Roller Sets


New Member
I am new to the board. I did my first roller set last nite as part of my new hair care regime: Hot oil treatment, shampoo with CON, conditioned with Nexxus Humectress and Ensure, treatments with Vitatress Biotin Creme on my thinning edges and Wild Growth oil on my scalp and 5 week + new growth. Then I sprayed with leave-in potion (Headress, Keracare Essentials, Infusium) while I set my hair. I dried for three hours on cool. After drying, my hair looked shiny and healthy, but I didnt like the Ethel Merman poofy style (my hair is only mid-neck length). So I did a doobie and went to sleep. This morning, my hair looks like I washed it and didnt do anything else - - the ends are frizzy and there is no shape, style or bounce. How do I achieve the sleek bouncy look everyon talks about? My hairdresser roller sets my hair but then he blows it out and it looks great. How do I get a cute style without using heat? Im going out soon and I dont like my hair. I dont want to use the curling iron but what else can I do? Please help!!!!!
i think you should have done the doobie wrap and sat under the dryer on a little higher heat setting THEN gone to sleep. i think that would have helped to make the ends smooth. try that next time.

p.s. i almost forgot to say "welcome to the board!"
Hi and welcome

Sounds like your hair was not completely dry...and when I say completely I mean 110% or else

Anyway the wetset thing usually take a few tries or more, for most of us, to get it just right. Please don't give up just be patient and keep trying!

Good luck Gurlie
I agree with both Adrienne and Tekmommie. My sets never come out well, if the dryer is on cool, my hair is not completely bone dry when I remove the rollers and if I don't start with soaking wet hair. If it starts to dry even a little I will end up with frizz. Try using a misting bottle if your hair starts to dry out before you are finished. Mist each section as you roll it.
Thanks, Adrienne and all of you who replied to my plea for help!!! I will try for four hours on medium heat next time and I will also sit under the dryer with the doobie before sleeping. Thanks !!!!
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mirrormirror said:
The drier has to be on the highest heat for your hair to come out smooth ad sleek.

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I never use the highest heat setting on my hooded dryer. I always use the medium setting.