Sabino MB Review


Well-Known Member
I just used my Sabino samples yesterday. I washed, DC'ed and put on the SMB and rollerset. Then I added a half a dime size more and used to Chi to get my hair straight.

I wore my hair down and it did not frizz:grin:.

I'm not fond of the feel and I have the white girl swang (which I hate, by the way). and my hair isn't shiny.

Overall, I give this product a B+. I would use it again if given to me but I wouldn't pay $21 a bottle either.

I will post pics soon
Okay, it's good to hear that it did keep you from frizzing up. I just ordered some of this and I've been braided up for the longest, so I'm hoping it works well for me. I'll know right away, because the last time I straightenened, my hair went "poof" right after I pressed the last section. Thanks for the info!
I wasn't too impressed with Sabino either. I'm going to try it again because I have a habit of being heavy-handed with products.
Yeah. You really have to work on perfecting just the right amount. But once you do, it really does work wonders, and knock out the frizz.
is this better than chi silk infusion? are there cheaper serums that work better? wondering, because my sample of sabino moisture block is taking FOREVER to get here...
is this better than chi silk infusion? are there cheaper serums that work better? wondering, because my sample of sabino moisture block is taking FOREVER to get here...
I think it's the best one when it comes to frizz. It also lasts until the next wash. You should call them up. They're usually super fast about delivering! I don't have the number off the top of my head but if you go to the site, and you click the contact us area, it should be there. I haven't found anything that comes close, and I'm a natural who likes to flat iron my hair.
I tried my sample thins weekend. hair is straight is a stick and I live in rain country (Northwest, USA).

Suscribe to the dullness - not impressed, but it does stay straight.
My hair is STILL blinging and I used it Sunday and my hair is still SWANGING like a WG...very strange for me too. I am washing my hair tonight though b/c I'm over the whole straight thing this week, but I love the SMB and will use again and again whenever I flat-iron.

NappyStorm, what "feel" are you not fond of, the wg swang or the texture of the product? It feels different than other serums in your opinion? Do you have any color in your hair?
Too bad they are no longer giving away samples. I think this is something I'd like to try (as I wear my hair straight frequently).