Scab Hair aside, how long until I see my real texture


New Member
I want to see my real texture again...atleast just to really make sure I am a 4b like I keep telling people. I know that scab hair doesn't have the same texture so how long should it be before I really see it?
I'd like to know too. I'm actually not minding my 'scab' hair right now. Maybe b/c I upped my deep conditioning since I started transitioning
It wasn't until the 4-5 month that I began to see what I believe is my real texture. I'm almost 8 months post relaxer and I'm still not sure if this is my true texture because of my relaxed ends pulling my new growth.
It also took about six months of new growth before I could "really" type my hair. I could guess prior to that. My hair is curlier than it appeared to be prior to six months.
I could see the true wave pattern after six months, but I didn't know the curl pattern until I BCed. HTH.
I was natural for six months after having relaxers since I was ten (I was then 18); the hair that grew out was really thin, rough, and course. I didn't know about scab hair so I got that texturized (the chemical never touched my scalp). Then I grew it out for four more months and BC'd. My hair was sooooooooooo much different than that original stuff that grew out...much softer and curlier. So, I would say at LEAST six months.

ETA: You can't relax your hair during the time you are stretching to see your natural texture because that just creates more scab hair. Also, your hair may look wavy until you BC because of the weight of your ends, but should get curlier when you BC.
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Thanks for your help. I was thinking that I could just do a super stretch and see what my natural texture was. Maybe I will have to figure out another idea.
It depends for everybody. I didn't have much left but I was stretching my relaxers for an extended period of time for 2 or 3 years before I even decided to go natural. It depends on how long your hair was relaxed, how much residue from the perm is left in the scalp, etc. Some people don't get scab hair at all.
I'm almost a year in and my texture is still changing as the hair gets longer. I'd agree that 6 months is about the time when you can see the wave pattern, but those waves will change into curls once you cut, better believe it!
It depends for everybody. I didn't have much left but I was stretching my relaxers for an extended period of time for 2 or 3 years before I even decided to go natural. It depends on how long your hair was relaxed, how much residue from the perm is left in the scalp, etc. Some people don't get scab hair at all.

I didn't know that. Thanks for the info.
i didn't see my real texture until after i bc'd. i did have scab hair in places :perplexed

even with 15 months of growth i thought my hair had no curl, just weird ss and w waves but soon as my natural hair was released, i discovered i had some spirals amongst the waves and kinks :grin:

my hair didn't lay down anymore especially the crown and nape........i suspect once i get some significant length back i'll be in for even more thrills 'n chills.:yep:

my natural hair has amazed me and continues to do so.
i didn't see my real texture until after i bc'd. i did have scab hair in places :perplexed

even with 15 months of growth i thought my hair had no curl, just weird ss and w waves but soon as my natural hair was released, i discovered i had some spirals amongst the waves and kinks :grin:

my hair didn't lay down anymore especially the crown and nape........i suspect once i get some significant length back i'll be in for even more thrills 'n chills.:yep:

my natural hair has amazed me and continues to do so.

15 months:spinning:I would have lost my mind. I really like instant gradification and that would have drove me crazy. You do have beautiful hair though. Comments like yours make me want to transition sometimes.
I'm almost a year in and my texture is still changing as the hair gets longer. I'd agree that 6 months is about the time when you can see the wave pattern, but those waves will change into curls once you cut, better believe it!

I've been natural now for about 16 months and my texture continues to change as well. Initially my crown only had waves, not a coil in sight and would not hold twists for more than a day. My nape area was super dry and would coil up into tight little beads. Now my crown is quite coily and can hold twists for weeks and the nape area never coils up into beads although it is still coily. All of my hair keeps getting softer and softer. What hasn't changed is that I have different textures throughout my head but as it gets longer the differences are becoming less noticeable. I think 6 months to a year is a good timeframe though, I noticed the most significant changes during that period.