Saw Palmetto and Faster Hair Growth?


New Member
I called a pharmacist to day to ask about the drug interactions between MSM and anti-depressants. Anyway, he said that Dihydratestosterone (DHT) blockers, which are used to treat male-pattern baldness, will also increase the speed of hair growth. He said there has been scientific evidence of this happening. I looked on the internet for a naural DHT blocker and came across Saw Palmetto. Has anyone used this and what were your results?
I found this on the natural well being website. Not sure how reliable this is though:

"Saw Palmetto acts by lowering DHT in the body and by blocking 5 alpha-reductase. Saw palmetto blocks the receptor sites on cell membranes that are required for the absorption of DHT. Since Saw palmetto blocks the use of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a similar causative factor in Androgenetic Alopecia, it is a powerful herb in this hair growth formulation."

Other sites seemed to equate saw palmetto to essential fatty acids in their ability to lower DHT and increase hair growth. There is a Vitamin that came up over and over again called Shen Min. It has all the fatty acids, saw palmetto, biotin, silica and some other stuff. Anyone ever try this? I've seen it in health food stores but I never heard of it.
I've heard of Shenmin. It is an herb that the chinese use to either increase growth, or stop the hair from falling out. I have seen Shenmin in GNC I must say it is expensive (about $20 give or take a few). They have it in shampoo, a topical treatment, and in pill form. Never tried it though,hope this helps.
I've seen Saw Palmetto in health stores but didn't know what it was for. Maybe you're on to something Neen!
I'm using saw palmetto now and i've seen a dramatic difference in how much less my hair is falling out. I've been diagnosed with male pattern baldness and i've been combining the saw palmetto along with massaging emu oil every evening before going to bed . with this regimen less hair comes out especially when i wash my hair. So after massaging i put a bonnet style satin cap on and off to bed.
Thanks iwntlnghair, I haven't taken it in a while but I guess I better jump on it

I have mine in a liquid form. It's small though and comes with a dropper. I guess it's potent or concentrated.
iwntlnghair said:
I've been diagnosed with male pattern baldness

[/ QUOTE ]

now that i think about it, i used to use this when my hair sped down my back a few years back. i stopped because i found out it was especially used by males to help with the prevention of prostate cancer. i might have to go back on this. hmmm....
I looked at a bottle of saw palmetto and it said it was not intended for women. the other bottles I saw only spoke of prostate protection. Is this safe for women and women of child bearing age (meaning, what if a woman got pregnant while taking it?...and no I'm not...)?
Hey godzooki
, this is especially helpful with women that have PCOS because it lowers testerone production. Women with PCOS tend to develop male pattern baldness but I just use the prescription called sprironolactone. It stops unwanted hair but causes the hair on your head to grow and reverse male pattern baldness. Pm for more info.