results of Mt/ovation use for 5 1/2 weeks


Well-Known Member
I was trying to wear my sew in for 8 weeks but decided to take it down last night. I knew it was growing but did not expect anything like I saw. I now have a full ponytail! I'm going to get a blow out this week and update my fokti even more. I was going to cut off the permed ends but think I will bin until spring and wear my half wig on days when I'm just too lazy. Please check out my fokti for pictures. MT/Ovation is thetruth! I will be one year post relaxer in November!
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Thanks everyone! I've been using it for a while but I had the sew in out in at the beginning of September and took it out last night. So I guess I used it for almost 6 weeks.
Looks great! How did you massage while in the sew in? or did you just put it on your scalp and then rinse?
wonderful growth:yep:

i cant wait to take down my braids in this wig

i gotta wait til dec though
wow, your growth is great. I will be charting my progress using megatek at the end of November wish me luck. Your hair is growing really nice. Keep doing what you doing.