Revelations: The Bride, The Beast & Babylon

@Kurlee I actually think that SDA can survive the admission that Ellen G White was a bible commentator that had flaws like any other human. I have found some of her writings helpful and others completely misguided. I have never felt that SDA should be defined by a prophetess and there are many who feel the same. Our belief that there is harmony between the old and New Testament is distinctive even if it is not unique. Also, our belief that observing certain aspects of the law out of love is defining. We don't believe the law saves you or justifies you but we do believe in obeying certain aspects of the law as an expression of our love toward God. We also have a different understanding of death and hell than many other denominations. Whether that will be enough to distinguish us from other Sabbatarian denominations will remain to be seen.

One of the main issues some see in the church is that many SDA are practicing the religion sans EGW. That is why I am certain the church can survive putting EGW in her proper place. She is increasingly not being preached from the pulpit and many refer to her as a commentator. The church also freely admits that not all of her writings are prophetic which is a huge step in the right direction. I don't think all of SDA dogma is in error. However, I believe using EGW's writings to interpret the bible has lead to some errors.
At the bolded, IMO, that would be so hard because she underpins almost everything in the fundamental beliefs and its super subtle. People don't recognize how much of her writings and visions are interspersed throughout the doctrine and it's rarely, if ever plain. The "right" answer is usually based on her teaching, but no one will explicitly point that out to you and most don't even notice. Most seminaries even reject the Clear World Bible! She penetrates every inch of the doctrine, even when it's not explicit, so to rinse that out would be tough.

Moreover, she doesn't pass the snuff test according to scripture if you read about false prophets in many places in the bible, so it wouldn't be wise to pick and choose which aspects of her to use/discard. She needs to be rejected wholesale, if they are to rebuild. Lastly, she has plagiarized extensively and I think if that becomes common knowledge, it would discourage a lot of people. What would they then believe about the end of time, Mosaic Law, Spirit of Prophecy, Marriage, Jewelry, Baptism, Sunday Law, Sabbath, the Covenants, etc.? All these things are built around her interpretations. She is the mother of that denomination. What would that do to the institutions (schools/universities/hospitals)? It's a huge can of worms to open and I think it's quite the dilemma. Seventh-day Church of God or Baptist, might be a better fit or model if they ever address it, but even then, their foundations are interlinked.

With all that said, I wish them the best. Like I said before, all denominations have their issues, but we're all part of the body of Christ and need to love and respect each other, regardless of our differences. At the root, we are all aspiring to the same thing, but are going about it in different ways.

My posts are not intended to bash, but to help people understand where the rhetoric comes from. I do not at all agree with the things OP is posting, but I genuinely don't think she has bad intentions. I think if people had a deeper understanding, then it would be easier to grasp, even if they vehemently disagree.
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@Kurlee I am someone who practices Adventist without EGW and I reject her as a prophet. There is a significant silent portion of the church who is doing so now. And while the rejection of EGW changes how we practice our faith many it doesn't make make it possible to easily be absorbed into another faith. Our beliefs on marriage and baptism is in line with most Protestant denominations so unless we are trying to adopt a more catholic viewpoint on those issues EGW's removal would have no impact.

Our belief that the law can stand without EGW. Most believe that we think keeping the law is a salvation act but that isn't an official teaching of the church. And actually all denominations Cathloic and Protestant keep the law-are not the 10 commandments the law of God? We believe you are saved by grace and Christ's blood alone. It's just the the word "law" has gotten a bad connotation. The same denominations that reject the law to accept grace will preach the commandments which are the law of God. We just believe keeping the biblical Sabbath and observing dietary laws lead to a fuller life but it isn't a prerequisite for Salvation.

Our dietary teachings can stand without EGW as they are just basically good nutrition with a plant based diet. Plus SDA tend to have a longer lifespan than the the average American. Most people SDA will tell you that eating this way doesn't get you into heaven but it can make your stay here on earth more pleasant. Most diets now recommend a plant based whole food diet for better health. Sure there are people who go over board but that's the case with anything.

As far as jewelry and makeup many SDA wear it in some form or another to the frustration of the church. And while I don't believe in a national Sunday law I will point out that there are religious liberty issues for anyone who is a Sabbatarian.

