Salerm 21???


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I'm interesting in purchasing some Salerm 21. I've never heard of it, nor seen a pic of it. Since I don't know what it looks like, could someone please e-mail me a pic of it and let me know where I can purchase it. [email protected]

This is an excellent product, it leaves the hair soft, manageable, silky, my dominican stylist uses it on me sometimes just before she rollersets.
I think i am the only odd ball. I didnt like it all tho. But I never used it on rollersets.
does it leave rollerset hair soft and bouncy? I roller set my hair and use a LITTLE bit of elucence MB as a leave in and my hair still comes out sort of crispy.
seeminglysweet said:
does it leave rollerset hair soft and bouncy? I roller set my hair and use a LITTLE bit of elucence MB as a leave in and my hair still comes out sort of crispy.

I use this primarly for my rollersets and it comes out soft,bouncy and shiny. I love it :)
lavnder said:
I use this primarly for my rollersets and it comes out soft,bouncy and shiny. I love it :)
Co signing! When I do my after relaxer wraps, I have to use pins/clips to get my hair to stay wrapped! It's so soft. I really love this stuff!
I stopped using Salerm 21 products for a while, not sure why. I guess I got caught up in the recommendations of other products, that's the PJ in me...

Nonetheless, the bottles started smiling at me again and I said what the heck. I'm proud to say the results were overwhelmingly pleasing. My hair was soft and smelled great! Hubby even said that my hair smelled good too. I thought it was a little perfumey but you quickly get used to the scent.

This is so going to be my staple product!!! I'm running low on the conditioner so I'll be headed out at lunch to pick up some more for my weekend wash!
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Has anyone ever used the Salerm 21 containing B5 Provitamin? I ordered Salerm from SickBay and that is what they sent to me (I thought that it was just a new container). I want to place an order on the three bottles of original Salerm 21 for $22. I liked it a lot, but since it was my first time using this product I am unable to do a comparison to the original Salerm 21. Is there much of a difference? Can anyone shed some light on these two items? BTW the B5 version is higher priced on the Just Beauty site.

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Has anyone ever used the Salerm 21 containing B5 Provitamin? I ordered Salerm from SickBay and that is what they sent to me (I thought that it was just a new container). I want to place an order on the three bottles of original Salerm 21 for $22. I liked it a lot, but since it was my first time using this product I am unable to do a comparison to the original Salerm 21. Is there much of a difference? Can anyone shed some light on these two items? BTW the B5 version is higher priced on the Just Beauty site.


Does anyone have a review on this product?
Does anyone have a review on this product?

That is the Same One that I have. But I have never tried the Other one. Just this one. So, I have nothing to compare it with. Saawry:ohwell:

But this one works Extremely Well.:grin:

In fact, I will be using it tonight as my Leave-In along with the Fermodyl 619.:yep: is a site run by a former LHCFer. She is VERY customer friendly and she replies to questions personally. I think her screen name was JenniferMD. She sells lots of Dominican products on her site.
That is the Same One that I have. But I have never tried the Other one. Just this one. So, I have nothing to compare it with. Saawry:ohwell:

But this one works Extremely Well.:grin:

In fact, I will be using it tonight as my Leave-In along with the Fermodyl 619.:yep:
LoL! I should have just PMd you. We always seem to be using the same stuff. I just bought this today on a whim. I am hoping it doesn't leave build up.
I used it today after my wash. I actually managed to stick to the "quarter sized amount" concept--at first. I let my hair air dry and then I applied another dime sized amount to my ends. I must say, my hair is VERY soft. Not gummy, not sticky, just touchably soft.
OK its official, I love this stuff. I washed and coated my ends with Salerm yesterday. I just took down my french twist and my ends are SO SOFT!! Soft hair, no build up--its a winner!
I have used both and I prefer the original version over the B5. Unfortunately the original leave in has been discontinued that's why you were sent the new version. It's supposed to be exactly the same and the consistency feels the same, but there's a difference to me and I'm so mad I didn't find out that they would discontinue earlier, I would have stocked up.

I can't really explain the difference other than to say the B5 version is kind of slippery and didn't adhere to my hair the same as the original version, kinda like a liquid leave in. Sorry for the poor example.