
New Member
...I just seen that my auntie has it, i was doing her hair today and noticed it, she has been complainig about hair scalp for a while then when i mentioned it looked like ringworm she told me her nephews had it. Now im worried because he scalp has been acting up and shedding/falling out. I just started gaining some hair. THIS CAN'T HAPPEN. How can i prevent getting ringworm. I threw away the comb i used in her hair. I read that head and shoulders in good for it (i don't have any yet). I was thinking maybe i should use some MN? Sulfur has anti fungal properties (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0PDG/is_4_3/ai_n12417035) maybe its time to whip that out?! If you have any advice please share!!!!

I rally do not want this > http://www.visualdxhealth.com/child/tineaCapitis.htm to happen to me im having a semi-panic attack

Crissi, x
I took a look at the link you posted with your message. Maybe you should visit your doctor and explain to her/him that you had close contact with someone who had ringworm and ask her/him about preventative measures.
It's really just a fungus--I don't believe it will cause you to lose your hair. Do consult your Dr. for treatment though as JD advised.

JD, I want to reach into the computer and steal your puppy! What a cutie pie!
Yes, scalp ringworm can cause some kind of hairloss/brittle hair in the infected area. I'd say go to your doctor. MN is an active ingredient in lots of ringworm treatments, but speaking to the doctor would probably ease your mind.
Yes it can cause your hair to come out and if untreated it can be very bad. Loprox is the best thing to use for ringworm on the scalp but it must be prescribed. Also any shampoo with Ketoconazole in it.
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Throw some MN on that scalp.

Sulfur just might make you itch. Head and Shoulders does nothing for fungi, as far as I know. MN should help. It will kill the fungus if you have one. But you might want to see a doctor if you really do have a problem you can't identify.
As the mother of 3 dirt goblin boys, I can tell you that my doctor has always said that scalp ringworms must be treated with a prescibed oral medicine. If it was anywhere else you could cure it easily with a topical solution. My youngest just had one on his face. :perplexed
My daughter had a ringworm that took out a whole patch of hair. The oral meds did not work, so I mixted tee tree oil in her hair grease and that stopped it in its tracks. To prevent catching it myself, I used a sulfur mix (BT). MN is also a great idea.
My daughter had a ringworm that took out a whole patch of hair. The oral meds did not work, so I mixted tee tree oil in her hair grease and that stopped it in its tracks. To prevent catching it myself, I used a sulfur mix (BT). MN is also a great idea.

thats really smart! I just thought of that--- Tea Tree oil kills fungus and bacteria and helps itching too!
Tea tree oil works miracles. My brother had it on his leg when he was 3, and by everyday applications they gradually went away.
Ohhhh, I'm sorry to hear that - I had ringworm on my chin in the second grade. I've always had issues with my body PH/immune system.

If your immune system is usually great, I think you'll be okay. I would suggest using tea tree oil on yourself or a strong shampoo such as nizoral. I'm no doctor, but here's some info I found for you:

Ringworm - Topical Treatment
In general ringworm responds well to topical treatment. Topical antifungals are applied to the lesion twice a day for at least 3 weeks. The lesion usually resolves within 2 weeks, but therapy should be continued for another week to insure the fungus is completely eradicated. The most commonly used antifungal creams are: Ringworm - Oral Treatment
If there are several ringworm lesions or if the lesions are extensive, oral antifungal medications can be used. Oral medications are taken once a day for 7 days and result in a 100% clinical cure rate. The recommended oral antifungal medications are: Preventing Ringworm
Because fungi prefer warm, moist environments, preventing ringworm involves keeping skin dry and avoiding contact with infectious material. Basic prevention measures include:
  • Wash hands after handling animals, soil, and plants
  • Avoid touching characteristic lesions on other people
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing
  • Practice good hygiene when participation in sports involves physical contact with other people
Thank you ladies i purchased some Daktarin(has 2% MN in it). The pharmacist told me it works for ringworm so i applied it to my scalp today and applised my homemade sulfur oil. My friend checked my scalp and said its normal, nothing is on it. Phew :rolleyes:. Iwas so worried as i have done my aunties hair a couple times before realizing it was ringworm and we often use the same things. Thanks again ladies!

Crissi, x
You should definitely go to the doctor. I had a ringworm in my head when I was in kindergarten and all the hair in the middle of my head fell out.