Say it with me now! Scurl is for....


Well-Known Member
SCURL IS FOR DRY HAIR!!! lol. You guys, I don't even know how I missed this point. When I started using Scurl more regularly by itself a few months ago, I used it on dry hair every few days before bunning, my hair was as soft as a cloud.

Somewhere along the line, my regimen changed and I started using it straight after washing, while I was actually still in the shower :naughty: or on damp hair. It worked fine, still better than most things I've used, but my hair wasn't as soft. I blamed in on the winter weather.

We've been experiencing somewhat warmer weather here, but I didn't see any change in my beloved Scurl. So yesterday I decided to do some searching and trawled through posts on here from Scurl users. The people who liked it and found it to work as it should seemed to all use it on DRY HAIR.

I thought about it a little... To me, Scurl seems very water soluble. Whenever I get it on my hands, washing with water alone is enough to wash it away. Granted I always use soap after to make sure, but it's pretty much gone with a water only rinse. You can give it go. Pump a couple of times into your hands, spread it like you would hand lotion. Then rinse it off with water. Pretty much gone, eh? :yep: Another example, I had some Scurl stain one of my 100% silk tops and I thought it was ruined! It looked terrible and was just about to throw it in the bin. My mum just soaked in water, and BAM! It was back to normal, like the whole thing had never happened.

So with that in mind, I think when you put Scurl on wet/ damp hair, it dissolves into the water. And as that water evaporates like it would normally, the Scurl dissolved in it evaporates too. So really, the water you think you're sealing in is essentially fascilitating the evaporation of Scurl from your hair.

Anyway, I used Scurl on my dry hair yesterday and lo'and behold. Cloud-soft scurl hair again!!! I also baggied overnight as per Nonie so maintain the softness. I hope this helps those who've had problems with Scurl and encourage them to give it another try if you hadn't tried it on dry hair!
Yep I LOVE to seal my ends with it at night and they're soft the next morning or when I take my silk scarf off.

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Urban, that's precisely what I've told people every time I've posted info on how to use S Curl. I cannot NOT use it on damp hair, because I need the slip to comb my hair. But yes, your hair will dry up hard. But I always tell folks that THAT is bound to happen and that the next thing to do is apply it to your now dry hair till it is soft again and then plait it for the night and baggy. You will have soft hair next morning and won't need to reapply as long as you baggy every night. I thought you were paying attention in class Urban as many times as I've echoed that point. :bat:
ahhhh! ive been using it on wet. does scurl make anyones hair shrink? i used it yesterday and my twa was a very twa......i did not like it.
Oh yeah. It took me one time to realize that S-Curl on wet hair is a big no no. It is amazing on dry hair. I baggy with it every night! I do make sure to use a little light protein conditioner once a week so that my hair won't get too mushy. I may have to start using Taliah Waajid's Protective Mist Bodifier in the cooler months - like now! - since there is glycerin in S-Curl.
Urban, that's precisely what I've told people every time I've posted info on how to use S Curl. I cannot NOT use it on damp hair, because I need the slip to comb my hair. But yes, your hair will dry up hard. But I always tell folks that THAT is bound to happen and that the next thing to do is apply it to your now dry hair till it is soft again and then plait it for the night and baggy. You will have soft hair next morning and won't need to reapply as long as you baggy every night. I thought you were paying attention in class Urban as many times as I've echoed that point. :bat:

*hangs head in shame* I know, I need one of those good African beatings. With the stick and everything lol. You were so right, and my hair can't thank you enough.

Yes! I have dicovered that too. I let my hair airdry 'naked' then apply the S-curl.

Thanks exactly what I'm doing now too, because even damp hair will just dry up. I guess that may be because it seems to take very little water to dissolve most of the Scurl.

ahhhh! ive been using it on wet. does scurl make anyones hair shrink? i used it yesterday and my twa was a very twa......i did not like it.

Let us know how it goes when you give the dry method a try. Yes, I do get some shrinkage, not too much though. But I also find that when I plait my hair after applying scurl, it ends up straighter than with other leave-ins.