Like I said the church is changing and evolving. But unfortunately the ones who are the most vocal are usually not representative of the direction the church is going in or even correct in what they are putting out as truth. Like I've heard some well meaning SDA tell people that eating unclean foods is a salvation issue or you have to believe in EGW to be saved- all which are NOT taught by the church.

I believe that you can disagree with someone's denomination in a respectful manner. It bothers me to see another SDA bash someone's service to Christ because SDA are often bashed because of their belief system.

What's EGW? And you're right, the Decalogue is still in effect. It is what we turn to in the examination of our consciencefor the sacrament of reconciliation. Mt 5:178 "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.

Do SDA's believe that kashrus is salvific?

And one of my preferred hospitals and best rated was Shawnee Mission Medical Center. They abided by a healthy foods cafeteria and you could buy whole grained breads and pastries in their shops. Very wholistic approach to medicine.
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@Kurlee I am someone who practices Adventist without EGW and I reject her as a prophet. There is a significant silent portion of the church who is doing so now. And while the rejection of EGW changes how we practice our faith many it doesn't make make it possible to easily be absorbed into another faith. Our beliefs on marriage and baptism is in line with most Protestant denominations so unless we are trying to adopt a more catholic viewpoint on those issues EGW's removal would have no impact.

Our belief that the law can stand without EGW. Most believe that we think keeping the law is a salvation act but that isn't an official teaching of the church. And actually all denominations Cathloic and Protestant keep the law-are not the 10 commandments the law of God? We believe you are saved by grace and Christ's blood alone. It's just the the word "law" has gotten a bad connotation. The same denominations that reject the law to accept grace will preach the commandments which are the law of God. We just believe keeping the biblical Sabbath and observing dietary laws lead to a fuller life but it isn't a prerequisite for Salvation.

Our dietary teachings can stand without EGW as they are just basically good nutrition with a plant based diet. Plus SDA tend to have a longer lifespan than the the average American. Most people SDA will tell you that eating this way doesn't get you into heaven but it can make your stay here on earth more pleasant. Most diets now recommend a plant based whole food diet for better health. Sure there are people who go over board but that's the case with anything.

As far as jewelry and makeup many SDA wear it in some form or another to the frustration of the church. And while I don't believe in a national Sunday law I will point out that there are religious liberty issues for anyone who is a Sabbatarian.

Like I said the church is changing and evolving. But unfortunately the ones who are the most vocal are usually not representative of the direction the church is going in or even correct in what they are putting out as truth. Like I've heard some well meaning SDA tell people that eating unclean foods is a salvation issue or you have to believe in EGW to be saved- all which are NOT taught by the church.

I believe that you can disagree with someone's denomination in a respectful manner. It bothers me to see another SDA bash someone's service to Christ because SDA are often bashed because of their belief system.

Just to clarify, I'm not SDA, if that's what you're implying. I am just familiar with the doctrine. Secondly, could you please point to me where I'm being disrespectful. If I'm missing it, I'm open to hearing how.

What you're saying in theory is VERY true, but in practice it's quite a different story. For example, SDA churches CANNOT marry an SDA and another Christian. Pastors are not allowed to marry the couple in an SDA church. Look at where that teaching came from.

When it comes to diet, it's not salvific, but the "health message" (vegetarianism), which comes from EGW is huge. You're not forced to, but let an SDA say that they eat shrimp or pork because it's not salvific or serve it. The results wouldn't be pretty. My experience has been that many will say they are saved by grace alone, but sin is considered breaking the "law", which is Sabbath (or other things) by cooking, shopping or watching TV on Saturday. Common language is "Sunday churches" as if we are not Christians, too. So how are you saved by grace alone if you are sinning by going to the store or watching TV on Saturday?

Lastly, baptism is intrinsically linked to church membership. To be baptized, you have to declare you believe in the "Spirit of Prophecy", which is code for Ellen G. White; agree that the SDA is the remnant church and that the law (which is actually, theologically more than the 10 commandments) is still binding on Christians and you plan to follow it (check out the baptismal vows and 27/28 fundamental beliefs). If you've been baptized before elsewhere, it isn't recognized and you need to declare all the things that I just described to be a member (profession of faith). I could go on and on, but like I was saying in an earlier post, EGW and SDA are so deeply interwoven that even when you think you've removed her or have rejected her personally and privately, you're unconsciously still following/co-signing her teachings.

