Rollersetting hair with LOTS of new growth?!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any tips on how to rollerset the hair with smooth results with lots of new growth?

Thanks in advance!
At fourteen and a half months post-relaxer I recently did a roller set using satin-covered sponge rollers and Decca Plus Satin Tame and got pretty smooth results. Any good setting lotion should help with smoothing new growth. Hope this could be of some help.
I would suggest:
  • use a serum on each section you roll up and add a litte bit extra on the NG to ensure the moisture is blocked out make sure to comb the section with the serum in well before rolling
  • rolling the hair damp or wet which ever is your prefernce
  • using smaller sections than you normally would
  • using smaller rollers
  • make sure to keep the hair taut while rolling
Here is a tutorial I found that I hope to try out this weekend for my yearly, you dont have to use the mesh rollers if you dont want but I am sure they would help the hair dry faster.
Roller Set Natural Hair to Achieve a Healthy Straight Style
When I rollerset, I use a good leave-in conditioner (right now Lacio Lacio) and serum (Chi silk infusion, Paul Mitchell, or even my Morrocan Oil). I also use the ponytail method with rubberbands (I was using ouchless bands by Goody, but since they were a little thicker, my roots had a harder time drying straight). Also, I use two rollers for each ponytail, regardless of the size. I also dry under cool, for about a hour, switch to hot, then back to cool or airdry. This has given me the best results with straight roots and frizzless hair. I can rock my set for a few days before I was again (only because I want to now, not because of the awful humidity in Florida).
For those that use the ponytail method, how do u get the creases out of your roots from the ponytail holders?
Honestly, I'm only able to do a smooth rollerset with lots of new growth if I use a Dominican Deep Conditioner.

For some reason Dominican conditioners are able to soften and detangle my new growth much better. The conditioners strengthen and moisturize my hair which elevates breakage and excessive shedding during the roller setting process.
Taz, you might want to check out Nina Pruitt's YouTube channel, if you haven't already. Awesome hair! She has been transitioning for more than a year from relaxed to natural, and has tons of new growth. She keeps it all manageable with braidouts, bantu knots, and heat. I don't know about rollersets, but I'm sure you can pick up a few pointers from her to help you with your new growth.
Here's the link:
YouTube - ninapruitt's Channel HHG!!
Aww, thanks ladies!! I will search for tutorials on the ponytail method and definitely check out Nina's YT.

I must look HAWTE this weekend! :look: :lol:
Here are a couple of vids I found on you tube


Ms. Kibibi also has forward roller setting vid:


Hope this helps!