??'s about the start of your hair Journey!!!


Tell me how, why and what you did to start your journey to longer, healthy hair… What was your turning point… as in when did you notice a significant different in your hair/why?

Also tell me what style you wore when you first started your journey and any other styling, health related tips you can share...

For the past 2 weeks, my regime has been as follows: Deep Con 25-30 mins every Sunday, co-wash in showers Wednesdays… baggying overnight at times, wearing a wig cap.

I have a good hair mayo for DC, and carrot oil and kemi oyl for moisture and sealing.. but I know I want to have more variety than wigs…

I am a 4a/4b mixture relaxed.. Been 12 weeks since last relaxer
Currently neck length in back…
Goal- Shoulder length by my bday 2/3/08 (attainable?) That would be approx. 3inches of growth needed

Well, I just started my hair journey at the end of May. I hope I can be of help to you! I have eliminated heat from my hair care regimen, which has allowed me to experiment and be more creative with my hair style options. I have decided that I am going to start a photo album on my fotki for my various no heat hair styles. Anyway, setting your hair is a great way to retain length and gain a little thickness. Bantu knot sets, perm or flexi-rod sets, satin sponge roller sets, buns... That's pretty much what I do now. And I guess I have some results. I air dried and flat-ironed my hair for the first time since May and one of my girlfriends (who has been in Africa for the past month) saw me and said that my hair has really grown and she asked me what I have been doing! That really made me feel good and motivated me to continue with using no heat and setting my hair. Anyway, I'm rambling. Hope that I was helpful! :D
Tell me how, why and what you did to start your journey to longer, healthy hair… What was your turning point… as in when did you notice a significant different in your hair/why? I got tired of having hair that would never grow past my shoulders. I knew that there had to be something I could do because I just could not believe that SL was the longest my hair would grown. I also wanted to have healthier hair. I was through with the split ends, the breaking, etc. I noticed a significant difference in my hair when it finally went past my shoulders and I didn't have to get it trimmed because my ends looked almost as they did when I had my last trim.

Also tell me what style you wore when you first started your journey and any other styling, health related tips you can share... I've always been one to wear my hair down. As my hair has gotten longer, it's a little past APL, I wear it up more often. I probably wear my hair down about 3 days a week.

1. Keep your ends moisturized.

2. I also changed my eating and exercise habits around the time that I started my journey a year ago. The healthier lifestyle, I'm sure, has done wonders for the overall health of my hair.

3. One thing that I have learned is that you have to balance the amount of moisture and protein in your hair. I DC every week, but for a while a couple of months ago, my hair seemed weak. It was soft, but it was very vulnerable to breakage. I hadn't used henna for a while, so I was in need of some protein. I used some ORS Hair Mayo that I had and it did the trick. I now make sure that I do a henna treatment once a month, or at least do some sort of protein treatment. My hair doesn't need anything really strong, but just something to give it extra strength.

4. Don't get caught up in extremely complicated regimines. I understand that when you first start your hair journey you want to try everything that has given success to others. I definitely became quite a PJ! But you'll definitely figure out what works best for you and I'm almost certain that it will be a very simple regimine.

5. Make sure you use a scarf, bonnet, and/or satin pillowcase. Cotton sucks the moisture out of your hair.
I completely agree with MW138!

My hair got damaged from a salon mishap/personal mishandling. It's getting much healthier and growing very well. :) Here what I did/do:

1. Got a Fresh Start. By getting a trim, I was able to get rid of all split-ends that were causing damage to my hair and begin to retain my length.

2. CHANGED MY DIET! I am a complete junkie!!! I eat everything. But I knew there was no way my hair was going to recover at the fast pace I wanted without working on my insides too. So I started working about 4-5 days a week, drinking LOTS of water (2.2L a day), eating fruits, and taking multi-vitamins (supernutrition) and hair vitamins (GNC ultranourishair).

