Rinsing Your Hair

Do you rinse your hair with:

  • Warm water

    Votes: 72 44.2%
  • Hot water

    Votes: 5 3.1%
  • Cool water

    Votes: 32 19.6%
  • Cold water

    Votes: 10 6.1%
  • A combination of temperatures

    Votes: 44 27.0%

  • Total voters
Warm to luke warm if I'm rinsing in the shower, if not, I endure the cold water for a minute or two.

Wow Sylver2, 95 lbs?!! You're Itty bitty! :lol: But I ain't mad atcha!! I've borrowed your Scarf method (at least partially, it's been modified a smidgen! Tenderheaded.com got an nice order from me as a result of your post! My hair Thanks You!!) :notworthy:
I rinse with cool water....It feels so good!!!!! I always do condition washes so I dont mind if some of the conditioner stays in. Now if I use shampoo (very rarely) then I will use warm water to rinse it all out and then after I apply my conditioner,I will rinse that out with cool water.

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I always rinse my hair with warm water and do a quick rinse with cool. I think my hair can take on both worlds that way.
When I first wet my hair, I use hot water. I rinse out the shampoo with warm water, and the conditioner is rinsed out with cool water.
Nothing fills me with more dread than the thought of cold water on my body. Hahaha. I voted for warm water. Occassionally, I may do a cool-ish final rinse, but only on a really hot day.
I rinse with warm water. I've been using cool water for my final rinse with porosity control, but it doesn't work for me. It makes my hair hard and it makes it seem like my conditioning treatment was in vain. Warm water only from now on.
Crazy hot the whole time! I don't know another way so its working for my hair but I just hate to be cold! I have bright red skin when I get out and the steam makes my smoke alarm go off.
I occasionally do a cool/cold water rinse. It's helpful that I'm a sink washer, 'cause I detest cold water anywhere on my body. So in the sink I can lift my hair under the cold water without freezing my scalp.