
New Member

I used RN on Sunday. I washed my hair with CON shampoo, deep condtioned with ORS Mayonnaise washed that out and used RN for softness and shine. Everything was fine until I put the RN conditioner in my hair. I left the RN con in for about 20 mins. When I proceeded to wash it out, my hair became a tangled mess. There was no slip, my hair was hard and forget about moisture
. Thank God I used a sample of this stuff.

Yesterday I used the Patene Full & Thick their new line of products, however, I only used the conditioner. Their shampoos leaves my hair striped with no moisture. Well anyway, I rinsed my hair with water only. Then I applied the conditioner like a shampoo and WOW
what slip and softness and moisture. It may beat my beloved Smooth and Slick conditioner. I have been faithful to my Smooth and Slick but I may say move over.

Description: The Full & Thick conditioner is creamy with a lite scent, (it does not have the same smell as the other conditioners in the Pantene line). When my hair dried, my hair is now fuller and thicker than usual. I actually wore my hair in a full and fluffy bang. I wear my hair back 100% of the time. So, I'm very surprised that I wore the front of my hair out. Anyhow, ladies that have fine hair, this product is recommended.

Whoever, used this or will use it in the future please let me know your results.
I think your problem came from using the conditioner after the con and ORS. Try the R & N after a normal shampoo next time and see what happens.
For some reason the RN conditioner only works on my hair when I rinse in the shower instead of bent over the sink. Try it in the shower and see what happens.