Roller Sets


Well-Known Member
I'm not very experienced in rollersetting and I only just started trying them out this month. I have two questions.
1. What does everyone use to make the curls last longer? Mines have only been lasting about 2 days and then I do it again. I've been using Hawian Silky setting lotion.
2. What does the curl look like if you roll it up instead of under?
My curls only lasted a day or two, however, SHTOW has an excellent tutorial on pin curls, which is basically pining your curls at night so that your curl style last longer (and it's easier to sleep on pincurls instead of rollers)

Here is a link to her fotki for the pincurls

Also, some indicated that when you roll your hair going up, once taken down you'll have more body and bounce to hairstyle.
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