I purchased the Gallon Size Of MT- Did I make a mistake!

Trudy is just coming to the realization that she is a junkie. I don't think she said that she is neglecting her bills, it's just that that money could have gone toward a bill.

Trudy just make a pledge not to buy any more products for 6 months or whatever, you will be fine, knowing is half the battle. :look:

$163 on a gallon size!:blush:!:blush:! Wowsers girl, you must really want long hair, and you want it bad!!! I must say that I have to agree with the other posters here and their suggestions. We all want long hair honey, but there should be a limit on what you're willing to do for it. That $163 indeed could have paid a bill, put groceries on your table, or could have went toward something more useful. Now I'm not telling you how you should spend YOUR money (GOD only knows I can't criticize anyone in that aspect), but it's quite obvious (judging from your post) that you admit to making a bad, unwise, regrettable decision. We all make mistakes, but we just have to learn from them (hence, the reason why I no longer go out and spend a ton of money on hair care products anymore). I agree that you should take a break from the MT for a while and just try a simple, basic routine. And furthermore, was it really necessary to buy a whole gallon of MT after you already had 2 full bottles of it?!?!?!:ohwell:

three bottles of ovation is 195 and I am guessing at the shipping and only adding five to the price. I paid 69 for mines. that comes to 207.00. I wasn't being greedy. I just didnt' want to keep buying bottles here and there and waiting a month for them. I had my first bottles for over a year now. I just finished them. I also don't feel I need a break from MT its not that deep for me it was a question of whats really going on. Thank you for your post. I regret not thinking things out futher, not the purchase. I regret that it cost so much but not the product. I put money aside so it wasn't a big deal in terms of money but yeah I could have been putting it towards paying a bill completely off
Ah, no.

No, I'm not worried about using the product itself, in the least..... :nono: It seems safer than a relaxer! :lol:
Trudy is just coming to the realization that she is a junkie. I don't think she said that she is neglecting her bills, it's just that that money could have gone toward a bill.

Trudy just make a pledge not to buy any more products for 6 months or whatever, you will be fine, knowing is half the battle. :look:

Thanks Frizzy, I appreciate your words. I am cool. I am not addicted to it. I use it everyday but every now and then I skip and I give some away too. The bill I was talking about was for my coach bag.
Honestly, I think that every post is worth reading (or at least skimming), but I also think that almost all knowledge is worth having. *sigh* I wish there was a quick, do this, do that, do this thread for MT/OCT, but there isn't. Each head is different, and each head has different levels of tolerance, and the threads - as huge and as long as they are - are an education on what works, what doesn't work, and in most cases - and most importantly - why it does/doesn't work, and why people chose to do XYZ instead of ABC.

I so strongly encourage people to read all those thousands of posts because I think that's the wisest thing to do when you are about to use something new on your head, that does have a risk of causing setbacks, and that is being used 'off label' - as in the mfg's instructions have little to no relevance to how we are using it. I honestly believe that your (in general) hair is worth taking the 3 weeks to read the threads to be fully educated on what those who are using it have done - and know better than to do. Especially considering the number of setbacks those who have not made an attempt to read the threads have encountered. And it's usually very obvious whether you have or have not made an attempt to read/skim the threads before you post a question....

But then, that's just me, personally, and that's how I handle my hair. I don't jump in and just start using stuff because I've seen a couple of people get good results - I do my research, first - I value my hair too much to allow my impatience to get me in trouble (and I'm reaaaaalllllllll impatient :lol:) , and I wouldn't feel right to suggest to others to do anything differently.

my point is (generally speaking) that b/c someone asks one question doesn't mean that they want to know every person's setback, how every person is using it, etc. the person asking the question may already have an understanding about the product, how they are going to use it, but they just need clarification on a certain aspect of the prodcut.

like is said, it is very easy for those of us who have been keeping up with the challenge threads to say "read the original threads..." but, as someone who has read virtually every thread posted about MT, i can admit that it IS overwhelming AND discouraging to someone who just has one simple question that needs to be answered to be told to read every single post in threads that have literally thousands of posts. there are a LOT of side conversations that take place in the orginal threads that have NOTHING to do with the product...i mean a LOT of posts that can further overwhelm and frustrate and discourage someone who just wants an answer to one question.

