Results with High Protein Diets (Poll)??

Have you tried a High Protein Diet for Faster Hair Growth?

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Active Member
*****JULY UPDATE******
So Ladies, I wanted to give an update on my protein diet experiment. There were a lot of ladies who voted that if they received the right feedback, they would up their protein intake. For the past two months I have increased my protein intake by having a protein smoothie in the morning, and making sure every meal I had either equal/greater portions of protein than carbs/fats (look below for your proper calculation). I can definately tell a difference in my hair. My hair usually grows pretty slow, but after my relaxer I immediately saw and felt a difference. This will be a staple of mine. BTW... These are my results after 6 weeks... I know I never relax that soon but it was getting so thick, I felt it was better to relax than use excessive heat to tame it.


****** END OF ADDED INFO***********

So we all know hair is mostly protein. We add protein to our hair topically for strength. Many posts (and pictures) can attest to these benefits. Additionally, we all know the health benefits of eating a high protein diet, but I want to talk about being vain for a sec :Devil:. Many members have posted threads about eating/drinking more protein to increase the speed at which our hair grows.

So here is my problem, these threads have great information, but say nothing about results from sticking with the increased protein for several weeks/months. Can't we see some comparison pics or something?? :help3: So I am reaching out to all the ladies to get their opinion who:

#1) Have increased their protein intake for at least several weeks. Has your growth results increased or stayed the same?

#2) The ladies in my shoes that want to know if this actually speeds the rate of growth.

How to Calculate Your Protein Needs:

1. Weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = weight in kg
2. Weight in kg x 0.8-1.8 gm/kg = protein gm.

Example: 154 lb female who is a regular exerciser and lifts weights
154 lbs/2.2 = 70kg
70kg x 1.5 = 105 gm protein/day

Use a lower number if you are in good health and are sedentary. Use a higher number (between 1 and 1.8) if you are under stress, are pregnant, are recovering from an illness, or if you are involved in consistent and intense weight or endurance training.
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I compete so I significantly increase my protein in the weeks prior to my show. I have no pictures of my hair growth, because at the time, I was not concerned with my hair. However, yes, my hair grew a lot faster, to the point that I was annoyed because I had to keep redoing my braids because they grew out so fast. My growth is usually about 1/2 inch a month, and when I am pre-contest, my hair grows at least 3/4 inch a month. I start dieting in about a month, so I'll take some pictures for you. There is an egg-shake drinking challenge led by BronzeBombshell, and I think some of those ladies have taken pictures to document their growth.
I compete so I significantly increase my protein in the weeks prior to my show. I have no pictures of my hair growth, because at the time, I was not concerned with my hair. However, yes, my hair grew a lot faster, to the point that I was annoyed because I had to keep redoing my braids because they grew out so fast. My growth is usually about 1/2 inch a month, and when I am pre-contest, my hair grows at least 3/4 inch a month. I start dieting in about a month, so I'll take some pictures for you. There is an egg-shake drinking challenge led by BronzeBombshell, and I think some of those ladies have taken pictures to document their growth.

WOW! That is amazing and exactly what I wanted to hear.
There isn't an option for me...but I have always had a high protein diet, and my hair grows like a weed lol. If I actually knew HOW to take care of my hair all these past years, it'd probably be near by butt by now.:nono: That 3/4 in. a month sounds about right. The amount of days it's been since I BC'd (near bald-headed:lachen:) is in my sig, but since then I've got a TWA if I comb it out and even then, it's still pretty curly.:yep: I will say this though...I am not completely sure, but I feel bc of my diet, my hair is protein sensitive.
Upped my protein and hair growing much faster. I have no idea how many inches as I am natural and shrinkage is no joke. I don't check much.
How much protein are you ladies eating?
Please be careful not to over do it...

Your are absolutely right, Lunade!!

