Say no to PJism personal challenge


Well-Known Member
I've just looked at my beauty closet and I have like 2 of everything, it's ridiculous this is much better than before because I don't run out and buy everything but I have to use up the stuff I have or give it away or something.
Anyways I'm not going to buy any hair products, oils, gel, shampoo, cond esp. no cond for 3 months starting now today, if I slip you ladies can open can of :spank: on me cause I'll deserve it. Who's with me.


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too late, I am already planning on giving away some of my products so that I can buy some new ones.
As much as I need to, I can't do it right now. I went to Walmart last night and bought some Tea Tree/ Carrot Oil hot oil treatment and another shower comb. I bought two satin pillow cases for my pillows.
I'm in. I can do this challenge and I need to do this challenge. I am not purchasing anything else, I am fully stocked on oils, the entire Nexxus line, conditioners, shampoos and everything else. I definitely need this challenge. Yeah ! :)
I don't have a lot of products compared to some ladies on the board :lol:, but it's too much for me. I'm currently using up products right now and don't plan to purchase anything until I finish. So far so good so I will join you. :yep:
I would like to as well, but I am too weak... I just spent $100.00
this week alone... I really need help.... What I need is to go into therapy to find out why am I doing this... I feel so ashame... so guilty... I am

I feel so sick
sick I'm tell you .... If you make it, please share how you did it .... I need help...
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pink_flower said:
I don't have a lot of products compared to some ladies on the board :lol:, but it's too much for me. I'm currently using up products right now and don't plan to purchase anything until I finish. So far so good so I will join you. :yep:
I'm giving mine away on the hair products exchange board and I still have enough to last me the 3 months, even with my thick hair.
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I'm in. I won't promise to not buy anything for three months...but I won't buy anything unless I am completely out of a product. I am not going to have 5 different types of shampoos, etc...
This is such a great challange. I won't be able to join because I'm still finding the perfect staple product, but I do wish everyone on this challange the best of luck. :)
I'm in! I put a lot of stuff up for sale all so that I can use what I have and know works. Unless I run out of something within the year that I absolutely *need* (like my shampoo or daily moisturizer), I don't see myself buying anything for at least a year.
Ok ladies we just have to go for it so here's whos in so far:
pink flower

lady z you can do it 1 step @ a time, 1st figure out what you really do use.
I did that but i still had some products ditting around temepting me.
then get rid of them, use them up or give or sell them away. then stick to a few products that work for you. I'm def. streamlining my procuct usage.
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I have been vigilant about my products lately. I am proud to say that I have gotten rid of about 10-12 products in the last week and I am about to finish using up about 3 more. I guess I don't need a challenge right now since I have been keeping on top of things.
I am joining this personal challenge. It is hard because I want so much BUY so much I will ask for my wishlist items for Christmas.
we can do it, it's only 3 months and it will be over by Dec 05 too. Hopefully by then I will be a sober PJ and have a streamlined product usage.
Ok I know there are alot of new products and websites with more porducts, but we can't fall off. It's just 3 months technically 2 months and 27 days left. Come on keep the faith.
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I just got here today but................I'm in. I think I've found what is going to work so I am not buying any more.....I say that after buying 3 instant weaves, a jar of gel and a hair brush.

No more stuff until after April 15th for me (that's how much I have.)

auntybe said:
I just got here today but................I'm in. I think I've found what is going to work so I am not buying any more.....I say that after buying 3 instant weaves, a jar of gel and a hair brush.

No more stuff until after April 15th for me (that's how much I have.)

Wow that's alot, but welocome aboard
Fletgee..(looking down at the floor and whispering)..:blush: Yah..I want in on this challenge. I don't need to buy another thing for my hair. I have too much stuff now.

I'm in. Heck, I can't afford to be out.:lachen: Plus I have run out of room to store it all. I'm drowning in hair products!:drowning:
Help..I need help!!!
Lucia said:
Ok ladies we just have to go for it so here's whos in so far:
pink flower
lady z you can do it 1 step @ a time, 1st figure out what you really do use.
I did that but i still had some products ditting around temepting me.
then get rid of them, use them up or give or sell them away. then stick to a few products that work for you. I'm def. streamlining my procuct usage.

I want the Giovanni direct leave-in:drool: and then I will join:armyhat: (scouts honor, I swear)....
I am just wondering how everyone is doing.... I know it has only been a couple weeks... but I have been close to buying a few times.... but I didn't... I think I will start writing down products I have the urge to buy... and see what happens... It is hard... But I won't give in....
I'm doing pretty good, I think I have enough products to last beyond 3 months also when I see a rave about any product I stay away I think sticking to this routine has benifited my hair growth and health too.
I have to admit, I did all off the wagon twice since the beginning :( . But I learned my lesson, my regimen was great and so were my existing products that I was using, but I got curious. The first fall off was when I bought some cholesterol. I kept it for the nite and then I thought to myself, my current products are great, what if I use this and it doesn't work, what a waste that would be. So the next day, I exchanged (no refunds allowed) the cholesterol for a product that I already use. The second time was for a light liguid leave in. Although I bought it, I really liked the results and I use it every day as a moisturizer (Daily Doctor). It's been hard but I really do think that I have as much as I need so I definitely won't be buying anything else. :)
Ok ladies were in the last leg of this run, almost done keep it up.
I'm suprised I've actually stayed on the wagon.
I have stayed on the wagon pretty good...
I placed an order with Sickbay only because they had messed up my order before joining this challenge and gave me credit for it:grin: , I did not want to wait 3 months to use it so, I placed an order...

Needless to say I still have plenty products to use up...