3. Became a Product Junkie. This was a pro & con for me. Pro: I learned what products worked for my hair so I was able to build a simple regime and stick to it. I needed to do this because after my hair mishap, I wasnt relying on ANYONE to tell me what products my hair needed. But the Con was I ran broke :sad:. Was it worth it? HELL YEAH! :grin:

4. Baby my hair. I co-wash almost everyday. Moisturize!!!!! Give myself scalp massages. Always have a LOOSE bun & a phony pony. Sometimes I baggy depending on whether my hair wants it, & when it does, I notice an immediate improvement in my hair!

If I had to sum everything up in 1 sentence, this is it: KNOW YOUR OWN HAIR! :D
This is an excerpt from my hair journal. It needs updating but it does outline my progress. I now only use Dom Products and Aveda DR. However, I still use Aphogee. I no longer press my ng, I just leave it after I roller set.

March 2005 my hair was a hot mess. Broke as result of color and relaxer applied the same time by my stylist of 15 years. The back was all gone, nothing, could only lay flat to dry. December 2005 I made a resolution to stop using the blower dryer. Have not used one since. I changed stylist in May 2005 and is now getting the affirm relaxer. Every 5 weeks. The only time I go to the salon is for a relaxer. I have continued to do my hair myself in between salon visits and it is growing nicely.

June 2006 I decided to start stretching my relaxer. I scheduled for 8 weeks and this was manageable. I used the t3 ceramic curling iron to press my new growth.

August 2006 my hair is now very healthy. The back has grown to the bottom of the neck and I can wear a pony tail. August 30 2006 my hair is 3 ½ weeks post relaxer and I decided to try the bun with baggie from Wed – Sat. I know already that I will not like this. It’s so not me. This will help since I work out. Other days my hair will be down. Dry using hooded dryer and curl with T3 tourmaline curling iron. I wrap at night.

Sept 2006, I’ve really been rocking the bun with baggie. It work better for me if I just dry under the hooded dryer and then curl with my t3. I’ll wear it down a couple of days and then put it in the bun. I just got my relaxer on Friday Sept 29th. My stylist always does a wet set and then I wrap it when I get home. I’ve also started back setting my hair and will only press the ng around the 5 week mark. I’m now brushing the top of the shoulders. So it’s really growing. My next relaxer is scheduled for Nov 29th. Stretching has really help my hair and I plan to add a week each time. Products I use are:

Redken All Soft Shampoo
Redken Smooth Down
Redken Extreme
Frederick Fekkai Moisturizing Shampoo
Philip B White Truffle Shampoo
Nexxus Botanical
Phytospecific Intense Nutrition
Aveda DR (just added) love it

Redken All Soft Con, Heavy Crème Treatment, Smooth Down Con and Treatment, Extreme Con and Deep Fuel
Frederick Fekkai Moist Cond
Aveda DR con and treatment
Nexxus Keraphix
Nexxus Humectress
Ojon Restorative Treatment
Phytospecific Intense Nutrition Cond
Phytospecific Vital Force Crème Bath

Redken Anti Snap leave in, Philip B Lovin Leave in, Aveda Elixir, Mizani Therma Strength Serum, Phytospecific Integral Hair Care moisturizing leave in, Aveda Brilliant Serum, Frederick Glossing Crème, Chi Silk Infusion.

December 2006 -
I experienced and unwanted cut by a scissor happy stylist. So I started all over in January 2007. :sad: See My Fotki.

