Robertson Family Official Statement (Duck Dynasty)

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
I appreciate that they are taking a stand for Jesus Christ and not backing down to people that want to be bullies in this Country. Good for them!!!

We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E's decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word.

While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Phil would never incite or encourage hate.We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right.

We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.
I'm glad he spoke the truth... Don't folks know that the Truth will set them free?

Seriously, if gays continue to deceive themselves and others they will continue to live in bondage. I'm glad that we have people who are not afraid to speak up and publicly.

A&E TV and whatever/whoever else cannot shut down the Truth; they cannot shut down God's Word...which is forever.

The Bible is clear that "iniquity will stop her mouth" (Job 5). The lies of the world and the gay agenda have only one destiny and that is failure. There is not immortality to the deceptions in which they live.

Duck Dynasty didn't duck... :duck:

God bless him for it and may he continue as God continues to raise up more and more platforms in the public to speak out the Truth and nothing but the Truth.

Praise God Forever... Amen!
I'm glad he spoke the truth... Don't folks know that the Truth will set them free?

Seriously, if gays continue to deceive themselves and others they will continue to live in bondage. I'm glad that we have people who are not afraid to speak up and publicly.

A&E TV and whatever/whoever else cannot shut down the Truth; they cannot shut down God's Word...which is forever.

The Bible is clear that "iniquity will stop her mouth" (Job 5). The lies of the world and the gay agenda have only one destiny and that is failure. There is not immortality to the deceptions in which they live.

Duck Dynasty didn't duck... :duck:

God bless him for it and may he continue as God continues to raise up more and more platforms in the public to speak out the Truth and nothing but the Truth.

Praise God Forever... Amen!

Amen...thank you, Shimmie for this post...right on!!!

I love this "Duck Dynasty didn't duck" :grin:

The media didn't mention this about what he said:
"Everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong... Sin becomes fine," he said. "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."

"Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."

Phil Robertson also said this:

However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other."
He spoke about many other sins too...but, they only pulled out the gay part of it and ran with usual. :nono:

This is what Pastor Greg Laurie on his fb said and I love it:
Phil Robertson.

A plain-spoken follower of Jesus is now “in trouble” for speaking his mind, and more specifically, for holding to a position that is taught in Scripture.

What Phil said has been described as “hateful,” “anti-gay,” etc. A&E has pulled him off the hugely popular show Duck Dynasty as a result.

I don’t know how stressed Phil is about this. He’s probably out duck hunting.

It seems to me that some people who talk the most about tolerance are the most intolerant toward anyone who dares to disagree with their views.

As Christians, we are not wanting to force our views on anyone. The fact is, we are, as a whole, tolerant of other people’s choices, even if we don’t agree with them. But what is being asked of us is not tolerance, but acceptance and endorsement of sin.

We cannot do that.

We stand with Scripture on the topic of homosexuality and every other sin the Bible speaks of.
And we will continue to tolerate and even love those that disagree with us.
It would be nice if that were a two-way street.

There are many others that are speaking up; not only about Pat Robertson and what took place with A&E, but because they are seeing that the people in this country think that they are going to shut us up...but, they have another thing coming. We will not back down...we will stand in the face of adversity and after we have done all to stand....we shall STAND!
I love this post that someone posted on another site:

I love how satan always shoots himself in the the world is talking about this, and the Word (truth) is being repeated over and over again because of what Phil said. Lord be glorified!!!!

Amen...thank you, Shimmie for this post...right on!!!

I love this "Duck Dynasty didn't duck" :grin:

The media didn't mention this about what he said:
He spoke about many other sins too...but, they only pulled out the gay part of it and ran with usual. :nono:

This is what Pastor Greg Laurie on his fb said and I love it:

There are many others that are speaking up; not only about Pat Robertson and what took place with A&E, but because they are seeing that the people in this country think that they are going to shut us up...but, they have another thing coming. We will not back down...we will stand in the face of adversity and after we have done all to stand....we shall STAND!

