Running His Fingers Through Your Hair


Well-Known Member
SO 1 complaint that my S/O has is that anytime that he wants to run his fingers through my hair, i always tell him dont. :look:

Well that's because secretly, i don't want him to do that and his fingers get caught in my hair :lachen:

He always jokingly says that "if i was with a white woman i could do it." N me being a smart *** says "well, i guess u need to get to lookn :rolleyes: ."

Well anyway, do yall have this same fear? I would say about the only time i would let him do it, is if my hair was straight. But twist outs, braidouts ect....
i kinda of shy away from not because my hair is not soft, but because with my luck he will decide to caress the EXACT SECTION that gives me the most tangling problems. :lachen:
I say let him. You will be one of very few Black women he has ever encountered that allows him to do so. I think this tendency stems from the bad hair practices we had back in the day like no washing frequently. Now that you're armed with all this knowlege I assume you keep your hair fresh smellin good and styled let him enjoy it.

I always have no problem letting them run their fingers thru my hair.....even when its in a fro....let them enjoy and be intimate with you....but especially when my hair is straight. Don't be afraid!:lol:
I am mad he brought a yt woman into the conversation. :nono:

I let my DH run his fingers through my hair. But I make him keep his nails trimmed. For my hair to prevent the snags, among other reasons :giggle:.
SO can do it anytime, he knows how to not mess it up. He prefers to look rather than touch anyways i'm always the one making him touch im like "feel it! isn't it soft?" lol

He shouldn't have brought in the white women though, I know just as many that don't like hands in their hair
Girl let that man touch your hair!:rofl: If he lose a finger that's on him:lol:

Now having said that, I do want DH to "run his fingers" through my hair and complain about him never touching my hair.

Well one night he decides to go for it but instead of running his fingers through my hair he puts his hand on top of my hair and begins to ruffle it up like he's lathering it or something:shocked::nono::help:

I didn't say anything but I think my body language communicated to him what my head was saying:lol:

Later he was like "I thought you wanted me to touch your hair." I said, "Yes, run fingers through it not faux wash it:nono:
*disclaimer* When I say lose a finger I don't mean that as in OP's hair or coarse or wiry. i mean it in the sense of if her coils decide to have relations with his fingers, we'll I'm cutting his finger before I cut my hair:rofl:
*disclaimer* When I say lose a finger I don't mean that as in OP's hair or coarse or wiry. i mean it in the sense of if her coils decide to have relations with his fingers, we'll I'm cutting his finger before I cut my hair:rofl:

LOL I can just imagine the senario if he got his finger stuck

him: let me just reach for the scissors so I can cut this piece of hair my finger's caught in
you: *wonders if my health insurance will cover emergency finger amputation* :lachen:
My dh leaves my hair a frizzy mess.....he can play in it all he wants if we are at home...But when we are in the car going somewhere he has a tendency to reach over and I always say unless you want me to break out my water spray bottle you better keep your hands out of my hair....and he usually complies...because he hates when I am in the car water spritzing my hair...he says...babe, come on...water is going everywhere loll

Oh yes.....I have a water spray bottle in my car and a bottle of water for emergencies loll .....What gives....
C'mon yall, the white woman thing was just a joke. I don't take it offensively and neither should yall. Let's not even focus on that

Anyway, let me rephrase this, its not that he hasn't done it, its just that i shy away about it BECAUSE i get paranoid about that one section. He has done it especially when my hair is straight and i love it. There is just something about a man's hands in ya hair... mmmhhhmmm
My DH cannot run his fingers through my hair per se--like my hair does not have that ability. He can put his fingers "IN" my hair, or "on" my hair, or he can "pull" my hair. :lick: And I don't mind if he does any of it. My hair is not that serious.
My DH cannot run his fingers through my hair per se--like my hair does not have that ability. He can put his fingers "IN" my hair, or "on" my hair, or he can "pull" my hair. :lick: And I don't mind if he does any of it. My hair is not that serious.
lol @ the pull!
My hubby luvs to run his fingers through my hair after a fresh roller wrap (like today). He says its soothing!
I think you should let him. I let my bf play in my ng all the time and I love it. IDK why but ever since I was a child, I LOVED for someone to be in my hair (usually my mom or grandma) and scratch my scalp or somethin. Idk its weird but very soothing for hands to be in my head lol Sometimes he gets tangled up in there but then I just finger detangle him out so it's all good!
I wish my SO would run his fingers through my hair more and add a little scalp massage. I think he was afraid that I wouldn't be receptive but we had a little chat about it the other day and Im hoping to see an improvement :-)
i lets my man (when i have one) play with my hair. so long as they dont try to braid it for you (knowing darn well they dunno how to braid) its all good :)
I pride myself in not having a weave(not that there is anything wrong with them) so I let him run it through there as much as he wants. My only reservation is during humpidy hump time he likes to yank my hurr and I had to snap on :brucelee: him because I HEARD AND FELT my hair come out the scalp. :boxing:
My boyfriend was scared the 1st time he asked if he could run his fingers through my hair. I said yes, I love for anyone to play in my head, its soothing. I let him brush it once but had to stop him, it was like he was attacking my skull w that paddle brush.
I dont have a problem with my SO when I have one running their fingers through my hair but most men dont try it I think they have been conditioned not to touch lol. I wear weaves as a PS and I dont mind when they run their fingers though that either no shame in my game my stylist is great my weaves are never lumpy and they are secure I find hands in my head soothing.
I pride myself in not having a weave(not that there is anything wrong with them) so I let him run it through there as much as he wants. My only reservation is during humpidy hump time he likes to yank my hurr and I had to snap on :brucelee: him because I HEARD AND FELT my hair come out the scalp. :boxing:

You too?! LOL Omg I thought I was the only one. I swore he caused some breakage and I had to stop. i was like act right or the bonnets going back on :lachen::lachen: lol
I dont have a problem with my SO when I have one running their fingers through my hair but most men dont try it I think they have been conditioned not to touch lol. I wear weaves as a PS and I dont mind when they run their fingers though that either no shame in my game my stylist is great my weaves are never lumpy and they are secure I find hands in my head soothing.
See nah a weave he can play in till the cows come home!
I pride myself in not having a weave(not that there is anything wrong with them) so I let him run it through there as much as he wants. My only reservation is during humpidy hump time he likes to yank my hurr and I had to snap on :brucelee: him because I HEARD AND FELT my hair come out the scalp. :boxing:

im the same as justsimply....i dont care normally, but if im all dressed up...dont touch! lol
its the same as when he tries to kiss me right after i put on tinted lip balm or something....let me at least make a grand entrance wherever im going before you muss up my hair....
I pretend not to care but really I'm thinking about how dry he is making my hair.:look: I mean I play in my hair all day and thats bad for it, so YOU can't do it too! :lachen:
But I know he likes it so I'll indulge him.....sometimes :rolleyes:
OP, I understand exactly what you mean.

Especially since I wear my hair cornrowed under a wig. It makes me a little self conscious when DH of 9yrs and 4 kids runs his fingers through my hair.

Irrational, yes, but that is how I feel and I'm trying to get over it.

You are only as sexy as you feel. Besides, he doesnt even care one way or another, lol.