How to Calculate Your Protein Needs:

1. Weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = weight in kg
2. Weight in kg x 0.8-1.8 gm/kg = protein gm.

Example: 154 lb female who is a regular exerciser and lifts weights
154 lbs/2.2 = 70kg
70kg x 1.5 = 105 gm protein/day

Use a lower number if you are in good health and are sedentary. Use a higher number (between 1 and 1.8) if you are under stress, are pregnant, are recovering from an illness, or if you are involved in consistent and intense weight or endurance training.
good thread, i was wondering how much protein I should take a day. I was taking Chlorella and I was getting 12-15 grams of protein a day. Are you telling me that I actually need 100 grams of protein a day? :spinning: Maybe that's why I wasn't seeing any growth in the time I had been taking it. :ohwell:
good thread, i was wondering how much protein I should take a day. I was taking Chlorella and I was getting 12-15 grams of protein a day. Are you telling me that I actually need 100 grams of protein a day? :spinning: Maybe that's why I wasn't seeing any growth in the time I had been taking it. :ohwell:

I'm sure you were consuming more than 12 -15 grams a day. You have to remember that most things you consume usually has some level of protein. Those grams came stricktly from the Cholorella, correct? Factor in everything you ate that day as well.
I had a lot of problems with my hair until I started adding protein to my diet. I had a huge hole in the back of my head in the nape area where the hair was short and broken off. In fact, the area was so bad that my hairdresser couldn't even roll that area. The back of my head looked like a big old H. I used to keep cutting it when it got to a certain length because I couldn't stand that see through look that the back of my hair had when I combed it out. It was depressing. My hair was thin and kind of wispy.
I started using a protein shake from GNC because I was dieting and working out etc. and I wanted to try to increase my metabolism and space my meals etc., etc.
So I started using the whey protein as an addition to my diet and after my resistance training work outs. About two months after that, my hairdresser noticed that not only was the hair growing back in my nape, but my hair had become stronger. I went from having not enough hair to roll back there, to being able to use the small yellow rollers, then pink, then red, and now purple. When I got my relaxer three weeks ago, my hairdresser combed my hair down and gave me the mirror to show me that I no longer had a hole in the back. She was so happy, I thought she was going to cry. She had tried everything to get that hair back.
I have relaxed hair and I condition wash every single day. But no matter what I did prior to the whey protein, I could not get the hair to grow back in that area. I only use the protein once a day--and sometimes I don't have it on the weekends, but I have very little, and sometimes no hair in the comb at all when I comb my hair out.
I do have healthy hair practices because of what I've learned on this site (e.g. don't comb dry hair, satin bonnet, satin pillowcase etc. etc.) but the addition of protein to my diet has made a marked difference in the condition of my hair.
I have pm'd some of you to share what I've discovered, but one of the ladies on the board asked if I would share my story with all of you so here it is.
I did have some pictures that I was going to post because I had taken some 'before' shots with my blackberry and then I had some kind of software glitch with my blackberry and lost the photos. So I don't have any pictures to include with this post.
I know this is kind of long, but I have learned a lot from this site, and I've had incredible results with the protein. Thank Sistah' Reecie you all. She asked me to post.
A lot of the time we worry about doing protein treatments to our hair, and all that and we sometimes neglect to add the protein to our diets. I wish I did have pictures to show you all because it really did work for me.
Hope this helps, and I hope you will consider it. Just be careful because protein is not to be messed with, too much can be just as bad as too little. So go easy, but if you do, I hope it makes a difference for you the way it did for me.

good thread, i was wondering how much protein I should take a day. I was taking Chlorella and I was getting 12-15 grams of protein a day. Are you telling me that I actually need 100 grams of protein a day? :spinning: Maybe that's why I wasn't seeing any growth in the time I had been taking it. :ohwell:

no, you do not need 100 grams of chlorella a day!!
(i hope thats not what you meant,your post confused me!!:spinning:)

