Sally's, how could you?


Active Member
This morning, I washed my hair and conditioned with Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol. It was a heavenly experience. Later I made a run to Sally's and noticed that all the Lustrasilk Cholesterols had disappeared from their shelves. When I made an inquiry, the salesgirl told me they had been removed from the store's inventory for the coming year. So no more Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol. :(

Is it just me, why does it seem that black haircare products are always among the 1st to get the boot? Why can't we have a diverse line up of products to choose from. Stores need to wake up, instead of just keeping Pink Oil Moisturizer well stocked and calling it a day. :ohwell:
A retailer will carry a product that sells well, and brings in money. It wouldn't make business sense to do otherwise. You may want to see if the product is just being discontinued in your market or if it's nationwide.
I don't live in a diverse area, so unfortunately it's been my experience that many of the African-American haircare products mentioned on the board are unavailble in my area.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't do this to me :cry3:

I was just there on Friday, and I noticed they were still on sale, so I asked the girl "Is this product just on sale, or it is clearance??" and she said, "On sale, if it were clearance it would have a red sticker." So I bought 2 tubs...Aw man, now I have to go back and buy the rest of the tubs...What am I gonna use when it's all gone??? :perplexed
artemis_e. said:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't do this to me :cry3:

I was just there on Friday, and I noticed they were still on sale, so I asked the girl "Is this product just on sale, or it is clearance??" and she said, "On sale, if it were clearance it would have a red sticker." So I bought 2 tubs...Aw man, now I have to go back and buy the rest of the tubs...What am I gonna use when it's all gone??? :perplexed

I had this same experience with my beloved Wella Regeneral conditioner I use after relaxing. There was one bottle left and the display that it normally appears in was gone. I asked the salesgirl if it was being discontinued and she said they were just took the display away to make more room. However, I haven't seen the product there ever since. :mad:

Little did I know, last time I was in Sally's they had a bunch of the Lustrasilk Shea Butter, so I picked up 2 tubs too. Then without warning they just stopped carrying it. :whip:
I just went to the wesite and it's still on there, not under "discontinued" products...So I sent an email. The confirmation page said someone should contact me within 72 hours...I hope this isn't really happening *crosses fingers*

Gotta find a replacement just in case...
artemis_e. said:
I just went to the wesite and it's still on there, not under "discontinued" products...So I sent an email. The confirmation page said someone should contact me within 72 hours...I hope this isn't really happening *crosses fingers*

Gotta find a replacement just in case...

Maybe your Sally's still carries it and its just mine that does not. I had e-mailed Sally's recently about the new ORS Lye relaxer and a representative just cut and pasted info about the old no-lye that been around for years. :ohwell: Hopefully you'll have better luck with them than I did. I have a backup with LeKair Cholesterol which I love, but it's a different product from the Lustrasilk. I liked the Lustrasilk's ingriedients and it smelled nice too, I'm sorry to see it go. :(
Its still there...both of them. I just bought the wella regeneral (just relaxed today) and they had plenty of them and the lustrasilk. I just think its the Sally's were you live. You can special order through Sally's so just ask them since it is STILL carried by them but maybe not that individual store.
xxxxcherishxxxx said:
Its still there...both of them. I just bought the wella regeneral (just relaxed today) and they had plenty of them and the lustrasilk. I just think its the Sally's were you live. You can special order through Sally's so just ask them since it is STILL carried by them but maybe not that individual store.

Whew! I almost had a heart attack...Come to think of it, when I bought those 2 tubs, there was plenty there on the shelf, but in my head I thought that if one day I came in to replenish and it wasn't there, I didn't know what I'd do...:perplexed

Thanks cherish!!! :D
Just got a reply from Sally's:

Thank you for contacting us. The Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol Plus (item #119070) has not been discontinued.

We appreciate your interest in Sally Beauty Supply and value your feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact us any time you have a comment, question or suggestion.


Sally Beauty Supply LLC

Yippee Skippee :yay:
Sallys seems to be very bad about getting rid of African American products. Where I live it is just not particular Sallys it is all of them. Whether or not you are in a diverse area or not. It seems like the AA section just keeps getting smaller and smaller.
Yeah I also found this product at a larger BSS in my area (a non-Sally's) so I have nothing to worry a/b :D .

Priestess, you seriously might want to consider special order at your Sally's...That's what I'd do if it were me, b/c it IS that serious :lol:

I love love love this conditioner!
I called my Sally's the other day to see if they could carry it again for me. Needless to say they cannot, they said it was a "corporate decision." Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that a white male executive made this decision? :scratchch

Anyway, I have never seen this conditioner anywhere else, my Wal-Mart only carries LeKair which will have to do. I have seen this on-line at Golden Mart Beauty so if I ever place an order there I'll be sure to stock up.
Priestess said:
I called my Sally's the other day to see if they could carry it again for me. Needless to say they cannot, they said it was a "corporate decision." Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that a white male executive made this decision? :scratchch

Anyway, I have never seen this conditioner anywhere else, my Wal-Mart only carries LeKair which will have to do. I have seen this on-line at Golden Mart Beauty so if I ever place an order there I'll be sure to stock up.

I think that this stuff is readily available in a lot of other areas. I would be willing to get several jars and send to you. PM me and describe the jar and we can work something out. I just sent some TJ Nourish spa conditioner to another member to help her out. Is this the one in the jar with the orange top? Let me know.

I just did a search and they have it at Walgreens
crlsweetie912 said:
I think that this stuff is readily available in a lot of other areas. I would be willing to get several jars and send to you. PM me and describe the jar and we can work something out. I just sent some TJ Nourish spa conditioner to another member to help her out. Is this the one in the jar with the orange top? Let me know.

I just did a search and they have it at Walgreens

I love, my heart did skip a beat the other night when I saw that Lustrasilk product on there, but it isn't the same. This is the conditioner:


I'll send you a pm crlsweetie, I appreciate your looking out for me. I love my LHCF family. :kiss:
I think the individual stores cater their inventory to their local consumer base. I've noticed the Sally's in the more "ethnic" areas of Jersey carry MANY more "ethnic" product lines than others that I've been to. Almost like visiting two completely differernt beauty supply chains. Ii remember back in the 90's Sally's used to be the bomb!
so1913 said:
I think the individual stores cater their inventory to their local consumer base. I've noticed the Sally's in the more "ethnic" areas of Jersey carry MANY more "ethnic" product lines than others that I've been to. Almost like visiting two completely differernt beauty supply chains. Ii remember back in the 90's Sally's used to be the bomb!

Yeah, I live in Connecticut, so my Sally's really doesn't doesn't cater to the African-American market. :ohwell: