Review of Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner

Its been a while since I've wanted to try this for a rollarset so I did one tonight using it and I likey.

First though I did use Aubrey's GPB for 5 mins cold which automatically rinses out leaving my hair very slippery so Kenra had a 'good start' to begin with. I slathered it on, section by section and I noticed that it felt kind of sudsy, like it was mildly lathering (hard to explain) but I could see it on my hair which I liked. Usually conditioners vanish into my hair even though I've put alot on but with Kenra you put it on and can see it.

Anyway I left it on cold for a good 45 mins under a shower cap. On rinsing my hair felt nice and soft. Some slip but not as much as GPB or LUST. The wide comb went through the hair nicely too while rinsing (although like I said GPB may have done that).

When rollarsetting, the hair was detangled but not OH MY GOD the tangles fell out. Detangled level was about 6/10 (where as LUST is like a 9.5 or 10 sometimes). Each hair section felt nice though as I put each rollar in and didn't feel rough. Just smooth. Not silky smooth but smooth enough

After drying, my hair felt very soft and moisturized to the tip
As I used my paddle brush to wrap, my hair felt really soft and smooth and not at all dry. Just a nice moisturized, soft slightly slippery feeling.

This product is a keeper

Overall, I'd give it an 8.5/10. I'll continue using it for my next few rollarsets to accumulate the benefits (and give LUST a rest
Thanks for the review BrownRelaxedHair. Well, if I get a sample of this, I'll try it out, but I doubt I'll buy it. It doesn't seem to be as good as LUST (from reading your review). Oh well.

I like it because although I completely adore LUST, I wanted to find something that felt like it was really 'feeding' my hair with good ingredients. Not that LUST doesn't but I sometimes wonder if its more of a cosmetic result that it gives; ie. smoother hair which is fantastic yes but I wanted something that was more. Can't explain. Something to alternate with LUST, this and my Mizani Moisturefuse mixed with olive oil will be those alternatives

LUST though is my all time wow product though as you well know. LMK what you think of Kenra when you try it.

I just wanted to add that when I was wrapping my hair last night, my hair felt almost identical to how it feels after I've used LUST
I didn't say that in the review but it did. It just wasn't as detangling as LUST or as slippery but there was still a noticeable slip to be happy.
I know what you mean. I think LUST is great for that smooth look and all and it will remain one of my all time greats but you wonder if it's also keeping the hair healthy which I think the Elucence or the Kenra line (I use the intensive conditioner) does for me. I know my hair is healthy with those products although it doesn't give me that silicone slip like Keracare or LUST. However it's still very moisturizing.
That was a very good review BRH. I love my Kenra, let me tell you. I appreciate your detailed, honest feelings. I also like the point you brought up about the Kenra feeling like it's feeding your hair good ingredients as opposed to it just achieving a certain result (smoother, easier to handle hair). It makes total sense.
Thanks Jasmine and shinyblackhair about the ingredients factor.

I feel the same about Garnier Frutis Deep 3 min conditioner. Although my hair comes out great:nice slip and detangling etc etc. for on-going deep conditioning, I'll be reaching for the Kenra or Moisturefuse. The LUST will be to throw in as the 'icing on the cake' now and then for a 'slippery treat'

Since that rollarset with Kenra, I still haven't washed my hair and its still nice and moisturized to the tip and very soft so its a keeper
(thank God because I bought 2 bottles of it

Tee, LMK if you cave after your Nexxus Y
brownrelaxedhair said:
Tee, LMK if you cave after your Nexxus Y

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Girl, I've *been* using this! I've got 8 huge bottles in the closet for back up.
It's really nice, Allandra. It moisturizes really well without leaving the hair heavy. I also like how quickly it works. You don't need to leave it on for a long period of time (although, it works very well used this way, as well). I would rate it a 9 out of 10. You should request a sample from Kenra. I think you'd like it.
Allandra said:
Thanks Tee. What about detangling properties?

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I think it detangles pretty well. It has absolutely no cones, and it detangles better than some conditioners I've used that do have cones. For the kind of slip it gives, you would expect some cones, but amazingly, it contains none.
sithembile said:
Have any of you tried the Intensive emollient? How does it compare?

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The Intensive Emolient is nice, but I think the Moisturizing Conditioner is the better moisturizer. I think this is because the Intensive Emolient contains more protein. I hated it the first time I used it (with heat). My hair felt very stiff, like I had used a protein reconstructer. I liked it much better when I used it without heat. The Intensive Emollient gives quite a bit more slip than the Moisturizing Conditioner, but I didn't find it as moisturizng.
hairlove said:
Kenra is wonderful for slip with no cones. It's SO moisturizing, too. There's just some good stuff in that bottle!

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I agree on the moisturizing. Its very good for that
This is one cave I'm glad I gave into. Finally a nice alternative to LUST.

Def. report back Allandra when you try it.

Tee, excuse me woman! a stockpile? your worse than me with my old formula Lanza shampoo (actually maybe not, I have TONNES of it