yes, i agree with you that the "safe" response to people's inquiries is to refer them to the original threads. and i can't even say that you or any of the MT Bandwagon "pioneers" haven't been very helpful in informing people of the product (b/c you have), but this is just something that has been on my mind for a while to say - that it is easy for those who have been a part of the MT experience from the beginning to say read through thousands of posts to get an answer to your question.

and i am like you. i spend HOURS and hours researching a product before i use it in my hair - especially one as "contraversial" as MT. BUT i also know that MOST people are not like that. most people are not even patient enough with their regimens to see results let alone read through thousands of posts in threads with tons of side conversations, to find the answer to a question.

sorry so long.
and i am like you. i spend HOURS and hours researching a product before i use it in my hair - especially one as "contraversial" as MT. BUT i also know that MOST people are not like that. most people are not even patient enough with their regimens to see results let alone read through thousands of posts in threads with tons of side conversations, to find the answer to a question.

sorry so long.


I might just be a punk then, cuz I'm scared of people like that - they seem to be the ones who would rather blame someone other than themselves for their setbacks, and on the real - I'm not trying to be that person what gets blamed, ya know? Henna & MT are two things that... on the real, the research is worth it - it'll answer questions you never even knew you had (or you should have asked).


Sorry for the :hijacked:, Trudy....

I might just be a punk then, cuz I'm scared of people like that - they seem to be the ones who would rather blame someone other than themselves for their setbacks, and on the real - I'm not trying to be that person what gets blamed, ya know? Henna & MT are two things that... on the real, the research is worth it - it'll answer questions you never even knew you had (or you should have asked).


Sorry for the :hijacked:, Trudy....

:lachen: me, too, trudy!!!

well, those people that you are "scared" of represent the majority, imo.

i agree with you kiya, which is why i ALWAYS encourage folx to conduct patch tests on their hair prior to fully using new products/product blends on their hair and scalp (ESPECIALLY potentially damaging products like MT & Henna). BUT, we both know that folx be too anxious to grow their hair from EL to AL (arse length) in 2 months and will jump from bandwagon to bandwagon and be mad about the fact that they are not progressing when they posted a thread that asked a question that never got answered, then they go start a hate blog about LHCF and how unhelpful and unknowledgeable those women are "over there". (i'm joking, but not really ;))

i agree with you, though, that folx should be more willing to research and find answers for themselves, but we both know that they aren't.


ok. for real, i am not hijacking ANYMORE :look:

love ya, kiya! :blowkiss:
Honestly Ladies... I just wanna know the answer to one little question. I cannot POSSIBLY stand anymore of reading all the threads the search gives me when I look for MegaTek. They go all off subject and get hijacked and I just can't find the answer that I am looking for.
Of course I can do my own research, but as a mother of three kids, between the ages of 2 months to 4yrs, I REALLY need to maximize my time!
I end up getting sidetracked and reading about other things and lose focus, or just plain frustrated because I CAN'T FIND the ANSWER! I've been reading and still don't know the answer... Which EQyss MT product is the one everyone else seems to use?
There's Mega Tek and Micro Tek and then there are more than one shampoo... which one or which conditioner, and then let me make my decision. I'm just asking which one is the one y'all use here?

Once I know which one, I can do my research until the cows come home, but I really don't want to have to research all the products from EQyss before I finally find my answer... that's what the whole point of this forum is for... Help a Sistah Out! If you don't know, then that's fine, just say so. But telling someone who just joined this forum two weeks ago to read all the threads is enough to make you wish you hadn't paid the $6.50 to join. I'm a newbie to LHCF, not to trying to grow my hair... I thought I'd get help along my journey-not pointless directions to search a never-ending forum that still hasn't answered my question. I only ask if I can't find the answer.
Not all of us are going to blame you if our hair falls out, if I choose to use the product after I've read about it, that's my beef, and I'll eat it.
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Honestly Ladies... I just wanna know the answer to one little question. I cannot POSSIBLY stand anymore of reading all the threads the search gives me when I look for MegaTek. They go all off subject and get hijacked and I just can't find the answer that I am looking for.
Of course I can do my own research, but as a mother of three kids, between the ages of 2 months to 4yrs, I REALLY need to maximize my time!
I end up getting sidetracked and reading about other things and lose focus, or just plain frustrated because I CAN'T FIND the ANSWER! I've been reading and still don't know the answer... Which EQyss MT product is the one I should use?

