
Well-Known Member
This is my 1st time using henna, I mixed a 1/4 cup of henna with a tablespoon of indigo, and ACV , let it sit for 2 hours, then mixed in 1/2 cup of tressemee conditioner, I applied this seaweed like gook to my hair and let it sit for 30 mins, my hair stung a little intially i guess from the ACV, in any event I rinsed, then shampooed , conditioned , and let it air dry, this is what it looked like this morning, I have not used any heat, it has a little NTM serum, prior to this I had brown highlights, my hair felt stronger and thicker as I was washing the mud out, I will do it again in a week or so, however I will not add anymore color overall I am very happy with the results,

before henna, just noticed the colors look the same here, the henna photo dosen't show the auburn color well
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Actually, I can see the henna color and it looks nice. That NTM serum gave you a nice sheen. LOL about the seaweed & mud:grin:
thank you, it looks a little bit more vibrant today, I am axious to try it again for the glossing effect,