Precious Wavy... I'm so glad you posted this. The media keeps 'cryin wolf', and it's wearing thin, quite thin. They keep over using the same ole' terms and cannot come up with anything new to validate their deceptions.

I just pray for their deliverance because surely the Truth overrules the darkness and their lies. Society is beginning to 'vomit' this lifestyle for it is a virus whose only anecdote is repentance.
Precious Wavy... I'm so glad you posted this. The media keeps 'cryin wolf', and it's wearing thin, quite thin. They keep over using the same ole' terms and cannot come up with anything new to validate their deceptions.

I just pray for their deliverance because surely the Truth overrules the darkness and their lies. Society is beginning to 'vomit' this lifestyle for it is a virus whose only anecdote is repentance.

My MIL recently said this to me and now I understand it:

"The higher a monkey climbs, the more he exposes his behind" :look:

This is what the world looks like...they are exposing themselves because they don't like that their sins are being shown to them. They get mad and begin to foam at the mouth...whatever.
My MIL recently said this to me and now I understand it:

"The higher a monkey climbs, the more he exposes his behind" :look:

This is what the world looks like...they are exposing themselves because they don't like that their sins are being shown to them. They get mad and begin to foam at the mouth...whatever.

:giggle: I'm sorry, it's the Monkey's behind that made me laugh. Folks don't want to see that mess. No pun intended. :look:
I love this post that someone posted on another site:

I love how satan always shoots himself in the the world is talking about this, and the Word (truth) is being repeated over and over again because of what Phil said. Lord be glorified!!!!


Exactly! satan only defeats himself; that's his only destiny, failure and defeat. he can't even 'dodge his own bullets', for he lives in darkness. :nono:

God will always have His Glory.
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I for one am so tired of the gay rights agenda, i wish more christians would come out of the closet and make a very LOUD NOISE saying that homosexual lifestyle is not right and unnatural and in this christian country the bible backs it up.

I had friends on fB that unfriended me when I became vocal about it.

ok be gay but know that it is a sin and it stinks in the Masters nostrals.

walking around all proud and hugged up, get.outta. here. with that disgustingness. and have the auducity to try an punish those that have an opinion about it. . . its not even natural.:spinning:
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While I applaud him for standing up for what he believes, I'm not going to overlook that he also basically said black folks were happy during the Jim Crow era: :ohwell:

"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once," the reality star said of growing up in pre-Civil-Rights-era Louisiana. "Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field ... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' — not a word!"

Robertson continued, "Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues."
:giggle: I'm sorry, it's the Monkey's behind that made me laugh. Folks don't want to see that mess. No pun intended. :look:

Exactly! satan only defeats himself; that's his only destiny, failure and defeat. he can't even 'dodge his own bullets', for he lives in darkness. :nono:

God will always have His Glory.

I for one am so tired of the gay rights agenda, i wish more christians would come out of the closet and make a very LOUD NOISE saying that homosexual lifestyle is not right and unnatural and in this christian country the bible backs it up.

I had friends on fB that unfriended me when I became vocal about it.

ok be gay but know that it is a sin and it stinks in the Masters nostrals.

walking around all proud and hugged up, get.outta. here. with that disgustingness. and have the auducity to try an punish those that have an opinion about it. . . its not even natural.:spinning:
You are not alone girl...its something isn't it?

While I applaud him for standing up for what he believes, I'm not going to overlook that he also basically said black folks were happy during the Jim Crow era: :ohwell:
I applaud him for saying anything about it. There are just too many that are quiet and allowing the homosexual agenda to be kept "hush hush" and not standing up for the truth.

I don't know too many white people that don't feel the same way and are saying worse things. I'm over what white people say about me....they talk about me all the time.

"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once," the reality star said of growing up in pre-Civil-Rights-era Louisiana. "Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field ... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' — not a word!"

Robertson continued, "Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues."

Thank you for posting what he said.
I don't care what his religious beliefs are, I can't praise a man who would make such a statement about blacks.
I don't care what his religious beliefs are, I can't praise a man who would make such a statement about blacks.
Thanks for your post.

