Rotating Shampoos/Conditioners


Well-Known Member
Do any ladies here rotate products? I'm asking because I'm finding if I switch products, especially my DC every month and a half to 2 months, my hair responds better and it's easier to retain length. But it's a little annoying and I'd prefer to have my staple products.:ohwell: But I'm curious if anyone here has the same problem.
I dont rotate shampoos I only rotate conditioners dependant on my wants/needs and the season I am in.

You could try clarifying more often and try using the same product for longer than 2 months to see if that is the problem.
I Rotate but I limit myself to a number of Open Products.

I can't stand to have 50-11 open items with 1/2 here 1/3 there, so I am really cautious of the # of items I have open at once.

I'll rotate no more than 3 of the same 'types' of product at one time.
You could try clarifying more often and try using the same product for longer than 2 months to see if that is the problem.
I noticed this after using the same conditioner for 3 months, then another and had the same problem. I clarify on every wash day, but I'm going to stop that and use other shampoos to see what happens.