Once I know which one, I can do my research until the cows come home, but I really don't want to have to research all the products from EQyss before I finally find my answer... that's what the whole point of this forum is for... Help a Sistah Out! If you don't know, then that's fine, just say so. But telling someone who just joined this forum two weeks ago to read all the threads is enough to make you wish you hadn't paid the $6.50 to join. I'm a newbie to LHCF, not to trying to grow my hair... I thought I'd get help along my journey-not pointless directions to search a never-ending forum that still hasn't answered my question. I only ask if I can't find the answer.
Not all of us are going to blame you if our hair falls out, if I choose to use the product after I've read about it, that's my beef, and I'll eat it.

look @ the link in my siggy. that explains the basics of what MT is. i hope that sums everything up for ya.

please, let's not forget that we were all Noobies at one point in time...
:woohoo:Thanks Poookie! You so totally ROCK for this!:urock:

That's all I needed, and you are the BOMB for answering me!
We all have buyer's remorse after certain purchases. I'm not going to ride you about how you could ahve paid a bill with that money blah, blah, blah...... If you feel that bad about it, try to bottle some of that gallon and sell it! Honestly, once I told my friend about how fast MT started working for me, she told another friend, and now they're both buying it. If you already have 2 full bottles, could stand to lose a few ounces, if it's going to bring profit or make up for what you spent on that gallon.
Yes you made a mistake! And you should promptly send your gallon of goodness right to my address for free.
i wish a gallon was that price in the UK *SIGHS*

Ya know, but after I'm done with the 16 oz bottles I will be getting the gallon size because I use it everyday and the gallon is a saving. So as much as people say it's a lot, if you use it, it's a money saver.

It's £116 for the gallon in the UK About $220, you lot are getting it for cheap and about $40 for the 16oz but I'm fine with it as it does what it says on the bottle. Except repair my hoofs, mane n tail :look:
Yes Trudy, I too have wondered what is the long term effect of this horse hair enhancing product.
Anyway, I'm surprised so many people were making an issue of the bill remark????
Anyway, I hope you find your answer, just wanted to say I've pondered that question re: these products too.
Ya know, but after I'm done with the 16 oz bottles I will be getting the gallon size because I use it everyday and the gallon is a saving. So as much as people say it's a lot, if you use it, it's a money saver.

It's £116 for the gallon in the UK About $220, you lot are getting it for cheap and about $40 for the 16oz but I'm fine with it as it does what it says on the bottle. Except repair my hoofs, mane n tail :look:

Trudy, if you are so concerned, you can always send your gallon to me for free:yep:, I am very happy to receive such wonderful gifts :yep:. But on a serious note, I have to agree with LD, you have a good bargain on that one, and it is a money saver. I know there is someone, who this board, who has got the gallon MT. I am sure, you have already paid your bills and you have made a good investment, good quality products are always expensive.
@ Trudy, I think you were just doing what I do and a lot of us do , and having a 'moment' to work out some of your thoughts about just what your doing ,why and how you really feel about it. Its all good mama! you will probably have find your own answers on all of it for yourself and decide what YOU feel about using the products and how much they cost and when you will purchase and only you can decide if its truly worth it both buying them and using them TO YOU ALONE! and long term

Let this be a lesson to all lol , talk to a friend or work your 'moments' out with time and process and prayer before you blurt it out in a post, you just might not get the understanding or support your looking for , from some yes, from some NO, and you might get 'hung out to dry' by some

buyers remorse is no joke. I HAVE IT NOW TOO. I have so many conditioners now its not even funny, I will not be buying any more! I have a BSS in my home now :look:

I just had to figure its all going to get used, so the bulk buying wasnt THAT BAD ,NOT REALLY, OK IT WAS, BUT STILL :grin:
Yes Trudy, I too have wondered what is the long term effect of this horse hair enhancing product.
Anyway, I'm surprised so many people were making an issue of the bill remark????
Anyway, I hope you find your answer, just wanted to say I've pondered that question re: these products too.

