I think I figured out this smelly scalp thing!

Sui Topi

New Member
So I read these two smelly scalp threads lol and its funny because I just noticed I too have a scent when I rub my fingers on my scalp if I skip a day or so of co washing, and I think I got it. Before when I washed my hair less frequently, it never smelled. It would smell faintly of whatever conditioner I had used. I really think, like someone with an oily face or something, since I started washing my hair more frequently (like washing your face often) it then is producing more oil and thus giving that scent off. I moisturize so I don't know why it is kicking its sebum glands into high gear, but when I used to have oily skin, even when I used moisturizer, things would still get crazy. I managed to beat my oily skin by just rinsing it with water a few times a day except for when I wear make-up (I use a cleanser to get it off) so that now it knows how much it needs to produce which my skin happily sucks up. I can imagine when I had a once a week hair washing schedule (for a long time too, I don't think I've even been co washing daily for a year yet) my sebum glands well knew already how much needed to produce and my scalp gladly absorbed every drop, not to mention! My scalp was probably kinda dry then too and so it really had use for every bit of sebum. Now a days my scalp is always getting wet and air drying so maybe it doesn't really need extra sebum and it is just sitting on top my scalp not doing anything? I wonder what is the explanation, but that kinda makes sense anyway.

Thanks for sharing! I'm still researching answers. Only problem is I've always washed my hair once a week or every 1.5 weeks or by scalp ends up itchy and my hair sheds :(

So less frequently for me would be washing every 2 weeks or up to once a month; my hair will be shedding like crazy and my scalp will be very itchy :(

Right now I'm looking into getting some anti-fungal shampoo to see if that helps...
I hope it works out! I have a feeling this is the culprit for me lol. I remember also when there was that thread about that lady who didn't wash her hair and would only brush it and she said it smelt at first and was super greasy but she stuck it out and everything evened out after a while. I think that is what my hair is going through but to the max because I can't go 3 days without washing.