February 2007 -
I just successfully completed my first 12 wk stretch and I'm 4a/b, Yeah! First, because of all the ng I don't think daily rinsing would have worked for me because of all the manipulation. I completed this stretch w/o braids or weaves. Not my style. Just worked with my own hair. I washed twice a week, Wed and Sat. I do rollerset sets with each wash. Starting around wk 7/8 I would press the ng with my ceramic curling iron if I wanted the straighter look. If not, I would just finger comb the set in bun. I would always use some type of serum on each curl (Aveda Brilliant or Chi Silk Infusion). My Wed wash would be a light poo with a moisturizing poo (Phillip B White Truffles or Redken all soft, Frederick Fekkai Moist Poo). I would deep cond under the dryer for 30 min with any on the following (Redken Smooth Down mixed with Keraphix, Phyto Specific Intense Nutri). The last month or so I started deep cond with my Dominican products on with the Wed wash (Silicon Mix and 10 en 1 mixed, Silicon Mix with Tratamiento Aceite De Oliva). I discovered this mix really soften the ng. To prepare for Sat wash on Friday night I parted my hair in four sections and applied Tratamiento Aceite De Oliva as pre poo sometimes adding EVOO and jojoba oils. I would put on a plastic cap and let it cond over night. The next day the ng would be very soft. I would proceed to poo with my staple Aveda Damage Remedy Poo and then deep cond with ADR cond and treatment. My leave in each time would be Lacio, Lacio, Aveda Elixir and Mizani Therma Strength. Sometimes I spray in this other detangle by Aveda (can't think of the name). However, my hair is extremely soft and I detangle and set w/o a problem up to 12wks. I always do an aphogee treatment as well to give my hair extra protein (two during this stretch). Believe me, I never thought that I could pull this off, but I learned that if I roller set my it hides a lot of the ng. I worked with it and not against it. I also realize that ng will not lay flat like relaxed hair and has just accepted that. I was also able to wrap my hair if I press it with my iron. I don't use blow dryers and have not since 2005. I plan to continue my 12 wks stretch from now because it totally gave me a new head of hair.

Oils Is Use – Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Sweet Almond, Jojoba, Evoo.

Dominican Products – Silicon Mix, Super 10 en 1, Tratamiento Aceite De Oliva, Leave In Aceite De Oliva, and Lacio Lacio.

Aphogee – When needed.
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Good info ladies!!

Tell me how, why and what you did to start your journey to longer, healthy hair… What was your turning point… as in when did you notice a significant different in your hair/why? I started in February 2007 after my crazy stylist burnt my temple off for the last time, and cut off all the length I had grown in 3 months. I started to notice a difference in my hair around April...by then I had calmed down on buying up a bunch of products, and used a set reggie for a good month.

Also tell me what style you wore when you first started your journey and any other styling, health related tips you can share...I wore my hair pinned up most days of the week, it was winter here and the cold whipping wind was dangerous on the strands. I started taking a multi every day. I wash twice a week usually Tuesday and Saturday and DC after every wash. I also started using a good daily moisturizer. After adding alot of moisture, my hair really started to turn around. I also do a henna treatment once a month to get my protein/moisture balance in check.
Tell me how, why and what you did to start your journey to longer, healthy hair… What was your turning point… as in when did you notice a significant different in your hair/why?
I started this journey by first destroying my hair. I have a stylist who cares about the health of my hair. I stopped going to her, first because of my illness then my husband's illness, then his unemployment. For financial reasons, I started having my Sister or a friend put in box relaxer every six weeks or so. This was really not the problem. The problem was I didn't do much to take care of my hair. My fall-back style was phony ponies. This went on for about 15 months.

At the end of May, I had a friend do my touch-up. She gave me half a bottle of Hot 6 Oil and told me how to use it on my hair. She didn't mention it, but, she was probably shocked at the condition of my head. She wanted to trim my split ends, but, I wouldn't let her.

At the beginning of June, I needed to color my grey. I also wanted to lighten my color. Ten days after my touch-up, I put a box color kit in myself that did lighten my hair, but not as light as I wanted it. I found LHCF while doing a search online to find out what would happen if: 1. I put a lighter permanent color over the one I just did., or 2. How to get the permanent color out so I could put a lighter one in.

After reading a bit and seeing all the beautiful hair pictures. I decided to leave well enough alone. Not re-color my hair for a while, and try to grow out the back of my head which had thinned, broke off and suffered because of my mal-treatment, the phony ponies and all the other things I was not doing right.

I noticed results immediately, just by doing a hard ApHogee treatment, washing, DC'ing twice a week and moisturizing as my hair needed it. My hair became so soft and it stopped shedding and breaking all over the floor and my clothing. My real turning point came when I learned to rollerset and self-relax, freeing me from my dependence on my stylist to have a healthy head. My husband is back at work now, but, I can now take care of my own hair. Learning to rollerset also freed me from my blow dryer.

Also tell me what style you wore when you first started your journey and any other styling, health related tips you can share.

