Sareca, How do you get indigo into your hair?!


New Member
Sareca, How do you get indigo into your hair, because I tried today and that stuff is so grainy and lumpy it kinda doesn't really stick to the hair and most of it ended up on the floor. I still have it on my hair now, not sure how it will take to my hair. But for next time do you have any tips of stuff maybe i can add or should my hair already be wet, Tips please from anyone else who uses indigo as well! Thanx
I believe you have to mix the indigo into henna, both for it to stick to your hair, and for it to 'take' and make your hair darker - otherwise (as I understand it) the indigo will wash out in a couple of washes.....
You don't have to mix the indigo into the henna. The first time you use indigo, you should use henna first. It helps the indigo bind to the hair. You probably used too much water. Use oil, salt and less water to help with the consistency of your mix. If you find it is still too runny, add a little conditioner to thicken it up. I also know of women using pectin to thicken their mixes.