
New Member
Hey girlly!:)

Your PM is full. I was trying to send you a message about your twists but I'll just post it here and wait for your answers. Thanks mucho!:D
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[FONT='Times New (W1)'][/FONT]
[FONT='Times New (W1)']I'm getting twists in a few weeks and I was wondering about the following:[/FONT]
[FONT='Times New (W1)'][/FONT]
[FONT='Times New (W1)']How long do you keep them in each time?[/FONT]
[FONT='Times New (W1)']How do you keep them clean and moist without removing them every week?[/FONT]
[FONT='Times New (W1)']I need suggestions on products and regimen because if the turn out good I plan on keeping them off and on for the remainder of the year.[/FONT]
[FONT='Times New (W1)']You probably address these questions and more in your fotki but I can't access it from work.[/FONT]
[FONT='Times New (W1)'][/FONT]
[FONT='Times New (W1)']Thanks much![/FONT]
Hey Ms. Cayenne!

I've totally stalked sareca's & LondonDiva's Fotkis too, looking for kinky twist tips. I swear, they done went and started a kinky twist cult up in here!:lachen: I'm going to try to do my own in a few weeks. I have some stuff in my LHCF Journal that I put together regarding braid/twist care. You might want to check some of it out:


Self-braiding tipsDate Posted: 04-06-2007 at 09:52 AM - Comments (0)
I hope to learn how to do my OWN kinky twists soon (courtesy of the "Braids by Breslin" DVDs), and this thread discusses the type of hair kinky twist hair preferred by the LHCF ladies:

Additional threads about caring for braids (and braid removal):

Thread about making straight parts for braiding:

Thread I created to get tips from self-braiders:
preciousjewel76 said:
Hey Ms. Cayenne!

I've totally stalked sareca's & LondonDiva's Fotkis too, looking for kinky twist tips. I swear, they done went and started a kinky twist cult up in here!:lachen: I'm going to try to do my own in a few weeks. I have some stuff in my LHCF Journal that I put together regarding braid/twist care. You might want to check some of it out:


Self-braiding tipsDate Posted: 04-06-2007 at 09:52 AM - Comments (0)
I hope to learn how to do my OWN kinky twists soon (courtesy of the "Braids by Breslin" DVDs), and this thread discusses the type of hair kinky twist hair preferred by the LHCF ladies:

Additional threads about caring for braids (and braid removal):

Thread about making straight parts for braiding:

Thread I created to get tips from self-braiders:

Thanks girl! I'll check it out.
I wanna know too! My good friend is doing them for me this upcoming week. I'm too lazy to do them myself, and she only charges ME $25 :D

I'm so exciting. I getting me some LondonDiva twists to help me hide my hair til july. :D
vivadiva85 said:
I wanna know too! My good friend is doing them for me this upcoming week. I'm too lazy to do them myself, and she only charges ME $25 :D

I'm so exciting. I getting me some LondonDiva twists to help me hide my hair til july. :D

Hold up, I'm in Atlanta too, I want *that* deal!:D
preciousjewel76 said:
Hold up, I'm in Atlanta too, I want *that* deal!:D

Precious, if it were me doing the braiding, you could have that deal. But homegirl is doing...When I get her to do it, I can post pics and ask how much she'll charge???
Sareca I love your twists. I want mine like yours without the braiding. If you have some tips on how you do yours please share. TIA Q
queeny20 said:
Sareca I love your twists. I want mine like yours without the braiding. If you have some tips on how you do yours please share. TIA Q

They really aren't that hard to do. Hmmm, I'm gonna go takes some pics... hang on!
sareca said:
Ok all done. I'm adding the comments now, but the pictorial version is done.

pw: sareca

Wow, your technique looks so much easier than the Braids by Breslin technique. So you add yours without braiding the base? For some reason, I couldn't see a couple of your pics, but it looks like you just twisted the extension into your own hair. Neato! I'm gonna have to try this out. Seems like it would be a heck of a lot easier than braiding the base. Do you find that this method holds pretty well, though?
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preciousjewel76 said:
Wow, your technique looks so much easier than the Braids by Breslin technique. So you add yours without braiding the base? For some reason, I couldn't see a couple of your pics, but it looks like you just twisted the extension into your own hair. Neato! I'm gonna have to try this out. Seems like it would be a heck of a lot easier than braiding the base. Do you find that this method holds pretty well, though?

Fotki's being weird again.

Nope no braiding... and I've only lost one. I was doing something and looked down and it was on the floor. :eek: I didn't roll them between my fingers between twisting across. That's really what makes them stay--the rolling. I don't burn the ends, I'll dipp them to loosen or add curl, but other than that I only do what you can see in the pics.

I roll my own hair between my fingers (pic #1), roll in the extenstion (pic#2), twist the two together (pic #3), then continue to roll between my fingers then twist across all the way down (pic #4)


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preciousjewel76 said:
Thanks! Man, that looks pretty darn easy! I'm tellin' you, once I get my paws on that 360 degree mirror, it's on & poppin'!:lol:

It is easy. It'll take you a minute to figure out if you're actually going in opposite directions when you roll the sections between your fngers. Once you've got that the next hurdle is getting close to the scalp; I'm still working on that one.
I'm pretty excited about that mirror too.
I won't have to have hubby help me relax my hair and I won't have to retrim my hair 3X to get it even.
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sareca said:
It is easy. It'll take you a minute to figure out if you're actually going in opposite directions when you roll the sections between your fngers. Once you've got that the next hurdle is getting close to the scalp; I'm still working on that one.
I'm pretty excited about that mirror too.
I won't have to have hubby help me relax my hair and I won't have to retrim my hair 3X to get it even.