Up until a couple of weeks ago, I was still rockin' my phony ponies. After seeing pictures of the back of my head, I realized that if my thinning spots were really going to fill out and get better, I had to stop putting my hair in pony tails. I had bought two NewHair wigs in June, but had not used them continuously. A couple of weeks ago I started wearing them. I'm trying to fall back on the phony ponies no more than once per week. I'm also drinking more water 6-8 bottles a day. And eating more fruits and veggies.

I wash, condition and DC 15-30 minutes with heat, twice a week. Do a protein treatment every other week and a hard ApHogee treatment two weeks after my touch-ups. I clarify every other week with Suave Clarifying Shampoo and pre-poo with Suave/White Rain Tropical conditioner and either Hot 6 Oil or Proclaim Aloe Vera Hot Oil Treatment before every wash, except the one that I clarify on. I used to baggy, but, I don't now. Because of the configuration of my wig, I can't wear a cap under it, but, I make sure my hair is well moisturized, sealed and my ends are turned in, before I clip it on. I plan to touch-up my hair every 8-10 weeks and color once every 12 weeks.

I am a proud, self-proclaimed, Sally card-carrying product junkie. My PJ'ism was set off by that Hot 6 Oil my friend gave me. :D My Monday wash is routine. Wash with Generic Nexxus Therappe (twice), condition with Roux Porosity Control conditioner, DC with ORS Replenishing (bottle) mixed with Generic Nexxus Humectress. Apply leave-ins and roller set. Or, tie down my edges with wrap strips and sit under my hard hat dryer on warm to dry.

My Thur./Fri. wash is when I experiment and/or clarify. I may try a different shampoo or conditioner or mix different conditioners/cholesterols together, to see what I like and what works. I still use the same leave-ins and still dry the same way.

My next additions will be vitamins, hair massage and some sort of topical treatment. Mainly for the back where my hair has the longest to grow.

My first goal is healthy hair. My second goal is for somewhere between APL and BSL. I'm thinking it will take me 12-15 months. Just the same amount of time it took for me to destroy my hair.
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Tell me how, why and what you did to start your journey to longer, healthy hair
Well...in Jan of 06, I had a little incident (involving superglue and conrows/singles) and I had to cut my hair very short (the 1st pic in siggy). At the time it seemed like the worst thing that could've happened to my hair but later I realized it was really the best thing that happened to my hair. It forced me to start over...and since I had to start over, I really wanted to grow my hair back as soon as possible, which eventually led me to this board. I decided that I might as well learn to take care of my hair the right way this time around and I've benefited a lot from doing just so.

What was your turning point… as in when did you notice a significant different in your hair/why?
I would say I started noticing a very significant difference about 6 months later (June 06). Even though my hair was shorter than it was before I cut it in Jan....this was the best my hair had ever felt and looked (2nd pic in siggy). I was so happy, excited, and motivated to continue my hair journey.

Also tell me what style you wore when you first started your journey and any other styling, health related tips you can share...
The styles I wore were mainly weaves and box braids. I was on the hide your hair until xmas for 6 months and I did a 7 month relaxer stretch (I don't think I'll stretch like that again though).

I agree with the tips the ladies have given above...
-moisturize and pamper your hair. I have my full regimen and hair journey documented in my fotki...feel free to take a look.

ps: the reason why I say starting over was the best thing that happened to me...here's a pic of my hair approximately 5 months before I cut it...lol:lachen: I almost died of laughter when I saw this...I look crazy with my hair lop-sided like that .
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wow ak46! you have come a long way!!!in a short time too! My hair is now cut to about the length of the second pic in your siggy(secon cut in a period od a few months) and i hope i can get my hair back healthy and long as you did with yours!congrats to you,even if you have more goals to reach.
wow ak46! you have come a long way!!!in a short time too! My hair is now cut to about the length of the second pic in your siggy(secon cut in a period od a few months) and i hope i can get my hair back healthy and long as you did with yours!congrats to you,even if you have more goals to reach.

Thank you so much :) I know you can make it to any goal you set...it just take a little time and patience...Good Luck ;)
ak47 you r truly sn inspiration for me! Good job on taking care of your hair it looks really, really good and healthy. I will have to check out your fotki (still in the dark about this) and see what tips you have posted. Thanks for your response.