I hate S-curl on wet or dry hair lol. It is not for me.

Aww fair enough. At least you gave it go with both methods. I noticed in your other thread you talk about using a glycerin, water and acv mix. Is that working for you, or are you still experimenting? I wonder what in Scurl your hair doesn't like since water and glycerin are the main ingredients in that too.
a little off topic.. anyone use S-Curl on straight hair as a moisturizer??

Do you mean straight as in flat-ironed or relaxed? I think I've seen some posts from ladies who use it on relaxed hair. Maybe do a search? Also you could try the Juice Challenge thread and maybe look at participant siggy's to see if they're natural or relaxed. I'm pretty sure a handful are relaxed.
I'm going to try it on completely dry hair now. I'm wondering if I'd be able to use during winter if I only use on dry hair and cover it until absorbed?

I like the glycerin based sprays but my hair doesn't like glycerin in dry weather.
a little off topic.. anyone use S-Curl on straight hair as a moisturizer??

I am relaxed and use S-curl as a moisturizer on my hair and my hair LOVES it!!! My daughter is natural and no matter how dry her hair is it softens it right up. Love it, love it, love it!
Typically, I apply scurl on dry hair, baggy for a few hours, then seal so I'm not overnight baggying and having damp hair by morning. End result = soft hair!

Last night I used scurl for the first time on wet hair. I tangle a lot so I spritzed hair with scurl and ran a comb through my hair to distribute product to give my hair a little moisture while air drying. While the hair was drying, I noticed my hair feeling coarse but I waited it out to see how things would turn out. I reapplied scurl when about 95% dry, sealed with evco and detangled fully and that generated soft results. I think I will continue this routine but totally agree...applying it on dry hair is best.
I use it on wet and dry hair. Both work great for me. The key is braiding your hair right after. Your hair will still be a little damp in the morning but it will be moist and flowy waves.
Hehe, yeh I had the "ooohh" moment too lol.

Not trying to be funny but I thought everyone knew to use it on dry hair! I thought Scurl was the ish, but IMO Wave Nouveau beats SCurl hands down.

Just my personal observation
lol, thanks

You're welcome!! : )

I'm going to try it on completely dry hair now. I'm wondering if I'd be able to use during winter if I only use on dry hair and cover it until absorbed?

I like the glycerin based sprays but my hair doesn't like glycerin in dry weather.

Let us know how it goes! Baggying overnight will defintely help over the winter. Either way, please come back and update us.

S-curl is the best!

Yes ma'am, it sure is!!

Typically, I apply scurl on dry hair, baggy for a few hours, then seal so I'm not overnight baggying and having damp hair by morning. End result = soft hair!

Last night I used scurl for the first time on wet hair. I tangle a lot so I spritzed hair with scurl and ran a comb through my hair to distribute product to give my hair a little moisture while air drying. While the hair was drying, I noticed my hair feeling coarse but I waited it out to see how things would turn out. I reapplied scurl when about 95% dry, sealed with evco and detangled fully and that generated soft results. I think I will continue this routine but totally agree...applying it on dry hair is best.

Sealing with evco worked wonders for me, but I stopped because I thought it may be the culprit for the dryness I'd been recently experiencing. So I stopped as part of a process of elimination. In the next coming weeks, I think I'll try working it back into my moisturizing regimen because that combination rocks!
I'm still learning and hope I'm not mis-speaking evco and evoo are just a few of the oils that penetrate the strand. For this reason, I love evco. I love jbco too. Jbco makes my hair super soft. So now, I apply a thin layer of evco first to have it penetrate the strand and then a thin layer of jbco for added softness.
Not trying to be funny but I thought everyone knew to use it on dry hair! I thought Scurl was the ish, but IMO Wave Nouveau beats SCurl hands down.

Just my personal observation

Yes! I bought a bottle of scurl just to see what the hype was and I had to end up mixing it with my wave nouveau spritz and lotion to get my hair feeling as soft as it normally does. Hey you can't knock something till you try it right?
im thinking of buying this product but am not sure because it's winter now and has glycerin in it. Are those that love this product still using it in the winter?