Rough sandpaper-like hair...


Nappy and Happy
I think my hair is hitting puberty, because it's rebelling against me at every turn.

My hair doesn't have issues, it has a subscription.

Today I co washed with Porosity Control, and then deep conditioned with an ORS-Replenishing Pack.

But now my hair feels very rough to the touch. When I run my hair down the shaft, it feels almost like sandpaper.

I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle here :( No matter what I do, my hair just won't act right :nono:
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Have you tried a deep conditioner? I believe ORS replinishing pack is a protein conditioner. I have very dry hair and something that helps me a great deal is before washing a cover my hair in either EVOO or castor oil for about a half hour followed by a shampoo and deep mosturizing conditioner - bye bye sandpaper hair. Just a thought, it might work for you as well....
Yes, like Dymondz7 said you need a deep mosturizing conditioner and put a plastic cap on so it can soften your hair well...
The ORS RP does coat pretty good. If I were you, I would use a good clarifying shampoo before you use another deep conditoner.

Something of nice quality like Kenra's chelating one or Redken's cleansing cream (I just tried this and LOVE IT). Something that cleans and remove's mineral deposits.
I agree with the others sandpaper-like hair needs moisture and may need to have the porosity corrected. I would:

1.) clarify the hair or chelate depending on your water situation. This will clean the hair and free up the hair strands of lingering product debris. On your subsequent washes, you should opt for a non-stripping moisturizing shampoo. Strong poos can dry the hair out pretty bad if you aren't balancing it out with proper moisturizing.:

2.) deep condition with a moisturizing deep conditioner. This will infuse the hair with moisture to bring back the hair's pliability and elasticity.

3.) finish off with acidifying rinse like an ACV rinse or cold rinse for porosity. This will flatten and smooth your cuticles, giving your deep conditioning a little more "mileage." Your porosity control should have helped some, but you probably should have used it in conjunction with a good moisturizing deep conditioner rather than the ORS.

Does anyone know the pH of the porosity control products?
Something that was amazing to me was using a teaspoon of honey with my extra virgin olive oil and conditioner. I kept hearing how moisturizing honey was so I gave it a shot. It was wonderful. I heated it slightly mixed with evoo and then combined with conditioner. I think you'll really like that. Something else that surprised me. Qhemet Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm. I ordered the sample pack from Qhemet and got four small items. I had been ignoring this one and the gel because the gel didn't lay down my hair (it seems to be more for something like setting twists or bantu knots) and the balm seemed to thick. I was frustrated with my shedding and decided to mix the balm with a small amount of coconut oil (on my dry clean hair) and put it in a bun. My hair has been moisturized for 2 days now!!! That's a big deal for my thirsty hair. Good luck!
Cayenne0622 said:
Something that was amazing to me was using a teaspoon of honey with my extra virgin olive oil and conditioner. I kept hearing how moisturizing honey was so I gave it a shot. It was wonderful. I heated it slightly mixed with evoo and then combined with conditioner. I think you'll really like that. Something else that surprised me. Qhemet Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm. I ordered the sample pack from Qhemet and got four small items. I had been ignoring this one and the gel because the gel didn't lay down my hair (it seems to be more for something like setting twists or bantu knots) and the balm seemed to thick. I was frustrated with my shedding and decided to mix the balm with a small amount of coconut oil (on my dry clean hair) and put it in a bun. My hair has been moisturized for 2 days now!!! That's a big deal for my thirsty hair. Good luck!

Did you find the Hydrating Balm too greasy? I tried it and it was too much for me if I wear my hair down. I am heavy handed though. :)
Dymondz7 said:
Have you tried a deep conditioner? I believe ORS replinishing pack is a protein conditioner. I have very dry hair and something that helps me a great deal is before washing a cover my hair in either EVOO or castor oil for about a half hour followed by a shampoo and deep mosturizing conditioner - bye bye sandpaper hair. Just a thought, it might work for you as well....

:D I'm going to have to try that!
Sistaslick said:
Does anyone know the pH of the porosity control products?

Do believe its 4.5PH I've gone back to alternating between Nexxus Ensure and PC again. Ensure is 3.0PH (go figure it seems to work)

Word of warning on those two and my experience with them; if they're not rinsed out completly they can make the hair feel kinda blah. I also make sure I rinse with cool water, then I moisterize and seal my hair
