Road Warriors/Travel Demons and Co-washing


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I was wondering if we have any ladies on the board that travel extensively and co-wash? I really would like to try the co-washing thing, but am in a different state/place almost every week (no it's not glamorous!:grin:)

I have a shower filter at home when I wash/deep condition every week. I wonder how much hair stress I risk if I wash in unfiltered water in various places? Anyone travel and co-wash successfully? Any special things you do to make sure your co-wash/hair isn't effected by different water (hard/soft metals etc)?

You rang??!! jk

I travel extensively and I used to have a suit case just for my hair products (until they started charging for baggage)!

Anyhoo, I co-wash just about daily when I am on the road and I do it at night. I then either bun or braids. In the morning my hair is either flat for the bun or wavy for the braid out.

It took a while to master this, but it can be done.

Oh, and I only bring 2 small containers. One for the conditioner and one for the olive oil.

As far as the hard water, no problems there. If I feel that the water is hard, I apply olive oil before I do the co-wash. The filter at home is nicer, though.

I used to co-wash once a week in the hotel last year. I was wearing a phony pony so it wasn't a big deal. Now I only wash once a week when I'm at home so I don't have to wash at the hotel. Every now and then I would co-wash in the evening at the hotel and dry my hair using the hotel blower. I go to the same state every week for an extended period of time so I leave my hair and skin goodies at my desk over the weekend. I hate checking my bag.

Taz007, if you fly the same airline all the time and get status, they won't make you pay for bags. Beside, If I do get charged for checking bags, I can expense it.
I usually co-wash daily and I travel for work. I just take my Wen and do my usual routine with no problems.
I am an over-the-road truck driver :grin:. I've been trucking for almost 9 years now :driver:. I cowash 3-4 a week when I'm on the road. I also cowash at home on the weekends. I love to use a moisturizing conditioner like Suave Humectant, I also use a chelating shampoo (Mizani Chelating and Neutralizing) atleast every 2 weeks to remove build up and mineral deposits since I'm in several different states in a week.

I definetely use a moisturizer after cowashing and I seal with castor oil.
Ok,so it can be done without too much drama. Thanks Ladies for responding. I have truly had reservations worried about hair shock or something! :grin: Ya'll know we serious about the hair so better safe then sorry!

Anyone else? Are you doing anything special to ensure positive results. I bun it everyday as well so styling isn't a issue while working.

Thanks Ladies!