Rough ends


New Member
What causes rough ends?? I blew my hair dry yesterday and my ends are rough and split. I cut an inch like 4 weeks ago and I'm still seeing split/rough ends...unless I rollerset. Then they are smoother, but I'm still seeing the split ends and I don't want to cut all my length off. What do I do? Just keep them moisturized and rollerset more or dust with each touch up??
Nita, friction on your ends, heat, and lack of moisture is what causes your ends to be rough. Although you've recently your ends trimmed, it's very important to make sure that your ends stay moisturized at all times. I think you would see improvement in dryness/roughness if you keep them well moisturized (in the morning and before bed) and continue with the rollersets more often. Also, dusting might help, but if it's your goal to do away with the split ends all together, then gradually cut them as your hair grows.

Good luck!
Cut those buggers off. You can dust, just barely taking off the tips where the ends are splitting. Hate to say it Nitagirl, but blowdrying is more than likely the culprit. My splits have been reduced by at least 75% since I stopped blow drying on a regular basis. Rollersettng is better if you can't airdry, and keep those ends moist, you'll probably find you won't need to trim with evey touch up.
yep, I'm betting it's the blowdryer too. I know I used to blow dry every weekend like clockwork, and my ends were fried. Since I've cut off the damaged hair and air dryed exclusively, my ends have been looking much better
Sweetpea & Melodee, thing is...I don't blow dry often at all. I eliminated heat over a year ago with the exception of conditioning and an occasional blow dry. I normally shampoo and braid to dry - then wear a braid/twist out or mostly in some type of updo. But, I thought my ends would be smooth & even. NOT - My ends should have been smooth & even because my hair is kept in an updo 99% of the time. How could they be damaged??? My ends should not look like they do. Odviously, I have not been keeping my ends as moisturized as I thought. Its kind of discouraging.
Nita, rough ends can also come from having hair in updos and buns as well. If your ends are getting mashed inside the do, they will appear frayed when you take your hair down. Mine does that after I take out a bun. But they should not split, though. Rough ends can be corrected by a good roller set. But splits cannot be repaired. What is your moisture regimen?
Aww hon, don't get discouraged. Do you cover your hair at night? How often do you deep condition? There definitely is a way to reverse rough dry ends, but like melodee said, split ends cannot be repaid, only cut. Back in Jan/Feb, I had some *chewed up* ends girl, all because I wasn't covering my hair at night and I was using heat too much and not washing/deep conditioning enough. My ends were not split really badly, but they were split, and I dusted them myself and moisturized, moisturized, moisturized, and voila ~~ no more rough ends.

When you do your rollersets, try using petroleum or hair grease on the very ends. That helped me A LOT! (That idea was inspired by Adrienne).