how long have you been taking chlorella? the growth will come,but you also have to change your lifestyle too.are you eating a clean diet?drinking enough water?
I had a lot of problems with my hair until I started adding protein to my diet. I had a huge hole in the back of my head in the nape area where the hair was short and broken off. In fact, the area was so bad that my hairdresser couldn't even roll that area. The back of my head looked like a big old H. I used to keep cutting it when it got to a certain length because I couldn't stand that see through look that the back of my hair had when I combed it out. It was depressing. My hair was thin and kind of wispy.
I started using a protein shake from GNC because I was dieting and working out etc. and I wanted to try to increase my metabolism and space my meals etc., etc.
So I started using the whey protein as an addition to my diet and after my resistance training work outs. About two months after that, my hairdresser noticed that not only was the hair growing back in my nape, but my hair had become stronger. I went from having not enough hair to roll back there, to being able to use the small yellow rollers, then pink, then red, and now purple. When I got my relaxer three weeks ago, my hairdresser combed my hair down and gave me the mirror to show me that I no longer had a hole in the back. She was so happy, I thought she was going to cry. She had tried everything to get that hair back.
I have relaxed hair and I condition wash every single day. But no matter what I did prior to the whey protein, I could not get the hair to grow back in that area. I only use the protein once a day--and sometimes I don't have it on the weekends, but I have very little, and sometimes no hair in the comb at all when I comb my hair out.
I do have healthy hair practices because of what I've learned on this site (e.g. don't comb dry hair, satin bonnet, satin pillowcase etc. etc.) but the addition of protein to my diet has made a marked difference in the condition of my hair.
I have pm'd some of you to share what I've discovered, but one of the ladies on the board asked if I would share my story with all of you so here it is.
I did have some pictures that I was going to post because I had taken some 'before' shots with my blackberry and then I had some kind of software glitch with my blackberry and lost the photos. So I don't have any pictures to include with this post.
I know this is kind of long, but I have learned a lot from this site, and I've had incredible results with the protein. Thank Sistah' Reecie you all. She asked me to post.
A lot of the time we worry about doing protein treatments to our hair, and all that and we sometimes neglect to add the protein to our diets. I wish I did have pictures to show you all because it really did work for me.
Hope this helps, and I hope you will consider it. Just be careful because protein is not to be messed with, too much can be just as bad as too little. So go easy, but if you do, I hope it makes a difference for you the way it did for me.


great post and congrats on your healthy hair!!:grin:
:bouncy: ...BUMPING!!! I am so excited about my growth results. I had to bump this because I guess added information to your original post will not put your thread at the top of the list. FYI..
I can testify that a high protein diet makes my hair grow faster than its normal slow pace. After I cut my hair (april) I started drinking shakes and green drinks, eating lots of fish etc. I stopped for the past six weeks due to moving cross country/vacation etc. I will be starting again next week when I go shopping.

Pix in my siggy...I know my hair wouldn't have grown that much (in 3 mos) without it.

Really try it!!
what sort of protein are you all eating? is it the protein shakes , or things like eggs and fish?i wanna try this, i truly belive more in what goes in than what we use cosmetically on the outside. this may help boost my growth. can someone recommend a protein shake?
what sort of protein are you all eating? is it the protein shakes , or things like eggs and fish?i wanna try this, i truly belive more in what goes in than what we use cosmetically on the outside. this may help boost my growth. can someone recommend a protein shake?

Yes, I'm curious too. Bumping for replies.
This is so weird. Last night I purchased a protein shake mix (Kashi) for increase protein and now I see this thread.

what sort of protein are you all eating? is it the protein shakes , or things like eggs and fish?i wanna try this, i truly belive more in what goes in than what we use cosmetically on the outside. this may help boost my growth. can someone recommend a protein shake?

Yes, I'm curious too. Bumping for replies.

I use Designers Whey protein shakes with Lactaid Milk together it is 25 gm of protein per serving.

ITA... I use Wegman's brand Whey Protein, which has 18 grams per scoop and Soy Milk which as 5 grams per cup. So 23 grams of protein total.
Has anyone noticed any weight gain with the protein shakes? Long hair...yes! Extra!

I personally have not, I have actually lost weight. FYI.. The whey protein shakes have relatively no fat and is very low in calories. Weight gain shouldn't be a problem if you are eating lean protein (i.e. chicken, fish, whey, soy, etc).
I use the Whey Protein from GNC--the vanilla flavored one. I add a tablespoon of vanilla yogurt and one scoop of the protein powder in 8 ounces of water. It tastes pretty good and has worked like a charm.
This thread just pushed me to get up n whip up an afternoon waistlength cocktail (egg shake) right now...

Bumping for more testimonials, thanks OP!