RollerSetting and Heat (hooded dryer) VS airdrying


Well-Known Member
I think I want to try more rollersetting with my 70-75% natural hair. I always slather on the leave in and seal with oils and pull it back into a pony and let it airday. I use no heat at all and my hair has been thriving. I do know that it can someone times take the inside of my pony tail more than a day or so to completey dry. If I rollerset I am wondering what the effects of using a hooded dryer every week will do to my hair? I haven't tried it yet but I don't think my hair will dry in one day for airdrying plus I would surely have to have the rollers in a whole full day! Will I regret the heat though? What are you ladies doing to have healthy successful rollersets?

Thanks for sharing.
I don't believe indirect heat from a hooded dryer can damage your hair at all. I think the damage comes in from laying a hot iron directly on your strands and changing the protein structure. Just my opinion... Good luck on your rollerset. It should be thick and gorgeous:)
CAPlush, digging your handle. It's cute! LOL Thanks for responding. Anyone else have an opin?

Thanks ladies
Hey, it may help to alternate heat and airdrying your hair. Since your hair is thriving with airdrying, trying to change too drastically might change the way your hair has been behaving for you. Just my opinion. Glad to know that your hair is doing well.
Excellent poing Nice and Wavy. I guess I have to be careful about flippin the script to drastically. Thanks for bring that up. Oh, and your curls are sooo pretty! ;)
s_terry said:
Excellent poing Nice and Wavy. I guess I have to be careful about flippin the script to drastically. Thanks for bring that up. Oh, and your curls are sooo pretty! ;)

U R welcome and thank you for the compliment!!!
CAPlush said:
I don't believe indirect heat from a hooded dryer can damage your hair at all. I think the damage comes in from laying a hot iron directly on your strands and changing the protein structure. Just my opinion... Good luck on your rollerset. It should be thick and gorgeous:)
I agree. I've always heard that indirect heat from a hooded dryer is much better for the hair than heat from a blow dryer. I know I've never experienced any damage from the heat of a hooded dryer.
I airdry 90% of the time. What I do is I will set my hair on the rollers and then when I get up in the morning, if they feel a little damp, then I will get under the dryer. Usually it's only 30 minutes tops and that's only if I do a rod set with 1 million rollers. That way I keep my drying to a minimum! It's been working for me and I have really thick hair. I usually only rollerset on the weekends, so if I have to spend that time under the dryer, it doesn't make me rush or anything. I usually just get up a little early. HTH.
I have been drying my rolersets under the hood for years without noticing any trouble.
Following LHCF forums, I did countercheck and also thought for occasional alternatives such as airdrying.
To airdry with my favorite meshrollers was taking a full day and I have been unable to sleep in rollers
I investigated the use of very large mag rollers which are used in the carribean islandse a lot of time I found monster rollers at Metrobeauty. With these huge Phat Boys rollers, the airdrying is shorter (due to the size of the roller, there is less hair to dry on a given surface) as it comes down to 4 - 5 hours. However to stay 4 - 5 hours with this very cumbersome rollerset is very uneasy (look at the pics and you will understand), so I have to admit that I am not an airdrying addict