All I'm saying is, I respect and understand your faith more than you think, but I can clearly see how despite many people's sincere efforts, these kinds of teachings and the way they are wrapped up, which are for the most part implicit, can lead people to see things in a particular way and act in ways that are off-putting to other Christians. When you check into the root of these controversial biblical interpretations, which seem Sola Scriptura, you'll be surprised.

I genuinely believe SDAs have the best of intentions and are very sincere in their faith, but the doctrine can cause challenges, IMO, and many avoid confronting issues head on. I think at this point, we should agree to disagree. My intention is not to bash anyone, but most people have no idea why these posts keep popping up here and there or what the links in OP's siggy are about. There is an undercurrent there and I think they should know. I'm speaking from a theological perspective and not as an attack. Shouldn't we be able to unpack these things?
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@Kurlee I'm confused by your post. I no where stated you were SDA. I was just pointing out some why some of our beliefs could be misconscrewed. I never said you were being disrespectful I was just pointing out that SDA should be careful how they approach others because they know what it is like to have their religion bashed. But it seems that this subject was touchy to begin with and I'm going to leave it alone.
But I would ask you get a better understanding of the issues you have with the church. For example there are two sets of baptismal vows-on into Christianity and one into the church. My niece will be baptized this month by the SDA church as a Christian not a SDA.
EGW is an abbreviation for Ellen G White. No being kosher isn't salvation linked and we are technically not kosher. We don't eat unclean meets and many will argue vegetable based diets or a vegetarian lifestyle is best for health. Being kosher would keep us from eating certain cuts of meat, special slaughtering, ect. If you ask a SDA pastor he will tell you a pork chop won't keep you out of the pearly gates.
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@Kurlee I'm confused by your post. I no where stated you were SDA. I was just pointing out some why some of our beliefs could be misconscrewed. I never said you were being disrespectful I was just pointing out that SDA should be careful how they approach others because they know what it is like to have their religion bashed. But it seems that this subject was touchy to begin with and I'm going to leave it alone.
But I would ask you get a better understanding of the issues you have with the church. For example there are two sets of baptismal vows-on into Christianity and one into the church. My niece will be baptized this month by the SDA church as a Christian not a SDA.
I wasn't sure what you were implying, but thanks for clarifying. At the bolded, are you talking about the abridged version of the baptismal vows that only has three affirmations?
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@Kurlee I'm not sure where you got your info on Sabbath keeping but you have been informed by someone who is extreme in their views. Watching tv on sabbath isn't a sin. I've watched tv with my pastor on Saturday. We teach that it is a good practice not to watch tv or to guard what you watch on tv on the sabbath because it can pull you out of worship/rest mode. SDA will watch religious programming, nature programming, travel programming ect. I just wouldn't sit down and watch a Criminal Minds episode because it does not put me in a place of worship or rest. Those episodes stress the crap
out of me and would ruin my Sabbath mode.
@Kurlee I'm not sure where you got your info on Sabbath keeping but you have been informed by someone who is extreme in their views. Watching tv on sabbath isn't a sin. I've watched tv with my pastor on Saturday. We teach that it is a good practice not to watch tv or to guard what you watch on tv on the sabbath because it can pull you out of worship/rest mode. SDA will watch religious programming, nature programming, travel programming ect. I just wouldn't sit down and watch a Criminal Minds episode because it does not put me in a place of worship or rest. Those episodes stress the crap
out of me and would ruin my Sabbath mode.
Lol. I've never liked Criminal Minds, but you know what I mean. Like watching tv that isn't religious programming. Like watching a basketball game or something.
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I believe that you can disagree with someone's denomination in a respectful manner. It bothers me to see another SDA bash someone's service to Christ because SDA are often bashed because of their belief system.

Agreed, and I think this is what some of us feel escapes OP. Bashing and damning other Christians to hell or accusing them of worshiping Satan (especially going off of Google searches for your info) is simply disrespectful and makes the person out to look ignorant.

Btw, my grandma is SDA and I love her to death, and she is an awesome Christian lady. I may not share every single belief that she does, but we pray with each other and for each other, she has visited my church and I have visited hers.