Rules for New UserName


The Credit Countess
I wanted to change my username. After 6 years I'm tired of LadyR but when I tried to change it i got the following:

Rule Violation: The username that you have submitted violates one of the Username Rules that the administrator has specified.

So my question is what are the rules for usernames and where can this information be found

Forum Rules (found at top of page under "Rules")

I saw these rules that apply to usernames; you will know if it applies to you, but I didn't see any others that specifically address usernames.

Vulgar and sexually explicit / suggestive screen names are strictly prohibited

User names that are deemed tasteless or offensive will be changed by the Administration without notification.
I got the same thing and I know for a fact I was well within guidlines...turned out my choice was already taken. That may be your issue as well.
Thanks Michelle, that may be the problem. I wish that they would just say that. I know that my was well within the guidelines. Will think of something else.

I got the same thing and I know for a fact I was well within guidlines...turned out my choice was already taken. That may be your issue as well.