Scab hair is real


Active Member
I would have never admitted to there possibly being such a thing but after the second time around I can definitely tell that scab hair is real. The first time I bc'd it had been over 5 months since I relaxed and the time before that about 5 months as well. My new growth was so shiny and wavy/curly that couldnt wait to cut off my dull relaxed ends. The barber I went to cut most of it off but what I was left with was super soft. I had no problems with it being dry or anything. All I had to worry about was getting use to seeing myself with short hair and having to style it.

All most 8 months after doing that I got frustrated that I couldn't put my massive hair in a pretty puff or ponytail and hadn't discover kccc yet. Because of that I decided to relax so that I could do different styles and my hair could be fun again. Boy was I wrong. After going to a stylist and getting a relaxer put in twice over the course of 3 weeks (it didn't take the first time) my hair was back to those same old dry looking/feeling puffy ends. I had totally forgotten how to deal with relaxed hair. My beloved Elucence MB Conditioner no longer worker and it constantly tangled. So in less than a month I was looking like a boy with my super short hair.

This hair was nothing like I remembered. There were rough patches, it barely absorbed moisture and it looked and felt dry. Now my hair before may have had a dull sheen sometimes but it never felt dry. So lets fast forward 6 months later and 3 1/2 more inches. About an inch and a half starting at the ends is the bad scab hair. Everything else is great.

It just hit me today. I was playing with my hair and as I stretched my hair out it felt silky and looked shiny closer to the roots. I hadn't seen that in awhile. That how my hair use to be. It use to fell like a velvet cotton ball mix when left curly and when stretch from either twistouts, braidouts or my hands it felt silky. Im happy to know that I am now getting my hair back. I wasn't sure if my memories were just a figment of my imagination.

This is probably the same reason why 4 weeks after getting my hair relaxed my new growth would always feel crunchy and look dull and dry. As soon as I started relaxer stretching during my first attempts at transitioning I found my new growth to look, feel and act the way that I have always wanted my hair to. As I said before I didn't cut because the two textures were difficult but because I wanted all of my hair to be like the new growth. Now once I cut off the weight of the relaxed end its a whole other story.

So for all of you who are relaxer stretching or long transitioning and it seems like the new growth is fighting against you just let it grow out a little more. That troublesome hair might just be scab hair.
I'm not sure if I had scab hair. I do know that as time passed after my BC my hair kept changing. Do you know what the average length of scab hair is?
Scab hair? I think I have an idea, but I still feel like I'm not quite grasping. Is it really dry, lifeless hair? Or is the idea that the hair is so damaged it scabs over? :look:
I thought I had scab hair when I first went natural and cut off the relaxed ends. It was either scab hair or incorrectly processed hair from my last relaxer.
when i bc the first n second time I had scab hair no matter what I did to it was just being dry and not reacting to products it took months for my hair to grow more and change.
i believe i had scab hair or it was unprocessed relaxed hair from my last relaxer feb 14:yep:
the lady at the salon was sizzor happy but im glad because its gone:grin:

scab hair or relaxed ends left[august]
my hair now[sept]
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I believe I had.. and still HAVE scab hair. That's why when I reach my goal, I'm gonna cut about 4-5in off my ends.. that would definitely take off all the scab hair I have and also some heat trained ends (from when I first experimented with flat ironing my natural hair:wallbash:) IMO you can't really REPAIR scab hair... it will always be there until you cut it off.
I believe I had scab hair the second time around as well. I can't remember whose fotki it was, but she had a pic of her transitioning hair that clearly distinguished the relaxed ends, they healthy thick new growth, and the scab hair that was in between (it looked crinkly and splintered in between the relaxed and natural hair)
I believe I had.. and still HAVE scab hair. That's why when I reach my goal, I'm gonna cut about 4-5in off my ends.. that would definitely take off all the scab hair I have and also some heat trained ends (from when I first experimented with flat ironing my natural hair:wallbash:) IMO you can't really REPAIR scab hair... it will always be there until you cut it off.

co-signing and it is very frustrating.
I'm not sure if I had scab hair. I do know that as time passed after my BC my hair kept changing. Do you know what the average length of scab hair is?

I think it's the first few inches. Mine was gone after the first trim maybe 6 months after I bced. My hair looked totally different by the following summer.
So for all of you who are relaxer stretching or long transitioning and it seems like the new growth is fighting against you just let it grow out a little more. That troublesome hair might just be scab hair.

I agree with this too. I was stretching my relaxers for a few years before I even came to this board and the new growth from when I first started doing it was different than the new growth later on. I see it now when I look back at pictures. I remember my mother getting on me about smoothing nappy edges down and towards the end of my transition I no longer had that problem. The edges smoothed out easily. Even now that my hair is natural my edges aren't nappy and lay down smooth. The hair is totally different.
I BELIEVE YOU!!. I just did my bc 10.28.2008 and my hair feels very dry. I touch my ends and if FEELS EXTREMELY DRIED AND a different texture. I touch the roots and up and it feels extremely soft. I am going to have to cut this scab hair off. I just small pieces and like it feels like a small ball of another type of hair. When dried, my hair does look like is texturize or something.
I believe in scab hair. No matter how much i moisturized my hair, my ends were still dry and rough. I went to get my 7 week trim after my BC and i could see my scab hair for real and it was REALLY bad. I cut about 2 inches and there has been a big difference in my hair.
Im a BELIEVER too!!!:grin: I feel as though a portion of my hair has been underprocessed leaving it lifeless. As I'm trying to finish my transition it get rough. Does anyone have any suggestions?