RHWOA Derek J and Natural Hair

Nice & Wavy

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“Real Housewives of Atlanta” Hairstylist Derek J: “Natural Hair is Not For Everyone”

March 18, 2013 by Clutch

Did you tune into the first installment of “Fashion Queens” on Bravo yesterday evening? The three-episode series stars hairstylists Derek J and Miss Lawrence discussing all things fashion from “haute couture to global style trends,” moderated by style maven Bevy Smith. The talk show includes cleverly-titled segments like “Gag of The Week” and features shade-filled quips about everyone from Andre Leon Talley to Lady Gaga.
The kicker was when the topic of natural hair came up and Derek J voiced his disapproval. The hairstylist revealed he’s “not a fan of the natural hair movement” and declared “natural hair is not for everyone.” Does that mean he believes there are women out there that can’t wear their hair as God made it and have no other option but to resort to relaxers, wigs and weaves? It seems that way. Appearing to back his claim, Miss Lawrence advised women with natural hair to “check [their] density” before wearing an Afro.

Derek J continued his rant on social media, tweeting that “Natural Nazis” we’re going to give him “all types of havoc” for his comments. He then proceeded to share tweets from people that agreed with him.
One of the tweets he shared cited women who look like “The Color Purple” as proof that Derek J’s comment was on point. But the problem is Derek J, and his supporters, can’t distinguish between a styling and maintenance issue versus a texture issue.

There are just as many women who can’t maintain or style their weaves properly; is Derek J not a fan of the weave moment for that reason as well? Clearly, his logic is inherently flawed.

He then related the backlash to racism, tweeting:

Interesting. What’s your take on Derek’s comments, Clutchettes and Gents?
Fish net blouses, short shorts, and high heels aren't for everyone but Derek J stay rocking that.
I couldn't tell if Derek J meant exactly what he said. When Lawrence's statement of "natural hair is not for everyone" came right after i understood it to mean to maintain certain styles like those really short cuts (like Rihanna's short cut for example) you should just relax. I didnt take it to mean that only people with certain textures should/can go natural. IF that's what he meant I'm fine with it but I really couldn't tell with Derek J if he was just coming across too many women who don't really understand their hair/just following a trend and are basically messing up their hair and he has to fix it so it made him mad or if he really believes only some women can go natural..that color purple comment was over the top though
This isn't the first time. Dude stay talking reckless about Naturals.

Bless his heart...and the shoe polish that's covering his male pattern baldness.
uggghhh...someone is gonna hate me for this, but I understand what he means (in a way)....I hope he is not talking about ALL naturals....it's fine to wear your natural hair, but when it isn't takin care of and looking ragged (not combed, styled etc properly), then it's time to find a different route in hairstyles....i'm sure we've all come across "that girl" that we want to give a hug and a comb to... But it goes in all different directions....weave, relaxed etc...unkempt is unkempt....naturals just get the worst end of the stick when it comes to ridicule because it's so easy...

i'm all for being natural....HOWEVER if it obviously isn't working for you, then why not use a chemical alternative....at least you can say you tried.... :hide:
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He did my hair once at a non bronner brothers hair show. At the time I was texlaxed and had blown my hair out in preparation. It was very thick and long. He turned his nose up so hard at my hair. Then he told the audience I was 100% natural. He also told the audience that hair products didn't matter, it's all about having good heat styling tools. Apparently you do not need to put any type of moisture in your hair, you can just wash with dish detergent and it will have the same affect as an actual shampoo. He said some other psycho-bob stuff too. Luckily he was only flat ironing my hair.

This was years ago.
His comment didn't bother me because I know he's just trying to save the clients he has left. When you go natural you are more inclined to be a DIY'er and skip the salon. My stylist would always give me horrible advice so that I wouldn't attempt to go natural. That hot mess of a man can go kick rocks LOL
His comment didn't bother me because I know he's just trying to save the clients he has left. When you go natural you are more inclined to be a DIY'er and skip the salon. My stylist would always give me horrible advice so that I wouldn't attempt to go natural. That hot mess of a man can go kick rocks LOL

Exactly he reminds me of my old stylist...he was so against me going natural. And now I realize its because he doesn't do natural hair. Its so quick to slap a perm in and style. But to carefully detangle/blow out/and press some 4b hair takes time and skills
He probably feels threatened since if women are rocking their naturals kinks and coils that means less women going to his shop for relaxers and weaves. I don't understand why it is so hard for hair stylist to embrace what naturally grows out of their clients heads. He never came off as a very bright person but I didn't know he was just flat out dumb till I read those tweets.
His comment didn't bother me because I know he's just trying to save the clients he has left. When you go natural you are more inclined to be a DIY'er and skip the salon. My stylist would always give me horrible advice so that I wouldn't attempt to go natural. That hot mess of a man can go kick rocks LOL
I agree with this...:yep:

Thanks to everyone who posted. :love2:
I look at him and then I look at his clients and I realize there is really no need for me to be offended by anything he says, does, or wears. He just knows that natural is easier and cheaper to maintain than the styles that he specializes in, so he just wants to be messy.
How silly, what makes me sad is that twitter is full of young girls vulnerable to these kind of comments.

If I had heard things like that back when I was 13/14 I would've been straight to the relaxer, and would've continued hating my curly hair! I hate the thought that girls think that what they have is not good enough, not perfect enough and doen't fit with the norms of society and he I just allowing this to continue!

How awful

Either way, even if natural lovers are only a minority it wont be long before they become the majority. It's just inevitable social psychology. So whatever I spose.
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Ugh. I am so SICK of "Fashion Culture". I hated every part of it in cosmetology school. The snobby know it all fools and corny club music. Going to cosmetology school and being forced to participate in it actually pushed me further away. They're all SO FAKE. People walking around looking like desperate 13 year old girls trying to tell everyone else what they should look like...

Sorry, rant over.