Oh my god thank you girl. I was starting to feel down about the whole thing. I am really happy about the growth, but my real issue is how is it possible for our hair to grow so fast and not affect us somewhere down the line. I was wondering if anyone felt that, thought that. I was making sure I had the product, even to the point of spending the maximum I could but in the end, will it be worth it. Will I grow something in there right along with the hair. How could everyone not question that. I got great growth and you know I love it not saying I don't but then when you think about it hasn't there always been some side affect later down the line for anything foreign we take in our bodies or put on our bodies. gosh I guess I was just to deep with it and it must to hard to even think about. Truly I was hoping someone with scientific knowledge would chime in and say its all good girl you know but it didn't happen.
Trudy, how long have you been using Mega-Tek?
I started out a year ago, but didn't like it. so I put it away and then I think Feb it resurfaced on the boards and I read it for about a month and decided to join the challenge in March, at that point I had purchased Ovations and still had the MT. but you know I am not good at routines. so I don't know if I acheive much growth for a few months, then others acheive great growth so I started again more diligently and my hair grew really fast so fast it was visable to anyone who saw me. I put twist in to see it myself. I was so hooked and then I notice it was getting harder to get (cheaper anyway) it took a month for me to get the 16oz so I decided why keep going through this get one gallon size and be done with it for a while. I had money set aside for a few more bottles of Ovations which is what 140.00. so I added few more dollars and got the gallon MT. Does that make sense. I only added 23 dollars more and brought a gallon.
Oh my god thank you girl. I was starting to feel down about the whole thing. I am really happy about the growth, but my real issue is how is it possible for our hair to grow so fast and not affect us somewhere down the line. I was wondering if anyone felt that, thought that. I was making sure I had the product, even to the point of spending the maximum I could but in the end, will it be worth it. Will I grow something in there right along with the hair. How could everyone not question that. I got great growth and you know I love it not saying I don't but then when you think about it hasn't there always been some side affect later down the line for anything foreign we take in our bodies or put on our bodies. gosh I guess I was just to deep with it and it must to hard to even think about. Truly I was hoping someone with scientific knowledge would chime in and say its all good girl you know but it didn't happen.
U know now that you mention it and LORD knows I already done put my brain to work about the use of these products, much to the disgust of others though :perplexed but you got my brain working again :spinning:

kinda like taking Biotin or MSM you grow out different hair. MSM=Possible texture change and Biotin=thicker strands possibly, so then the other hair on your head is different and once usage is stopped, the new growing hair from then on would possibly be different

might be the same with Keratin use and the stronger hair, stopping use will have different hair growing in than the MT/OCT treated hair possibly? just a possible scenario I would think

I know EVERYBODY but ME can speak on their thoughts/feelings about this stuff now, but let it go ya'll. I am responding with 'my thoughts' to a post, nothing more

not trashing yall's MT/OCT products.......OK?
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Oh my god thank you girl. I was starting to feel down about the whole thing. I am really happy about the growth, but my real issue is how is it possible for our hair to grow so fast and not affect us somewhere down the line. I was wondering if anyone felt that, thought that. I was making sure I had the product, even to the point of spending the maximum I could but in the end, will it be worth it. Will I grow something in there right along with the hair. How could everyone not question that. I got great growth and you know I love it not saying I don't but then when you think about it hasn't there always been some side affect later down the line for anything foreign we take in our bodies or put on our bodies. gosh I guess I was just to deep with it and it must to hard to even think about. Truly I was hoping someone with scientific knowledge would chime in and say its all good girl you know but it didn't happen.

The only answer to this would be to get a first , second and possibly even a third 'professional' opinion like from a Dermatologist etc on the possible risks of long term/frequent use of keratin on the scalp, since that HAS NOT been done, I dont think ANYONE can say 'whats down the line' with it for absolutely certainly for sure

has anyone asked a Derm?