I wouldn't say those of us are "praising" this praise only goes to One...Jesus. But, I am glad that somebody is standing up and speaking the truth about this...and for that, I will keep talking about it.
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It's interesting... what he said about Blacks doesn't bother me. If nothing more, he called us 'Godly' and himself 'white trash.'

For a long as we live in the Beautiful Brown Skin that we are in... Bu


Is an open door and inevitable opportunity for being offended and having darts thrown at our skin color. But even more than our skin color, we as Christians have an even stronger attack against. Fighting for my rights as a Christian is far more important, for daily sin is on the rise.

Black is indeed Beautiful, however it is not redemption. Our hearts sold out to Jesus is our Overcomer.

I'm not saying that we are to allow our rich heritage to be disrespected, however, being 'One' with Jesus Christ is far more important, for in Him there is no color, and in Him we have been made more than Conquerors through Jesus' Christ Our Lord.
It's interesting... what he said about Blacks doesn't bother me. If nothing more, he called us 'Godly' and himself 'white trash.'

For a long as we live in the Beautiful Brown Skin that we are in... Bu


Is an open door and inevitable opportunity for being offended and having darts thrown at our skin color. But even more than our skin color, we as Christians have an even stronger attack against. Fighting for my rights as a Christian is far more important, for daily sin is on the rise.

Black is indeed Beautiful, however it is not redemption. Our hearts sold out to Jesus is our Overcomer.

I'm not saying that we are to allow our rich heritage to be disrespected, however, being 'One' with Jesus Christ is far more important, for in Him there is no color, and in Him we have been made more than Conquerors through Jesus' Christ Our Lord.
Thank you, Shimmie. You put it in words much better than I would have. It's definitely time for my curtain to set on this forum. :yep:

Enjoy your night and God bless you, always!
Thank you, Shimmie. You put it in words much better than I would have. It's definitely time for my curtain to set on this forum. :yep:

Enjoy your night and God bless you, always!

There's far more power in being a Christian than any color, Black or White.

King David said it best... (in Psalm 37:25)

'I've been young and I've been old and (yet) I have never seen the Righteous Forsaken...or their seed begging bread.
There's far more power in being a Christian than any color, Black or White.

King David said it best... (in Psalm 37:25)

'I've been young and I've been old and (yet) I have never seen the Righteous Forsaken...or their seed begging bread.

That is the truth!
That is indeed the Truth, Shimmie; his comments didn't offend me personally. This isn't about me. This guy says he is a Christian and color did come up in the interview and he chose to address it. I simply can't overlook such a statement, because showed a lack of sensitivity and ignorance and a hint of racism; and that could be his earnest effort from his personal perspective but it also speaks volumes. From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

I don't know who wouldn't see a problem with someone saying "oh, the Jews just had a few bad years in Auschwitz but they were a happy people anyway." It's a form of social injustice, something we as Christians strive against. I'm not about to argue with anyone; just expressing why I posted his comments.

There's far more power in being a Christian than any color, Black or White.

King David said it best... (in Psalm 37:25)

'I've been young and I've been old and (yet) I have never seen the Righteous Forsaken...or their seed begging bread.
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That is indeed the Truth, Shimmie; his comments didn't offend me personally. This isn't about me. This guy says he is a Christian and color did come up in the interview and he chose to address it. I simply can't overlook such a statement, because showed a lack of sensitivity and ignorance and a hint of racism; and that could be his earnest effort from his personal perspective but it also speaks volumes. From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

I don't know who wouldn't see a problem with someone saying "oh, the Jews just had a few bad years in Auschwitz but they were a happy people anyway." It's a form of social injustice, something we as Christians strive against. I'm not about to argue with anyone; just expressing why I posted his comments.

Laela, I understand and I agree with you wholeheartedly. :yep:
He has been reinstated.

To be honest I was kind of disappointed to hear that he had been reinstated. I was hoping to see them all leave A&E for the thought of suspending their patriarch. I hate to see A&E profit after pulling this.