhaps later I will try either ACV or a Facial wash which contains 3% SA. I can't see how doing so once or twice a year can - if anything I'm sure it will help
ACV works wonders on my scalp and clears up my seborrheic dermatitis and it is natural and inexpensive. I prepoo with a shower cap for about 20-30 mins and then wash and dc.
Oh my gosh, what do I use?? Head and shoulders?

Denorex, T-Sal, Selsun Blue, Kiehl's, Nizoral, Jason's, Matrix, T-Gel, Redken's, make a Neem oil shampoo, Henna shampoo....there are many of them. I think that if you get that under control, then use the pre-cleanse once in a while to just deep clean the scalp of skin...or maybe together. Just saying the SE Pre-cleanse won't cure dandruff.
Have any of you ladies used the Neutragena T/Sal Shampoo? If so how do you like it?
I used it a long time ago but it has never done anything for my seborrheic dermatitis. Girl acv does wonders for my scalp even when I was relaxed. You can look up my old profile and avatar. I used to be brick house but for some reason me and Beverly was having problems with the renewal and I just created a new profile. I was once at mbl relaxed but I just did the bc in April.
So I've tried the Nioxin dermabrasion and I really like it.

Initial thoughts:

I double checked the ingredients and no silicones (yay) but it does have a lot of different exfoliates. I'm gonna refrain from using this one too often as it seems more heavy duty. I could feel it kind of tingling after a while, but not in a soothing peppermint like tingle, but in a slightly warm and prickly kind of way. I left it on for about 15mins or so.

I think one bottle can stretch for about three (or four if you're not heavy handed like me) uses, so you get a good enough value. So I think after this one I'm going to get the Komaza Care pona treatment for more frequent use and then more of this one for every couple of months or so.

My scalp feels pretty good right now. It's super clean and it's actually not itching at all. Sidenote: I did a HOT with neem oil prior and didnt rinse my scalp before using the nioxin so maybe that had an effect as well.
I'm going to try waiting for another Komaza sale so that I can purchase this. I think my scalp could use the exfoliation.

I must say when I use it I can feel my scalp getting tingly. To conserve the product I use it like a grease rather than run the nozzle down my scalp. I think I can use this product for at least a good three to five months.

Almond Eyes
So on saturday night I put some pure undiluted ACV in a spray bottle and spray my scalps, parting every which way so that it coast it evenly. I had to hold my head back to keep the drippies from getting in my eyes. Then I massages my scalp with the pads of my fingers. A YTber suggested leaving it over night depending on the severity so I decided to go with that method. MY hair was in some very loose twists.

They next day I washed my hair with Head and Shoulder green apple shampoo. I washed it out with the nozzle attachment on my shower to get as close to the scalp as possible and ran the water down the lenght of my hair using my fingers to guide the debris out.

I just got my scalp exfoliator in the mail. I plan to repeat the process this weekend replacing the acv with the scalp exfoliator and then going forward just use the vinegar to see if it can keep the flakies at baya. So far my scalp looks much better but I still see a few flakes here and there.