Yeah, I was practicing the "opposite twist" thing after watching the BBB video. I think I've got that down, but you're right, attaching the extension close to the scalp is the most challenging part.
preciousjewel76 said:
Yeah, I was practicing the "opposite twist" thing after watching the BBB video. I think I've got that down, but you're right, attaching the extension close to the scalp is the most challenging part.
I actually attach it far away then roll it down to my scalp, but by the time I get my fingers in the right places it's moved.
SARECA YOUR KINKY TWISTS LOOK WONDERFUL! I see alot of silly atempts to the kinky twist. Some people braid it first than twist which makes it looking like a hot mess.
I_shure_do_wish said:
SARECA YOUR KINKY TWISTS LOOK WONDERFUL! I see alot of silly atempts to the kinky twist. Some people braid it first than twist which makes it look like a hot mess.

Thanks! :blush: I don't even mind the braid-first-then-twist method I just could never get mine to stay braided. Even when I twisted them right the braided part slipped or came completely loose. :ohwell: I do think these look a little neater and I love that even people that can't braid to save their lives can do these. :yep:
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Sorry ya'll. I pictures keep disappearing. I've uploaded again and it's still the same.
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OK--SARECA, ur PM box is full again!!

so, here is what i wanted to ask u---u can pm me if u want...


i have a question for ya. I see u have a new nose ring( looks cute!) and was wondering if u minded telling me a bit of personal info................i want to get a piercing but SO thinks I'm too old b/c I am not 18-20 years old and feels that when I should have gotten it. I just wanted to know if u could tell me ur age or age bracket:look: :) Just curious.......

I'm 26---and I wanna get my first piercing!;) i'm about 85% sure i'm gonna get it!
ayoung1981 said:
OK--SARECA, ur PM box is full again!!

so, here is what i wanted to ask u---u can pm me if u want...


i have a question for ya. I see u have a new nose ring( looks cute!) and was wondering if u minded telling me a bit of personal info................i want to get a piercing but SO thinks I'm too old b/c I am not 18-20 years old and feels that when I should have gotten it. I just wanted to know if u could tell me ur age or age bracket:look: :) Just curious.......

I'm 26---and I wanna get my first piercing!;) i'm about 85% sure i'm gonna get it!

26! :eek: Goodnight! Do you even have all your wisdom teeth yet? IMO, that's not too old. I got my first piercing (my belly) when I was 30--it was my bday present to myself. I got my nose pierced at 32 (last month actually). Although I love my belly piercing, I got it because I was too chicken to get what I really wanted--the nose piercing. :ohwell:

Although Austin is very laidback, my company is the definition of corporate America and my job is customer facing. The customers come from all over the world. Last week was my first customer meeting since the piercing. I was worried at first, but it really wasn't an issue.

I was single when I got my belly pierced and married when I got my nose pierced. I didn't consult (or even tell) my husband before I got it. He came home one day and there it was...
He doesn't approve, but agrees it looks good on me. :wink2: I haven't had one day of regret for either piercing. :nono:

One word of caution... take care of it. Noses can have some pretty serious complication if not kept clean and free of infection. Also, make sure the place is reputable and has an autocave (it's a big, super high heat steriling machine), and that they use gloves, and new needles that in are sealed bags, and use LVM stainless steel for the initial piercing--the kind used for knee or hip replacments. Most places do, but ask anyway.

Other than that go for it. I've had no complications and I LOVE it! Oh I also discussed it w/ my manager before I got it. I took her opinion under advisment, but it was by no means the deciding factor. Her only concerned was about me moving into management positions w/ a piercing. After we finished the official discussion, she gave me daps and ran over to see it after I got it. :) Her belly is pierced too.

If you need to hide it...

There's always the option of simply removing it. It will close up in 24 hours. I have a teeny tiny scar around mine. Nothing that a little microdermabrasion can't fix, if need be.

I'm planning to get a 1mm diamond... (after it has healed, of course)

I haven't brought either of these yet. I thought I'd be too tempted to try it on and I have another 4 weeks before I can change the jewelry.

Anyway, sorry it's so long I just love mine to death.
Thanks sareca for the info! I can tell u like it girl:grin:

I'm gonna get it--I went and checked out a place today. My navel was pierced when I turned 18, took it out when I was about 6 months along with my DD.

But, now I wanna try out a tounge ring--my sister had one and it was soooo cute. she now has one of those 'marilyn monroe' piercings--like amy whinehouse, it's cute on her too!

I'll post pics! *maybe--do u guys really wanna see my tounge????*:eek: :lol:

Thanks again sareca!
ayoung1981 said:
Thanks sareca for the info! I can tell u like it girl:grin:

I'm gonna get it--I went and checked out a place today. My navel was pierced when I turned 18, took it out when I was about 6 months along with my DD.

But, now I wanna try out a tounge ring--my sister had one and it was soooo cute. she now has one of those 'marilyn monroe' piercings--like amy whinehouse, it's cute on her too!

I'll post pics! *maybe--do u guys really wanna see my tounge????*:eek: :lol:

Thanks again sareca!

Ok, I was going to warn you that piercings and tattoos are a little addictive... but I can see it's already too late for you. :wink2: me too. :ohwell:

I was reading something, before I got my first piercing, and it described ears, navel, and belly as conventional piercing. Conventional :huh:

Anyway, I'm sticking w/ those.

Piercing are highly out of character for me. That's why it took into my old age to get one. But I did briefly consider a lowbret... and teeny tiny one.

Oh and I wanna see you tongue piercing! :yep:
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